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BLANÍÍS ofevery description neatly e.xecuted at this ofiicc.ANN ARBQR BOOK-STORE. AT thesign of the Book, one door weet of ihe Lafayette House to be eold on cormmseion at Detroit cash prices, by C. Moseley. In addiiion to the Claesical and chool "lJooks odvertiáod by others in tbis village, are ofi'ered coptcs of classical and and school books which catmot be fouod clsewheae in the vülage, together with a good aseortmcnt of imerresting Booke, and Stationary, Stc. Any book waoted whicb I have Bot cq hand if to beibund ir the city of Detroit, vvili on short netice, bo procnred without extra charges. CHARLES MOSELEY Ann Arbor, Fob. 16 184 4S-3v CIRCUIT COURT N O TICE. THEJudgeao! tho Circuit Caurt fór ihe County of Washtenaw, have de- tenuined ihat said Court which nove stands adjourned to lbn fii'ieenlh day of February, will on Uiut day be adjourned till Tuesday ihe twenty siícoud doy of'Fcbruary iostaut, at ten o'clock, A. M. (tine weck.) And all persons having business in Baid Court, or who are requiied lö appear es witneesea or as jurors, will appear on the twenty -eecondi instetid of the füjeenth instant. By direcücn of Williain A. Fletcher, Chief Justice, &c. L.C. GOOD ALE, Clesfe. Dated, Ann Arbor, Feb. L, 1842. TAKEN UP BY the eubscriber, on or about the fifteenth day of September last a smali Rüü COVV, eoine on the back, belly and tejí; do arUfirfial marks risible ,8uj)pi)6ed to 5e tvrelve or fourteen years old. Tb owner can htve the same by proving properly and payij.g chargeB. EL1&HA B. PARKER. Salem, Jan. 25, 181-2 43-8w. MASSACHÜSETTS SCHOOL LIBftA RIE3, Published under the direction af tke Board of Education. Fon sale by J. Lamb, or Ann Ahbob. THIS LIBRARY is recommtnded bj the Superíuteodant of Public Jostraotioo Jn.25,1843. "ECONOMY ÍS WEALTH." PMHEsubscribers will pay two cesta pe H pouud in Gooda or Paper for any quau tily of good clean SW INGLE TOW, deljvered at the Ann Arbor Puper Mili. J. JONES SONS. Am Arbor, Jan. 12, 1842. 88tfMOllTGAGE SALE. BEFAULT haviñg boen raade ín the conditiun of a Mortgago executed by liufuB Crc6smaa aud Lucy bis wite, to tbo undcrejgned, Jauuary lirtcenth, cigbteen hundreti and ibirty eight, and recorded in the Register'e Office, iu ilie county of Wash lennw, inJLiber number aevt-n, page three bundred and one, of the cqual uDdivided balf of the ''iScio mili property," ïncludmg thö v atcr-power, Milh, and Áíachinerjr, and a bout twenty-üve acres of Laud, adjoining the vülogc of Scio, ia Eaid couniy, and iyjng on both bjucs of th River Huron, togelber with he riglits of flowing lands cuvered by the mili pond, (fora moro particular description of the prcaoitce, refertQce ia tnadu Vo the record of raortgage,) andiio procedings at law having been inslituted to tollect the lüstalracnt which became due on the eixteenth dsy of November, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundrcd and forty-onja, Of any part thereof. Kotice is hereby given. that aaid mortgage will be foreclused by a sale of the niortgaged premi6es (or eome part of thera) al public endue at ihe Court House in Anu Arbor, in 6aid couniy, on the the twentyfifth day of Apri! next, at noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTJER, Morlgage. Scio, Janiiary 24, 1842. 4013TÜRESHING MACHINES, HORSE POWER, MILLS, &.c. THE uudersigned are manufacturingand will keep conetantly on hand at their ehop two and a half miles weet of Ann Arhor rear the Rail Road, HORSE POYVERíá anu THRESHHiG MACHINES.- The horse power is a new jnvsnlion by S. W. Fosteb, and is docidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever befora offered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Hort Power, with a good Threshing Machine ia 120 dollars at the eh.op; without the Machine, uinety dollars. These Horso Powers caa be used wilh iwo, Lree or iuur borsea to goqci advantage. Three men witb two horsen, tan thresh one Imndrec! bushela ofwheat por day (if ityields midüijng wel],) and it vvill not bu hard work for the horsets, Tbe Horse Power and Tkresher ca both bo put in a coinmon waggon box, and drnwn any distance by two horses. The Two Horse Power wül be sold at the ebop, wilh the Thresher for ooti hucUred dollars; witlout Ihe Threshcr, for sevcnly-five dollars. Thiy also manufacture STRAW CUTTERS, recenily inventad by S. YV. Foeteii, which are decidedly preferable to any othere for eutting straw