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Bro. Hall, from Ohio, -who ia now ployed by the Executive Comtnitiee, ís . turing on tho liberty principies in ' ent paris of the Slate, wilh much accepance. He wriles to tho Cüinniittee, Janary 13. Within the last two raonihs I have traviled in VVayne, IVahslitenaw, Moaroe and -.enavvee countiea and lectured more or eas in twenty differents towns. In many uf ihem, unti-ülavery principies have taken deep root, and are producing their appropriaie fruits, in intelligent, coneentrated acüun. In uil places, uu interest is awakening. The friends of the causeare con solidaung their strength to grapple wilh slavery in its politica! intrenchment, and every thing indicates a speedy issue. Theno3t violent opposers are willipg 'o hear, and invesligiite; while the great tnass oí communiiy jyho bavë hhherio conde:nned lavery in principie, and supported it in jractice, are slarting trom ihcir seven year's slumber over "empiy abstractions" and viewmg wilhastonishinenf, theinroacls which slaveiy has been muking upon norhem righta and interests. A sy&tem which drains tho purses of Northern freemen to jay for subverüng the principies fur which heir fathers fought, caunut long receive the support of those who love justice.