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Genessee County A. S. Society

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The annual meeting of the Gonessee Antislavery Society was held at the cour nousc in the village of Flint, in said counLy, on, the 18lh inst, at two ó'clock P. M The President, Kev. J. Gambell, tooi thechair. The meeting was calle! to order by the president, nnd opened wilh prayer by th Kev. Mr. Robinson, of Genessee, On motion, it was voted that the annua meetings of the Society be held on th first VVednesdny afier the eecond Tuesda in January of each year. On motion, it was voted that a Commiitee of three be appointed to nomínate ofii cers, and presont business for the present meeting. Tho following persons were then appointed said Committee. John Pratr, of Genessee, Doctor King, E. N. Carrier, of Flini. The following rësoluüön was then oflered by Jeremy Hitchcock of Genessee. Resolved, Tíiat any regular member of Town AnliSlavery Societies, adopting the principies of this Society shall be considered members thereuf." The above resoluiion was on motion adopted. The business Committee then reported the following persons for oflïcers of tho Society for the ensuing year. President. Rev. J. GAMBELL, Grand Blanch.,Vice Presidents. Rev. John Beach, ) FVmt Adonijah Axherton, L Secretary. Danifl Andrews. Corresponding Secretarles. Wm. Chasiberlain, Geuessee, Dr. Gallopp, Flint. Exccutive Committee. R. D. Hazelton, ) FInt Terüs Atherton, $ John Pbatt; Genessee, The abqve report was then accepted and adopted. The business Commitlce then repoiiecl ihe follovving resol uiions. Resolved, That the inequalky of our Congressional rqpresentation, occasiunedby slivery Í3 a just ground of complaint to [ any citizen of tho Northern State9. Resolved, Tháí consisteuey requires ïat every abolidoaist curry out his [ninipies at the ballot box. Resolved, That we will not give our ote nt the ballot box to elcct any man to ffice in our government who will lendhis ifluence pohtically or othervvise to uphold ie system of slavery in these Uaited States. On motion the abovo report was accoped. The first re3olution was then taken up and on motion adopted. The 6econd resolution on motion, was udopted. The third resolulion was then taken up and lts adoption bemg moved and scconded, nn animated and prol rad ed discuscussion waa elicited, until a motion was made and carried to adjourn lo six o'clock. six o'clock, p. m.The Society met pursuant to adjouniment. The president in tlie chnir. The meeting waa ca lied to order, anc opened vith prayer by the'Rev. John Beacb, of Flitit, nfter vyhich an upproprinlc epirited address vvus deüverod y tlie Rey. Mr. McDonald of Long Lake, to a large íiudience. On niotion, voted thnt the unfinishc. business of the meeting, (the rlisposal o the ihird rcsoluíion) lie over to be resumec at the next meeting of the Society. On muiion, resolved, that theings of the mceüng bo signed by the president and secretftiy and forwarded (o the Signul of Liberty "fbr publication. On motion, voied, to adjourn to the first Wedne&day aftcr the seeond Tuosday in 1843, at hvo o'clock, P. M. ut the cour house in Flint.