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An Abolitionist In Jail

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- The paperstate Joseph Bryant, one of the most respec tabJe cit2eii8 ot' lhooke county, Virginia, has been arrestetl and cast into jail, on the charge of havin aiiied in the escape ofcer tain runaivay siuveö. He was arresfed by the sheriff twenty miles from home, and conducted back, with exultation, to WheeU ng, where he was iroprisoned in adungeon. P.S.He has since been released on accuunt óf the Ilegality oflhe proceedings.OTThe board of Baptist ministers ia and aroundthe cities of London acd West minster havo excluded slaveholders from their communiou. The Northern ABsociatiou of Bapiist churchee held at North Shields, and the Southern Irish Baptist Association held at Cork, together with 48 other churches of different denominations, have concurred in the same action.QL?=TJ)e Soiicitor of ihe United States Bank has commenced suits against every person indebted to the Bank, in the U. S. District Court. All the blanke were used up the first day, and somo rearas of summonses were ordered from the printer for fur ther operations. A fine raarket for eheriffs and lawyorB,