or corn etalks, by hor9e o water power. They also work ty band. Price, fiftecn doüars. - ALS- CAST-IRON AJILLS for grin'ding propender, at the rate of bix to eight busucla per hour, nith two horses or by watt-r. - Also- OfSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invemcd by 8. W. Fostbb. Price, sixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, k Co. Scio, June 2á, 1841. ïO-ly pORK AND VHEAT wantod bylF. Dknxson, for which gouds or inoue viil bepaid at iair rates. ' Ann Arbor, Dee 21, l84l. L0 tf WlMOTHY SEED AND HIDES- Cash will bc prid at all hmes i'or Titaotbt Skkd, Hies nd Wheat, wbën de- livcred at my etore iu Ann Arbor, (Upper Twn.) f. DENïSON: D'C. 29, 1841 . m . ij CASH FOR V1IËaT ? FDENISON will poy cash for Whcst on delivery at hifl etore. WinCH SELLS IN TIUS COUNTRY FOK $18 TO S25 PER COPY. Every ma7i, tooman and child in the United States, who possess a Bible, ivill surely furnish themsclves with the Jollowing beauliful series of Scripture Illustrations. PlCTORtAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF THB BIBLK, AND VIEW OF THE IIOLY LAND. .Veto, cheap and valuable publication. - Fottr kundred pages, 8 vo. fine paper,handsomely bound. Price only TWO DOLLARS. The suliscriber respectfully invites the attention of" Clergyrrn'ii, Teachers of Sablnth Schools, Heads of Families, anc Booksellers thronghout the United í tates,to the abo ve New, Chenp and splcndidly Illustrated work. Published and for sale al No. 122, .o?sau street, New York city. lts features are better defined by the tille: - Tico hundred Piclorial Illuslralions of the SCRITTURES, CONSISTING OF VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Tog-ethcr with many of the most romarkable objects mentioned in the o!d and new testament!?, representing sacred historica! events, copied from celebrateil pictures, principally by the old masters. the landscape scènes, taken from original sketches made on the spot, with fuïl and intereating letterspress dtjscriptioi)s, devoted to an examination ol the objecls iT.entione;l in the sacred text. Oo examination this wil] be found a very p!eas;int and profitable book, especially for the perusül ofYuüNG People, abounding in the most valuable informaiion, collecled with great care, from the best anil Iatest sourcés. Jtmay, very properly, be designated a cominon place book for every thing valuable relating lo oriental manners, customs. kc.and comprise9 witliin Hself a coroplote library ol reügious and useful knowledge. A volume like the present, is far superior to the commun Annuals - it will never be out of date. It is beautifully printe.d in new long primer type - handsomely bounu in Musün, gilt and leltered; and is drcidedly,the best and cheapest publication (for ihe price,) ever issued trom the American Press. Clergynifn, Supeiinfendants and Teachers of sabbath schools, agents of religious nevvspapers and penodicals,postmisiei-s and booksellers, throughout the country, are respectfulfy requested to act as our agents. No letter will be taken from the oflice unless post paid. To Pablishers of Papers ihrovghoul the United States. - Nevvspapers or Magazines, eopyieg the above entire uilhout any ulteration or abridgem-nt (including this notice,) and giving t 12 inside insertions, shall receive a copy of the work, (subject to their order.) by sending directions to the Publisher. L9 I2w (CThe nbove wrtfk may be had at the Bdok store of Dea. Chas. Mosely, one door west uf the Lafayette House, Ann Arbor. A liberal discount made to wholesale purc:hasere. Persons in the country, wishin? to acl s agente may obtain all the necessary m 'ormation, by addressing their letters to the subscriber, Ño. 122, Nassau street, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. Devoted to tne inlerests of protestant Christianity, Literature, Science, Educaiion. the Arts, Agriculture, the moial enterprises of the age, and to the diffusion of genera! intelligence. "Knowledge is as the light of heaven : free, pure, pleasant, exliaustless. It invites all to possession; it admits of nopreemption, no rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For six years, this paper has been gaining in the confidenco of Lhe public. ïts character a9 an independent, literary and religious journal, is now fully established,as is evident trom iis circulation among all classes of the cotnmunity. Those vho desire A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Free