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Standing Army And Great Increase To Our Navy!!

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No doubt my readers wiil receivo with alarm the intelligence, ihat oar federal government seriously contemplates n large increase to our military and naval forces, and thua to strengthen itself, into the similitudeofEuropean Monarcby. A meas ureofthis kind has long been desired by our Washington rulers,and they have man iíested much ailroitness ín seeking for i'. Congressional support, but nsyet the vigjlarit intelligence of the people, and the praiscworthy jealousy ofliberty, has overmatched diplomatic skill, and riven nsunder mony a cunningly cemented plan of operation8. How long this project may have slept in the bosom of the naiional cabinet, it alone knows. But the cloven footehewed itself openly under Martin Van Buren's administration, who having obtained the comtnand of the naiional purse through the operation of a sub.treasury, Bought to completa the essentíais of Royality by uniting to the purse the nationul sword. A proposilion of much art, smooih and fair to the perception - sweetened just to suitrepublican pa'ate,yet of flavor eufiï cient to render the dose piquant to the taste - was pafriotically offered to the nation,under the expectaiion thal they would swaHow the mixture with all proper dutifulness. But Brother Jona'han after all waa wideawake,or at mostslept like a fox with one eye open: his plainnesa was too much, for diplomatic chicanery, and he took, nol the dose, but the doctor, and quieily deposited him in old Kinderhook, to mature his project of a standing army for republicans. Our new ruiers aailed into power, under full canvass, dilated with the gale, thatblew from every quarter against such an unrepubücan and dangerous design,and of course pledged to a different policy, - but the cloven foot has again sbevvn itself in the very flrst propositicn made to Cungresa. Ordinarily we havo no index to Presidential intentions,save the Presidents Messages and the reporta of his secretaries. Those, which weredelivered tothe present Congres are full of alarming intellience.lst. They contain recommendntions for 'a chuin of military posts from CounBluffs to the Pacific Occan - for works intended for (lie remóte S-juthern portion of our territory particulariy - for the completvon of the works at Beaufur', and atthe mouth of Cape Fear river in North Carolina; at Charleston, Savunouh and St. Augustine - to erect permanent works at Key Biscayne, Key West,and suchothcr points among the Keys, or on iho península [of Florida} a3 on exarnination may be found tapossessthe greatest 'military advantagea' - to add two regimenté oí 937 men each to the U. S. Army - to increase Col. Henderson's marine corps to3000: 1550 being needed oi shore - "The two eouTiiERN naval stations, Norfolk and Pen sacóla, more espocialiy, require a large force for their security, a large number of urrns is kept in each of them, which by -a audden irruption of the clasa of people [ie. slaveB}. whoare uot cilizens, might be seized and used for the most disustrous purpose, Lic." - ta establish naval sehools - to erect additional marine barracks - to increase our navy imrnediately, unti it equals half the naval force of the strongest mariiime power in the World. If i be our parpóse to increase our naval force we cannot too aoon begin to train a suita blo band of officera to take charge of it." 2nd. These documenta show thu whilethis unparaleled increase of military and navy forts on land, atid of vessel :re reuommended aa immediatmeasures. a dcficie ncy is odroitted in our nlional treasury, tomeet ordinary expenses only, of $14,208,570 18: and that money redeenmble at pleasure and on interest at G.per cent., cannot be borrowed on national credit. 3rd. That we have wilhin us, 'hoatile lements of our social system, wliich mny e arrayed against us hy a foreign enomy, which will arm him wilh four foltl )ower." Reiterated menwon is made of anding the free blacks ofEnylanu'd colcnies ou our extended sea board, and the reat dangcr to arise from the armies of rie slavo populalion is stiggested as near nd feariul. This pait of the sul jee t I lready noticed at soms length in a preeeding paper, it deserves serious considration, and shews thut England has longeen prepared to tuko advantnge rif our a'ional weaknes?, through these our ostile elements." 4th. That our largo arsèflals at Norbik and PensacoJa are in great danger of )eing seized by the sla vee in an ouihreak br liherty, and that we mustsupply a furïer portion of addilional standing anny, 0 resist such outbreuk. In a fuiure number, I slmll if leisure )errnits, continue my remarks. At presnt I wish my readers to notice the fact, mt or.e and all of these m imir.o Iv projects br arming our Executive with a force posessed by few of tho despols of the oíd world, have ibrtheir object the upholding1 slavery, and prolecting the propehtv only note the propertyü!) of tho slaveïolders. 