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Presbyterian Church

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-In 1836, Mr,Stewari a membcr of the General Assem)!y made the following statement before litYt body assembled, the tru'h of whicli was not then denied, nor has il bp.enslnce, "Thousands and thuusands ofour fellow crealuresare.writhingunJcr the lash,often riflicted too by ministers and elders of the PrcsbyierianChui'ch. In this CiiURCHa man may take a l'ree bom child, force it away from ita parent?, to whom God gave it in charge, siying "Bring it up for me," and sell it as a benst, or huid it in perpetual bondage, oud not only escape corporeal )iinishment, hut really be esteemed an excellent christian. Nay, even ministers of the gospel and doctors of divinity, may engage iu this unholy traiHc, and yet sustain their high and holy cnlling. Elders, ministers, and doctors (f divinity are with both hands engaged in the practice." - The church "is all üfe and nuive in matters of doctrhie, and on some points whera trien may honeslly difFer, - while the sins of a crimson dycare ermmitted in openday, by members of the Church, with perfect