from those features of sectarianism, which are so offensive to the spirit of Christianity - a paper which admits suitable articles on all subjectsupon which the community need to be informed - a paper open, especially to the claims of suffering humanity may be assured that no eflbrts will be spared to reuder this acceptable and worlhy of their patronage. It has a Iarge number ofable and intelligent correspondents, whose communications will onrich its columns from time to time, on natural and revealed theologie revivals, raissiuns, human rights, temperance, education, sabbath and common schools, moral reform, health, ogriculture, geology, physiology, natural and mental philosophy, music, reviews of books, &,c. - In a word, it occupies a field of usefulness, not appropriated Iy any other periodical in tiiis orany other country. The sevenlh Volume commenced January 1, 1842. The price is only two dollars a year, in advance; and Ihis is sufficiently low to put it within the reach of all. Reader, you have a personal interest in the New York Watcbman! For, he who has a heart to knoiv his -.vhole duty, whose souii thirsts for informaiion on all those subjects most directly connected wilh bian's highest happiness, will find a6sistance in the columns of this puper. The Watchman is published every Saturdny. at 126, Fulton slreet, New York, vvhere subscripiions are respectfully solicited. Biaiílis! Blank!! BJiuiïvSü! "g"UST PRINTED, on fine paper and 9w n a superior style, a large assort; ment of blank sumraons, subpeenas, Executions, &c. - For sale at thia office. Ann Arbor, Nov. 17, 1841. Wood! Wood! Wood! WANTED IMMEDIATELY, a fesv cords of good hickory wood in exchange for the "Signai. op Liberty." Ann Arbor, Dec. 22, 1841. "NO REPUDIATION-" TTE SCRIP wil! bc (aken at par for lfy Goods at the store of the subscribers tbr a few days. J. JONES, & SOJYS Ann Avbor, Jan 12, 1841 GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK, FOR 1842. The moet splendid and valuable Monthly Perioilicul ever published. The only magazine devoted to Ladies and conducted by members of Iheir own sex. Composed entirely of original articlee, by the most eminent writers of the oge; and embeilished with a larger number and a greater variety of costly, elegant and attraclive pictorialil' lustrations, than nny similar publication. ED1TED BY Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, Morton M'Michael, Mrs. L, H, Sigourney,L. A. Godey. CONTRIBUTOHS TO EACU NUMBER. Miss. C. M. Sedgwick, N. P. Willis, Miss E. Leslie, Mrs. C. Lee Henez, Mrs. E. C. Embury, T. S. Arthur, Theodore S. Fay, Mrs. E. F. Ellet. In announcing to his numerous patrons and thu public at large, his arrangements for llie year 1842, tlu; proprietor ot' Godey 's Lidy's Book, takes occasion to ackuowleu'ge the unpurallelec' and triumphantsuccess of bis Magazine, which has now reached the extraordinary nuinher offorly thousand monthly; beinga larger edition than has ever been prmted of any other work of any description in America. This succss he is avvare has been attained by the vast superiority which tho Lndy's Book has ahvays maintained over thecontemporary magazines whicli have atlempled to rival its merite, a suporiority vvhich he is still determined to preserve by keeping it, in all its departments lilerary, inlellecttial and moral, ae well as pictoriül, emblematic, artistic, and mechanical. That this is no ïdle boast, hc appeals to tlie experience of the past twelve yeare, in all wliich time, he has made no promise to the public whicli he has not strictly performea, nor underiaken anylhing which bis means did not enable him to accomplish to ihe utmost. Entering, as he is about lo do, on the 24th Volume of the Lady's Book, with increascd energy and accumulnted resources :wilh an ampie knowledge of the bu siness in which he is engaged, acquired by long year3 of unremitted application: with a subscription list unparalleled in tho annals of literaiure; with numerous facilities not possessed by any other publisher; with welldigested nnd wideextended arguments; and above all, with a steadfast purpose of maintaining the lofty elevation bis work has reached, the proprietor has not hesitafed to incur expenses, which under other circu:u stances might prove startling, but by means of which he will be enabled to raako the La dy's Book, the richest, the rarest, the most attractive, and the most valuabie