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ANTI-SLAVERYALMANACS FOR 1842-just received and for snle at thia office. Pr ice 6 cents single: 75 ets. per dozen. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, 1841. ff&ORK AND WHEAT wanted by F. ■ Dkkison, fop whicb goods or nioney will bepaid at fair rntes. Ann Arbor, Dec. 21, 1841. 26-tf rillMOTHY SEED AND HIDES- -■- Cash wUl be paid at all times for Timotht Seed, Hjdbs end Whbat, when delivered at nay etore in Ann Arbor. (Upper Twn.) p. DENISON. Dec 29, 1841. ge tfROCHESTER CITY STOREj Four Story Brick Store, Ann Arbor, (Lnt er Villa ge.) TUIS DA Y RECEIVED, Qtf Pieces Beayer ii Broad Clothi, 'W from is to L7,00 20 " Cadet Broad Clotbs from 12 to 16a. 30 " Satinett & Sheeps Grey 4 ' 12r. 40 " Fr. Eng. & Ger. Mereno " 44d. lLt. 40 ' Saxony k Muslin DeLaneB I8d. 5. 200 " Fr. Eng. & Amer. Calicó 8 to 3 ld. 10 " Ladies Cambíete d'ble widths 5 to 7e. Silks and Lace Goode, Ribbons, Silk ehawle, Silk Mantnias.Drees Shawls,Glove and Hosiere; with a full asaortment of all kinds of Dry Gooda, all of which the public are reepeclfully invited to cali and examine, and they i ill then be convinced that they cao buy Dry Goods as cbeap at the Rochester City Store, as tbey can io any Sacterp City or Village. kiso, READY MADE COATS, (Enaade in the latest etyle.,,5 A. PARDE'E, Agt. Ann Arhor, Nor. L8, 1841.THRESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, Sic. THE undersigned are manufacturingand will keep constantly on hand at their shop two and a half miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Raii Road, HORSE POWERS anüTHRESHING MACHINES.- The horee power ia a new invention by S. VV. Fostkr, and is d-cidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horsa Power, with a good Threshing Machine ia 120 dollars, at tha shop; without the Machine, ninety dollars. These Horse Powers can be used with two, three or four horseá to good advantage. Three men with two horses, can thresh one hundred bushei of wheat per day (if it yields middling well,) and it will not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Power and Thrcsher can both ba put in a common waggoo box, and drawn any distance by two horses. The Ttoa Horse Power will be soJd at the shop, with the Thresher for one hundred dollars; without the Thresher, for seventy-five dollars They also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recenily invented by S. W. Fostbr, which are decidedly preferable toanyolher for cuttiog straw or corn etalke, by horse or water power. They also work by hand. - Price, fifteen dollars. -ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding prorender, at the rate of six to eight bushels per hour, with two horses or by water. -Also - (E-SMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. W. Fostib.- Price, aixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, k Co. Scio, June 23, 1841. 10-lyMORTGAGE SALE. ÖEFAULT having been raad in the payuient of a certain BUtn of money, secured by indenture of mortgage, executed by Barney Davanny to Jacob L. Larzelera and George B. Daniels, dated. July the Llst, A. D. 1837, and recorded iu the register's office in the county of Washtenavv, Michigan, on the 28tli day of Au-i gust, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and tbirty-seven, in liber fiva of mortgages at page two hundrtd and eigbty-three, whereon 19 due at the date of this nolice two hundred and eight dollars and forty four cents, which said mortgage bas been duly assigncd to the subscnber. Notice ia therelore hereby given that on Thursday the third day of February next, at. one