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Will bepublished every Wcdnesday mom fcig m Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, by lbo Execuüve Committee, br the liichigan State Anti-Slavery Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Terms.- -2,00 per annum, ín advancc. $2,50 in sil months. $3,00, ï payment be delayed to the close of the year. A slrict ndlit'rence to iho abovc xehms wil] bo obsorved in every case. 07 No paper will be discontinued untilall nrrearnges are paid.,3} ADVBRTisEMBM'suiankfully receivetl and ineerted al the usual prices n this vicinity. Any friend of humanitv dcsiring to aid the cause of Liberty, is aulhorized to act as Agent. Al! REMiTTANCRs and a!l Communications iöesignod for publication or in any manner elating to the "Signal of Liberly," will be liereafter addresscd O5P091 PH1dJ} SionaIi of Libertv; Jinii Atbúf, Mick.' Our Travclliïiff ïinti Local Ageiits, Tjjroughout the State, are rspecially ftEQUESTED Tl) NOTICP. THE TERMS ON Killen TUIS PAPER 18 I'UBLISHED. As IT IS EXPEOTED THKY WILL MAKE THEIR COLJ.RCTION3 AND REMITTANCE3 IN ACCORDANCE THERBWITH, IN KVERT 1NSTANCE. SIGNAL. OF LIBERTY. Wedncsday , Jamiary iö3 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News