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Our Anti-slavery Ambassador

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From Ibe Emancipator and Free Ameriean.-Weoever crowed so much as some, ai the supposed victor)' gaincd over llio siaveholders by the passing of Gov. Evereu's nomination thuughthe Senate. iWslaveholders are often witless in their measures, but ihey have rarely been mistaken when ihoy have relied on the subserviency of Northern men, either preachers or poliiicians. The following paragraph froni the Alexandria Gazette will confirm the impressions we threw out lately with regard lo the work for which Gov. Everett under stands that he has been sent to the Cour; of St. James. "We ore pleaaed to loarn that our min iñter toGroatBritain,Mr. Edward Everett. wil' feel himself caücd upon porlicularly to direct his attention to all machination or movetnents which may be mude in En gland or elsewhere, agaiust what are called the pccuünr institulions of the Southern States, but which in reali y are the righte, and interests of our whole country. and that in this he will be directcd and sus tained by the Secretary of State, whose views with regard to this matter are knowr t be all thatlhè South could desire. uThose who have hud any acqiaintance wii'i the slaveholding states, know pcrfeciiy well that there exista nmong them but two classes of society, the very wenlthy and refpectal)le, and the poor, servile ani degraded; that in them, the most ufeful portion of our citizens which we cali the middle class is unknown; labor beingeoniineü to tho b'ackf, sharee in the coniempi and degradation of those who peifirm it. and the conacqucnce is that personal kbois deepised - the immediate effect s thata white mm must either be the owner of s'oves, or must becomc degradcd to their levél, or below it. Such is the uniform and cunstant eirect in those States vvhero alarbe portion of the populution consista