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- The price of day labor isfrom 31 to 37 ets. per day; of job labor, firom 50 to 75 ets. per day, very rarely rising as high os 75 ets. Land is fïom $25 to $100 per acre, at a dista nee of from 10 to 20 miles from the market. Flour and meal are iwice ns high a in the Phüadelpliia markel. The yam, a vegetable somewhat resemlílin the potato, is the siaple article of die; its market price varies from $1 to $2 50 per cwt. If, notwithstanding the low rate of wagfis - low when compared with thoseofthe United State?, though high when compared with those of Europe - ihe high price of land and provisions, and the anxiety of ihe proprietary body to retain them upon the estates, the laborinu population are "rapidly passing into the enndition of small freeholder6 and farmers,"ihey cannol be l'izy, idle vagrants. Thoiigh they may not work for the planter, they must work for themselves, and that, too, with industry and economy. - Penn. Freeman. Mr. Adaim has airead}' taken the field fur the abulition petitioners - on the first day of the session. The Index says, "He was dressed in a Geneva skull cap, and seemed about taking holy orders. At any rate, he looked üke the high priest of a!olilion in ihe United Siates, nnd ofBritish tyrauny in China. How he can preach liherty here, and slavery in China, is more than we can say, and therefore we will s:iy no more about it at present." Ile had beller wear red stockinssalso, and then he might pass for a cardinal. Richmond Inquircr The Baptists in the United States and the Cañadas, number 578,70$.