periodical, ntrinsical and extrinsically, ever uiFcied to the American public. Literarv Departmemt. - It has ever been the aim of the proprietor to impart to the Lady's Book a high literary and moral tone, and for this purpose he hap, without regard to cost, procured the aid ot' the most eminent writers and, for eeveral years past, has commitled its editorial supervisión to J. Hale, Mrs. Lvdia H. Sigourney,and Miss E. Leslie, ladies of wkom not only their own sex, but the hole country, have reason to be proud. In this respect, the Lady's Book enjoys a decided advantage over all other publicatione, as it is ihe only work devoted to ladies, ladiss derive an ad vantüge which must be obvious to every parent, husband, brother, and friend,as wel! as to every lady who properiy appreciates the dignity and impurtance of her sex. He will be enabled to furnish articles Vom Virs F C Embury, Mrs H B Stowe, Mrs F S Osgood, Mrs. S. Srnitb, Mra M H Parsons, Mrs. J. Tliayer, Mts A M F Annan, Mrs. O L. Hentz, Virs E F Ellet, Mrs. E. C. Sedman Mrs. Dupuy. Mrs M. Duncan, .Mrs V E Howard, Mrs M St Loud, Mss E, Allen Mrs CHW Esling tfrs S E Parley, Miss M, B. Siiow5 Miss E. Leslie, Kate Franklin. Maria Edgworth, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Vary R. Milford, Mrs Hofland, Vre C BWilson, Mary Howitt, and other English lady-writers of distinción, some oí whom have -aiready published n the Lady's Book the only original conributions they have ever made to American literature. Nor has he omitted to pro- cure the assisiance of eminent writers of oth sex. A ware of the universal and well deservod popularity of N. Willis, Eac. ; and coniident that the productions of his gracefuliind elegant pen will be highly acceptable 10 the readers of the Lady's Book, he proprietor bas entered into an arrangement, by which he will be able to give in each number of bis work an exclusive arlicle rom the gentleman; and he has also reiainall of the contributors whose writings have ïeretofore given such ampie satisfaction including Epes Sargent, VV. G. Simms, E-q. Geo. P. Morris, 'rofessor Ingraham, Jos. R. Chandler, 'rofessor Dimilry, Robert Morris, 'rofessor Frost, Finy Earle, M. D. 5rofe3sor Waher, N. C. Brooks, A. M. 'ark Benjamin, Esq. E. Halden, t. S. Mac!onz;e, A. M'Makin, L Author, Esq. L. F. Tasistro, Í; W. Herbert, Rufus Dawes, ios. C. Neal, E. G. Squier, Hon.R. T. Conrad, J. M'Lellan, Jr. Dr. J. K. Milchell, Jas. Aldrich. With euch aid, it ia not too much to say, hat the Literary Department of the Lady's 3ook will surpisá any thing that has ever been orean be attempted. Ornamental Dkpartment. - It is a source of no little pricle to the Proprietor of the Lady's Book, that he first introduced into this country the plan of furnishing, along with a monthly periodical of elegant literature, embellishments of an attractive and costly characler. The first 6teelengravings iccompanying such a work were given by him; the first mezzolint engravmg was given by him; the first patterns of lace-work and embroidery were given by him; the first ooiored pintes of fashion were given by him; the first music was given by him. These are things to which he would not refer, ifsome ofthose who have essayed to follow in his footsteps, not content with imitating all his designs, even to the form of his book, the size of his type, and the color of his cover, had not foolishly put.forward claims to orig inalify, and ottempted to found a right to an exclusive merit on doing that which they have borrowed froro his example. But what- - l"jj he has done heretofore in the way of embd lishments to his Book.though itfarexceed ed any effort of those who strove to conv b-is movetnents, cannot compare wiih what he now raeans to do . His arrangements for this department of his work have been pro jected on the most liberal scale of expendí ture, nvolying an extent of outlay such as has never bèfore been dreamcd of in any periodical, European or American. As an vi' denct; of his intentions, he now states that eachnumber oí' the Lady's Book for the ensu year, wül coqiain at least three splendid engravings; embracing in the senes eveír possiMe vanety of subjecls. Historial,Land scape, Picturesque, Portraiture,. Imaginare and Emblematical, and executed in every pos sible variety of the arl; mezzotint, lino and mezzotint, slipplc, medalion, and that most citaste and expresaive inanner,. the line and dot cornhint'd, which has given