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Constitution Of The Michigan Anti-slavery Society

Constitution Of The Michigan Anti-slavery Society image
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Article 1. This association phall be cnlled the Michigan Stato Anti-Slavery i3ociety,und shall bo auxiüary lo llie American Anli-Slavery Society. Am. 2. The object of th3 society shall e the entire aboltiion of slavery in the United States of America, and the elevatiun of oar colorcd brethren as Men: - While itndmhs that each Siatc alone hus. by the Cünstitu'.ion of the United State?, i tho exclusive nglit to legislale with regard 10 slavery wiihio its own limits, its aim sball be to convinco all our fellovv-citizens by argumont3 addresscd to their Undersland ings and cunscienccs, that sla holding is a crime in the sight of God, and that the duty, 6afety and best interesls of all concerned require its immodiula abandonment. AnT. 3. Any pereon not n alaveholder, or engages in ihe traffic of slaves, rrmy become a member óf this soeiciy bv signing its corjeUttition. Art. 4. The officers of this society shall bo a President, one or more VicePresidents, u Corre?ponding and a Recording Sccretary, Treasurer, and an Executivo Commiltee, consistingof the President, Secrotarie?, Treasurer, and fiveadditionai tnembors.tiirco of whomshall constitute a quwrun for the trausaclion of Luainesa. Art. 5. The oiücers of this society shall be elected annuaily, and by ballot, and shalt continue inofüceuntil their euc. cessora bo elected. Akt. 6. The Executivo Committee have power to fill any vacancy in their j own body, 6hull keep a record of their' proceedings, and report tho same to the society at its animal meeting, which shall be on the iirst Thursday in June of each yenr. They sball make arrangemeots tbr the annual and special meetings of the society; shall raise f unds for the promotion of its olijects; direct the Treasurer in the appiicaiion of ihem, and transact all other business not otherwise provided for in this con'titution. Art. 7. All moneys belonging to the society shall be paid over to ihe Treasurer as 8oon as collected, subject to the order of the Executive Cotrtmittee, and the Treasurer shall report at the annual meeting the stale of his accounts, audited by the President, or one ormore of the VicePresiden3. Aut. ö. This Constitution rrmy bo amended, at he annual meeting of the society, by a vote ufa majority of the members present. The Cunsliíuúon was amended at tho annuai mectiug in 1840, by a vote as fullowe, viz: 'That that anicla recognizing il tobo auxiliary tothe American A. S.Society bc repealed, and also that it shall be the duty of all the voting members of this society, to withhold their votije from all candidatos for office, unlll (bey tihall gain saüsfactory evidence, thatthey are ia favor of the immediale abolition of 6lavery, and if elected lo office, which shall vest thecn with the power to legislate, or to act in any lawful way aguinst slavery, they will, in all cases, use it to tho exient of the American Constitution."