o'clock, r. m., at the Court House in ihn village of Ann Arbor, in the county of VVaehtenaw, will be sold at public auction tlia premises jn said mortgage described, beïng all that certain piece or parcel of land eituate in the county of Wasbtenaw, Stato of Michigan and boundcd and deacxibed as follows: it being tho west half of the south-. west quarler of section number seven, iu township number one couth of range number four eust, containing eighty one and thir ty one hundredth acres of land. FRANCIS Ai'CONIN, Aseignef). L. H. Hewett, Attorney, Dated Nor. lat 1841.CLOTH DRESSING! 'HHE subscriben rtepectfully announco to -" llie citizcnsof Ann Arbor and ricinity hat thcy are preparcd to cireee a few hun dred pieces of cloth in lh best tyle, and on the shortest notice. Having good ma chinery, experienced workmen, and long oractice ia ihe bueiaess.tbey hav the utmost onfidenca thatthey shall giv complete sat sfaction to their customers. Send on your cloth without delay. J. BECKLEY, U Co. Ann Arbor, Dec. 1841. ?4tf Produce of every Dcscriptiou, BECEIVED n payment for Job work, Advert'iBing and Subseriptions to the "yioAt ojp Libertt," if delirered at the Office, immediately orcr Wie St ru of J. Bekley, b Co. kjrri . Aincjricií.58 Ladics'kNaiiO3ia! Magazine. GODEY'8 LADY'S BOOK, FOR 1343. The most pplcndid and valnable Monthly Periódica! evor publishcd. Tno otily magazine devoted to Ladíes and c-jndueted Tiy members of thoir own st3x. Cornposod en lirely of original anieles, by the roost eminent writerd of the age; and embollisHed with a larger number and a gtoater variety of costly, elegant and attractivo pictorial iliuotrations, Ihan any similar pubheation. EDITEI) BY Mrs. Sarah J. Halo, iMorton M'Michüh], Mrs. L, IJ, Sigoumey,L. AGodey. CO.NTHIBUTORS TO KACII MJMiiBR. Miss. C.M. Sedawickj N. P. Willis, Miss E. Leslie, Mrs. C. Leelier.ez, Mrs. E. C. Embur}', T. S. Artliur, Theodore S. Fay, Mrs. E. F. tÜKt. In aniiodncinj to his nu:ieruii9 jmtrons ;'od th puliÜc at largo, his ürraitiremcius for ibe ycar 184-2, th proprietor of Gcxiey's Liuly'd Book, takes occasiin to bckuowlt oge the unparalielec' and triumpliant succesa ff ,iiis Mag'izhxo, whic!) has mnv roached the extraordinary nutnber offorly thousand monthljj;btíÍ!igfx larger edition.thau liao t.-ver been prmted of any otlier work óf any descripliun in America. Tliis sucess hü is nware has been nttained ly the vaat vupüi ioriiy v!)ich tho Lady'a iBfcok has nlways maintained over tiieconteitórary rnagazinea which have nttemjited to rivtil ils nn-nu-, a s'jpöriority which he is still determinc-d lo preserve by keeping it, in all ite departmonts iiterary, inlellectnal and moral, as vn!l ua pictorhil, eiohl.ematic, arlistic, and inecha:,!cál. Thatihiáia no ïdle boast, hc nppeuid to the experience? of the past twelve 'yeare, in all which time, he has made no promise to the public which he has not striclly pcrformed, nor undenaken anvtiiing whicJi his means did not enable him to accuniplish to the utmost. Entering, as he is a bout to do, on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Book, wil h increased energy and accumulate.dsources;wilh an ampie knowledge of the business in vyh'ich lie ia engiiged, acquired by long years of' uörèrhitted appíication: vyiih a subsoription list unparalleled in thu unnals of literaiiire; with nutnerous faciülios i;ot poescssed by any ether, publisb.;r; with wclliligestecl and wide-e.Uended erguments; and above al!, with a titeadfasf purpose of' inaiutaming the lofiy devatiun hid work has reached, the proprietor lias nol fiei-itated to incur expenses, wlncli under other circuai Btancês mig'.it provo startling, but by meajas of u-hich he w}Y be eriablèd to make Uio Ludy's Book, the richest, the riirëat, the must atr.i?.clivo, and tho most poriodicn!, intrinsical and extrinsically, ever uffered to the American public. LiTERARY Dkpartmemt.