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Will biepublished every Wednesday mom jog in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, by the Executive Cooimittee, for the Michigan State And-Slavery Society. N. SULLIYAN, PRINTER. Terms. - $2,00 per annum, in advance. 12,50 in six months. 3,00, if payment be del'ayed to the close of the year. A etrict dlierence to the above ïerms willbe observod in every case. 07No paper will be discontinued until all arrearage3 are paid.,,3} Advertisements tharikfully received and nserred at the usual prices in this vicitiity. Any friend of huraanity drsiring to aid the eause of Liberty, is authorized to act as .Agent. Al! remittanctss and all communicatione .deffigned for publication or in any manncr relating-to the "Stg-nai of Liberty," will be 4iereafter oddressed (JJpost paidJ} Sional of Liberty; Jinn Arbor, Mich." Our TiavcSiïng ad Local AgenU, Throughout the Statb, are especially rb$uksted to notice ïhb terms on wuich this paper is pdblished. as it is expected they will make thbir colj.bctions and remittances in accordance therbwith, in bvery instance. S1GNAL OF LIBERTY. Wcdsiesdiiy, January 19, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News