snch world widecelebrily lo the worka of modem artibts Splendidlj colored plates of the fashions' willalso begivcn every ir.oni})( contaminé at least four femal. figures, and tuibodyint in every ïristnuco ilie latesl coslumes, receiv. ed direclly frotn a correspondent at Paris. In order to give the greatest attractivenesg. to the subjects of hU embellishnients, t,e Propnetor has given orders to vaiious Axne. ric;in Painters, ofeBtablished repulation,wlio are now engnged in preparing expreesly fop tlie Lady's Buoli,numerous original pictures, oa National and Hislorical evcnts, some. of which are nenrly coinpleted, and 6oon will le in the hands of the engraver. Among th& painters thus engaged he may enumérale J G Chapmon, Pander of Ihe National Pi ture of the Baptism of Pocahontas. P F Rothermel, J P Frankenstein,, S S Osgood,o Bost.l Williams, Sic. In order lo procure these various embellishments in Reason, the proprictor has made permanent arrangements with the following eminent engravers, all of whom now engüged in executing steel piales for the Lady's Book. New York. Philadelphia. A L Diclc, V E Tucker, N Gimberede, J B Neagle, W H Jaclcman, J B Forrest, J G Dunnel, W H Ellis, A Jones, E Ilumphrevc. Tuansmission by mail. - One advantagethe subscribers of this work will have, will bo itsearly receplion. lt will bc reeaiwd at the remolesl cities of the Union, b the first day of the month of publication. Clubbing. - Lady's Book, 1 year, and Peoplti's Library, 1 year, é.OO Lady's Book and Young People's Book, 5,00 Do Amateur's Musical Library, (containing 200 f ages of newand beau. Lif'ul music.) 500 Do Scott's Novcls and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do Scott's miscellaneous works and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 Do All Scot'is Works, complete in 10 vols. and People's Library,! 5,00 Do Thier's History of the Fr. Revolution. 10,00Do Pictorial Library, 1 year, and People's Library, 1 year. 10,00 "Do and Young People's Book,lOtQQ Lord works; Tlners History of the French Revolution, and Wavcrlcy'a Novéis, in 5 vols. 20,00 Do _Thier8 Revolution and Scotts - Works, complete in 10 vols. 25,00 Business Department. - The price of this publication is three dollars per annum - twocopies, one year, in advance, five dollars. Those of our friends wanlingto subscribe to the best Tvvo Dollar Weekly Family Newspaper, published in this city, can be accommodated as follows: Two copies of the Saturday Courier, one year, and Godey'e Lady's Book, one year. sent for 5,00 Five copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr.10,00 Fiveco;ies of the Saturday Couricr, 1 yr. and Lady's Book, 1 year. 10,00 Eleven copies of the Lady's Book 1 yr 20,00 Thirteen copies of the Lady's Book, 1 yr. and Walter Scolt's Novéis, complete, or his miscellaneous works, whichever irsy be preferreá. 30,00 In all cases where money is remittedfor "Clubbing," the most liberal allowances will be made. The money, in all cases, tobe positively received before a number is sent. No letters will be taken frorn the Post Office unlcss the postage on them is paid. Unless positive orders are given at the time of sub scribing. the work will be continued after the first year, and ïf not paid during the vear, the price will be increased to 4 dollars.. Address L. A. GODEY, 101 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. Produce of every Descríiiíiou, MECEIVED n payment for Job work,: Advertising and Subscriptíons totha " ignal of Liberty," if delivered at tha Oflice, immediately over the sDre of J Beckley, & Co ipril 28 BLANKS of every descriptio neatlj executed at this oflice. A. McFarrand, Detroit H. H. Griffin, Ypsihmti. Samuel Dutton, Pitisfinld. Thomas McGee, Concorü. J. S. Fitch, Marshall. E. Cbild, Eaton. W. VV. Crane, Latón Rápida. R. H. Ring, Rivea, R. B. Rexford, Napoleon. - L. H. Jones, Grasa Lake. Röv. Sam'l. Bebens, Plymouth. Joseph H. Pebbles, Salem. Nathan Power, Farmington. Joseph Morrison, Pontiac. James Noyes, Pavilion. N. VI. Thomas, Schoolcraft. W. Smith, Spring Arbor. U. Adams, Rochester. R, L. Hall, Tecumseh. L. Noble, Pinckney. Dr. V. Meeker, Leslie. Clark Parsons, Manchester. Elias Vedder, Jackson. M. Aldin, Adrián. Josiah Sabíne, Sharon. M. Lang, Norchfieid, Wash. Co. I. Pennington, Macón, Len. Co. Janus Ballard, Grand Rapids. R. B. Bement, Litchfield, HillsdaleCo. fíenry Brownson, Franklin, Oakland Co. S. B. Thayer, Climax, Kal Co.