- It has ever been tho aim of the propnetor to impact to the L-idy's Eook a Jiigh üterary and moral tone, and fur this parp.ipe ie Ijhf, without regard to cost, prbcürèd the aid of ihe most eminent ritere and, for eevoral years past, has committed its editorial supervisión to Mis. J Hale, Mrt. Lvdia H. SiOurncy,and Mi.-:s E. Lelie, ladies of ivhom not only their ovvn se.v, bui the whole country, have reason to be proud. ín thiö respect, the LadysBook ei'.jóys a decided odvantage pver ui! ertb-cr pyOítpaVioní, as it '-b Ue onLy wor.deviii.dto ladies, ladiss ck-rive an advantiigo which must be obviuns to every pnrent, hnsbam], brothcr, and fViertd.ns well ;s to every lady wJiö pröperly appreciates the dignity and impörtance of lier sex. To add lo its supenority in this particular he proprietorliaB secured inaddilion tu the Iadü3 ülready menl.ioned, the inva!u:blo services of Miss C. M. Sedgevvick, author of [ledwood, Clarencc, Letters from Én'gíáod, .e. Sec; a writer, wiiose efforts i.-i raisinohe 'inteIJéctual standard of her ex, and vmdicatina t!i-; true rihts of woman,not Jess ban her richly-gifted intellect and varied Btbrmation, havo sh'wcó her a reputation as viJo as it will bo eiid-.iring. íie has also nade arrangoments, l,y uluch, besides reo-ilar contributiona from Virs. P. C. Embury, Mrs, II. B. Stowe.' Vrs. I'.S.Osgood, Mrs. S. Smith, 1rs. M. H. Pafspris, Mrs. J. 'JMiayer, Mrs, A M. P. Annan, ,Mr?. L.Hentz, Mrs.fO. F. E:Iet, Mrs. E. C. Scdman -Ira. Dupuy. Mrs. M. Duncan, Airs. V. L. lloward, iMrs. M. èit. Loud, dim E, Alien MrsC.II.W.Esling lis. S. K Parley, Miss jI, B. Soow, Miss E. Lfslie, Kate Franklin. ?1e will be enabled to furnish articlcB romMana Edgworlh, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Mary R. Alilford, Mrs Hofland, Mrs. C. B.Wjlson, Mary Hówilt, and otber English hdy-vvriters of distinct ion, tomo of whom llave tfíreády publishd in tlio Lady's Book the only original coñtnbutions they Jinve over m'ade lo American literatura. Nor has he omitted lo pros cure the assistance of eminent writera of both sex. A ware of the universal and well aeservefl popiriatity oïlX. Willis, Eso and confidept that U.e productions of Iiis graccful ind elegant pjn vvili be íhighly ac-: Cfptable io tho readers of llie Lady's JÖook.' proprietor has entered into an aríanee-1 ment, by wHich he wil] be oble to givoín' each number ofhis work an exclusive arlicle trom the gentleman; and lie has aleo retaina. lot thocontnbutors wbose writings have norctorore given sut-h ampie satisfaction n.?"(]!nff EpesSargent, W. Gr. Simms, E?q. Geo. P. Morris, Irof.-saor Ingraharn, Jos. R. Cliandlor, professor Dimitry, Robert Morris, Professor Frost, Finy Earlo, M. D. Professor Waher, N. C. Brooks, A. M. Park Benjamin, Eiq. E. Halden, K. S. Maci;enzie, A. M'Makin, r. S. Author, Esq. L. F. Tasistro, tl. V. Herbert, Rufiis Datvcs, Jos. p.-Nealj E. ü.Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrad, J. M'LeJJon, Jr. Dr. J. K. Milchell, Jas. Aldncli.With such aitl. it ia not too much to eay, thfit tiie Litcrary Department oflhe Ladv's B.)ok will surpass uny thing that Ims ever been orean be attempted. Ornamenï al Dkpartjhent.- It is a source of no littlo pride to the Proprieior of the Lady's Book, ihat he first introduced into this country Iho plan of furnishing, o!on .witlia montlily pciiodical of elegant literatnr(, embellishmenta ufan attractive anrl coötiy chnracler. The first etcel ngravings accompanying such a work were given by iiini; the first mezzotint engr;ivingu-asgivcnby h'iva; tb'o first patterns of loce-work and embroidcry wero given by bim; the tirstcu!I ored phtes of faehion ivere given by him; ! the iirst inusic was given by him. These aro ! Unngs to which he would not refer, ifsome 1 of thoso who have essayed to follow in hia I footeteps, uut content wiih inmating uil bis designs, even to the forra f his look, the 6izo of hia type, and tho color of his cover, j had not foolisli Jy put ferward claims to orig inality, and attempted to tbund ft riglu to an i exclusive merit on doing tlmt vrhidi they j have borrovved from his exanjple. But wliat he iias dom: herelofore in the way of embeljishroauta to his Book, though itfarexceeded any effurt of those who strove to ccpy j liis movemente, cannut compare with what : heriow mea na lo do. ilia arrangernants Tor this departoient of liis work have been pro'jected on ihe most liberal scalo of exper.dilurc, inVolvfog an extent of outlay eucli as has never before been dreamed of in any perjodical, Em opean or American. As an evidence o!' his inteutions, he now siates tiiat eacb nnmbero.f the Lady's Book for the ensu, year, will contain at least threc splendid i chgravings; embraeiiig in the sence every poseible varicty óf subject s. Historia],Land, senpe, Piclurcsque, PorUaiture, ímaginative and Ktnbleinatical, and execused in evëry pos. öible VRriety of the ari; inezzotinf, luif} and ; mezzotint, stiple, medalion, and tlmt most cheste and expressive inannor, the Istie anJ dot corii)in:d, wliich has given euch world wide cekbrity to the worl-.s of modem artists. I Sijlendi(!l colored pintes of ihe (ashion?, w-iil alsol.c given eveiy menth, corituininij' at four íernale figures, nnd embodyin in every in'sta'ncè the lutést coatümesi receiv" ed direclly from a C4rret=joiut-nt ót i'oris. In order to give tífegréátést atuactiveness to the eubjects of bis pmbellishmnts. the , Propiietor has given orders to varkuiB Amer.icap Paintcrs, tf eslabltshed repii(ation,Hvhö are now ungsged in preparing txpn öily for ' the Lady's JL5uok,numerous original piclures, on National find Hiátorical evente, souiü óf which aie nonrly completed, and eoon wijl le in the hands of the engrnypr. Atnong tha painters thus engaged ho mny enumérate J G Chupman, Painler of Ihe N aliona I Picture of the Baplism of Pocakontus. P F Rotiu-nnel, J P Frania-ustein, ö S Osgood.o Bost.l Wiüiarns, fcc. He has also eslablished a correspondence in London through which he will receivL' early proof impression3 of ihe fincst prints txecuted rn tliat meironoüs, and wilr tVue be constantly supplicd with an immense variety froin which to niake suilable Eelectiona as i we] as a series of pictorial illustralhins of Shakespeare; two of which, Anna Pngo ond WasteT SJender by Lesliü, nnd Kuliiarins ( ;ind Petruchio, by Cattertnoio, and are now : neai !y ready. Aaiong the 6ubjecta at present in preparalion for the Lady's Book, may be mentioned Moining Devotion and Eveniñg ÜevoLion, - iwo supeib pictuics of domestic pieiy; i.he Eübcts of Industry ond tbe , Effecls of idleness, - admirable ülüstrátions of great moral truths; The Old Soldier and his Famiïy, a beautifu! transcript of patriotic feeüngs; severalöf Sir David Wilkie's moat valued compositions. Departing for the Fair and Returning iVom market, - channing spo. citncnsofrtirai life;The Village Amanutjnsis, Fortune Tèlii'ng.; The Kecret Disco vercd, Tji.e i.imden's ;hamber, The Elopement of Bianca Capella, fee fop.;; ancTfidwin Landseci'd asi and greaiffit production. Youtbful Innocence, of which the only copy in the country is ihut whicii belongs to the propnetor. Dfitermincd to gralify every possibie variety of taste, Ihe proprielor lias a'so made arringements for a series of the most euperl) ftlëzzotints ever èxecütèd in ' try, sevëral of which ore already engraved, ! and will be given to his eubscribers, as eoon ns a suííicient nümbrr of inpreeaióhs can be taken lo supply his immense edition. RoBidfS the eervicea óf IJ . g. Sadd, of New York, who hus ncw in baúd a number of platee, the proprietor has secured Ihe services of Mr. HújipuBEi'a of London: who isunivereaily conceded to stand in the furetnost rank ófEiigliah Eng'rave'rs, end wlioio eplendid eiforts n mezzotint have commanded the adnnraüon of the moet dislinguisbed amateurs and critice. This eminenartist ia now engagcd in preparing expressly for the Lady's IJook, n imrnber of mezzotinl pictures, which tita proprietor pledges himself ].l be ofan unsor.pasaeti excellence; and of the most intèrsting and attractiVe Btihjecta. 'lo guard against all possibility of difficiilty hereafter, he has likevvise ordered from Lngland, a complete mezzotint establishment, and oimediately on its anival, Mr William E. Tuck.T, of this city, will coraaienco operations, in Ihat department of art, In order to procure these various embelJisatnenta in flgisqni he proprietor has mude permanent arrangemcints with the follonintr eminent engravers, all of whom are nojv engaged in executmg steel plates for the ! Ladv's Bonk.New York. Philadelphia. A L Dick, W E Tucker, N Gimberedo, J B N en crio W H Jackm:ill, J B Porrest, J G Dunnd, W H Ellis, A Jonea, E Humphreys. liiANSMissio.N xív mail.- Ono advantao-e the subscnberá of tuis vvork will have, will beitaearly recopiion. It will be reccived attho remotcHi ckica of the Union, hy the iirst day of tht? nonth of publication.Clubbing.- Lady's Book, 1 year, and t'eople s Library, 1 year, $5.00 Lady's Book and Yóung People's Book, 5,00 Do Amateui'a Musical Library, j (containing 20ü Jüges of nevvand beau; tiful music.) 5 q0 ! Do tícott's Novéis and People's i L.brary, 1 year. 1000 l)o bcolt's niiscellaneous 'ivorki and People's Library, i yenr. lo 00 Do All Scol'is Works, complete in 10 vols. and People's Library, 15,00 Lo Thier's ílistory oí tho Fr Revolution. i0 00 Do Pictoriul Librar, I year, and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do and Young People's Boolc,looo Lord Bacon'-, uorks; Thiers Histoiy of the FrencH Revolutiou, and VVaverIcy's NoveJs, in 5 volg. 2o,Oo Do Thiers Revolution and Scotis Workè, comploie in 10 vols. 25 00 BufciNKss DnpAUTMENT.- The price'of tlus publicalioa is three dollars per annum- two copies, one yenr, in cavante, five dollars. ■ i'liosc of our friends wanting lo subscribe to the bes; Two Dollar Wcekly FamilyNewspapcr, published in this city, ZZZ accommüdateü as fotlows: Two copies oftliG Saturday Courieï on year, and Uodey'a Lacïy'a Book, one year sent lor v Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.ló'n Five copies or the Saiurday Courier i Z and Ludy'sBook, 1 year. loyQr Eleven copies of ihe Lady's Book 1 yr.oo'00 1 hirieen copies of the Lndy'a Book 1 L and Waker ScoU'a Novela, complete, 'orhiá misccllaneous works, whichever rnsv u preierrea. " Q e J n all cases whero tnoney'is remitted'for "Cldbfaing," tho most liberal allowances wn be .nade. The money, in all case?, lo hn ptiBitively received Uefore a number is sent o letters -.vill bo taken frora the Post Offic nnli'63 the poslage on thern is paid. UnleB positivo orders ure given at the timo of tiu scrilving, the vvork wijl be cuniinued ft.l the first year, and if nol paid duriñ t!ü year, the pnce will bo increased to 4doi-rB Addres L A. GODEY, . ' 101 Chesnut etreet, Philadelplna PUBLISIIKD AT DETROIT. MICH. i no becond Volume oí' the Western F,,r mor wiil conmute on the first oí Janoary ncxt. i,,e eiu-ourcgeraent extended Lo i!ic, mu! the prospect of ii-creasctf patronage, will enable the pubHslier tu pros enttlítí béxtvóTunil with tio-.v typc, better paper, and erribelliéhéd occasionalfy with engravite. Tb.e pu.bljshcr wonkl add, thar Lho Editorial Department will be u.ntfcr (he lirecüon of Bela Hufibaid, Eq.5 of iheSlaleGeológica] D.'pnriiiieiit, atril whose interesting and valuable coaimunications ir the firet yölnme, and familiar to the public. It s ifesígfied to m;ke this volume of üw Farmer firfct; and cliiefly, a medium of commuiíic.iiien among the Farmers ofihe West of their views and éxperiéncej and a dissem' mntor of useful knowledge on tíie euhjectof ylgriciilliin?- the most uaofiil and honorable of all occiipatioiT--. ín r.tícition, it is proposed to tkvoie scine pon ion of the paper to siic!) other General lntelllgence und Literatino as may be read vvüli profit at every Breside n the S'.ote. We propoao, nlso, lo ínmish taoch Sthiistical and oihcr ínformalion, íhal ivill rentier our paper useful to the general reader, and yaluable tbr future reforeucc. No State s more fortunately aituutcd for ftgriculiuro; yet thero snot a paper ia Michigan, ours excepted, uhich is even partnüy devoted to the Farmer's interests.- The rest are governed by party politici Our papar is, !y far, the chenpesl piifhcd in fho Státe; ánd with the support, wcprpm. ise ()i!)-e!ve.'j, no hppe to make it lliebfist. 'armkrsof Micuioan! f8,000 in number, a:.fl friends oí" Agricultura in the Wesü in view of these faets, we ask your oid lo sustaiu us through a second volume. -■ TERM8. One dollar ayear, payablo in advance; or.e dollar and í]í'y cents if psid withm six mo's or two dollars ifriol paid until the expirntion of six nionths. No subscripüon will 1)C considered n advanco nnless puid at th tiraé of sübflcribing. Auy perspn who ll forward us iha ñames of fiv übecribers, and five dol!ar3 in cash, wll le entiíled to ihe sixtli cnpy gratis. Persone acting as agents, will picase funvard tlie narues of such subscribers as ilny may obtain, as soon as practicable.- In no case, will the Farmer be sent to any subseribers who is in .'urcars for the first volume. Subscribe rs' ñames, and remillancesi n lianded to Post Mustera can be forwarded írco of PostHgi'. All letters must be addressed (free or post paid) to the pimiwi& B. p. AUJ1STRONG. Deíroit, Mich., Nov. SOth, Ia4l TAir.OHíNG BUSINESS! A M. NOBLE, wouJU respectfully inxjslo fonn tjie CI,jzens of Ann Arboi, and lts vicinify, that he has recently opened $a snop inthe Lower Tovvn, immediately over tne late mercanlile stand of Lund fy Gibson, and opposite the shoe store of J. Bcckley, & Co., where lie te prepared at a]1 times to do worlv in iiis line, vvith promplness, and iq a neat and durable rnanner. Particular attention will be paúl to cutting garménts. Produce will be taken at the usual prices, for ivork done ot his shop.- Those ivho have cash to pay for services of tliis kind, are particular invited to cali. Ann Arbor, Octobcr 6, 1841. tC ttlassksi Bïaislisi! BïaMks!!! HpüST PRINTED, on fine paper aní .P in a superior style, a large ?ssortj ment of blank summons, eubpcenas, Execu Lions, kc.- ;For sale at this ohice. Wood! vootí! Woodr jraTANTED IMMEDlATEEÏj n tív w w 8Vds of good hickory wood in exïhonge for the 'Signal of LibkrttÍ"