250,000 s.'aveholdera forsoo'.k, ess in nutnber than our Michigan populaion - a peculiar class - arrisíocratic n íabits - despising labor - possessing exlusive privileges - living on rinpaid labor, nd with 25 Congressional totes in right of lis unpaid vork,are in addition io be sup )orted in all these things by the expendíure of the blood and treasure and sinew? f the Union, at the risk of the perniáence of republicanism, and at the 6urender of that, which. liberty ever jealous - f keeps within her own glardianship, the mrsc and the sword. The blood ond reasure, and sinews of the Union, did 1 ay? Avvay with the expression. Of the Fr ee States, I should have said- Where s the treasure - where the sinows of the South? Staiistical facts shew, that l'ot North has paid ninc tenths of the revenue nd that we have three-fiftljs of the free jopulation. It we are to arm and Tgh ie north mustsupply asitiias ever done ie money and men. It is (ar from me to ispnr.ige the gallantry of o.jr southern cit ei s. Braver men t.ever drew sword. - Jndauntcd spirit finds no! more kiadrëd a ode than in their breasis; but thetr braery and spirit fiada employmeut ai hume o counteract the '-hostiie eleincnts of' wn social system." So far from beitig Ijle to aid us in resisling a foreifin eneny, they woU ciually nocd ourlic'p, to uoll ctions in their midst. Weihen of the North are to du n'.l this or our 250,000 slaveholding brethren ; we re to erect a strong clnjin of furts, runing through our midst, even to the Pucife, in that territory where man can yei read nature's solitude, and mid his Creuor'a works feel that he enjoya equil priviege with the beasls of the Ibresl - Libery - and where at present mány an uufururute chtld of snble hue roama to snatch lis precarious existence. Wearetobris Ie our snuthern sea board wilh fortifica ions. We are to increaso our present tanding army, and our marine corps, who re au efficiënt land ibrce and independent f the sailors. Wc are lo swell our navy o an extent unpossessed by the Worldd mpires save by England and France. - Vo man itwuh 20,000 men; to pul this normous floating forcer landable at any me spot, and at any moment, under the command of one man, who alsoholdsour brts fortifications, standing army, and )ublic purse, cuntrols the militia of the U. S. with the right of declaring war, or maling peace. We are to do all this too un Ier an exhausted Ireasury, and besides naking up a deficit of 14 and a quarter mil ions, to raiso al least $100,000,000 more. And tbr what are we to do it? Fur the permanence of slavery ! For the pereluation ofanevil, universa l!y adrnittecl! br the fostering of "hostiie elemetils in our social system 1" es, all the safeguards of liberty are to go; the earnings of honet industry are to be si:rrenderediur fireside mij-s their bravest and best at ihe cali of 250,OOOsouthern ciuzena whohold slaves, and manufucture"gags"' for the millions of the tree at the north! What hus the north to do wilh slavery? is th6 haughty taunt of the southern slaveholder, who demands ol us all these things: liesilent! The response which ts given to thut constitutional mode, by which we seek lo represent our opinión on the policy or propriety of the enormous monies demanded Florida; our own terrilory purchased with our own treauro, and governed by our servants. iawe hivv Inrgea portionofthe demands now made, iu lbi this our territory. And shali we, like dog?, submit to be kicked and cuffed, and in meek submission lick the hands, or eringe to the feet of those, who lord it over us, or shall we not raiher as a nation rise and make ourselves heard - not by Ilegal violence-- nol through niob law - not by an unconstitutional avenue - not wilh chicanery, nor cumiing device, but accurding lo our indisputable nght;ours by the sacred pledge of the federal compact as it is by the aaHenahle rights of man - cemenicd in the bluoc of '76- IN UBERTY OF SPEECH. Let us then of tho north, put away domestic strife, in the conteniplation of thosesurpassin" considerations which presa on y ua as a nation, and forget the mallest distinctiona which. now ever poütical partiea. We quarrcl auout whtg anddemocrat ( ie principie, merely because we have nothing eUe on which to diíFer, but all ai ïieart ure thorough republicana, and ihe undying lïiends of freedom. Let a ' eign enemy ihreaten our front ier, and we ( seek in vain tbr whigs or detnocrats mid n natiun of Patriot. Let it bc so now. - All can and ought (o unite in resisting the aggression on out chariered righia, i vcred in, with such detormination lor so tnuny )ears. Let us differ as we please in other respecis, but unite in a deterrtiiriniiori that our peliiions must and shall be receivec'j.and our sentiments read and made known. Now especiuUy iá the period fur this union. Never was tlie ga appiied so ficncly, and prohubly fur the rcaaon ibat ihene rxbm biiam demands ure made m us of the nonh for Florida. Wc aro (jfilciHlly invited loconsider the dauger f thid our lerritory. lis purchase oost u9 live millioHs. The presen! war to eatch runaway slaves, and break up ts harboring'nest for othere, oost probubly furly (ïiiHioiif, and it isjet winding itsi dluw lengifi aiung, weaving the mu ter ia ís fur annalsof inglorious renown nnd bhame, in historj's undying record. We are now asked forsevernl njillions for forts on her íeabord, and for several mílliuus for fluatmg defences, and who shall presumo lo say, that we will nol be heard, in the consiiiuiional representatie n of our opinions? Suppose wo deetn it best to save this enormuiis oullay of men and rnoney, and to avoid so dangerous an increase to ihe already overgrown power tT our national Execulive, and to aceompÜBh 'effectunlly,' what iho other proposes todoonly wiih a "noKHAiv-;," and by makinfj our territory a free soi! to disartn (he danger in a moment. Who can doubt our riglit to doso?, Or who eau question our power to apply our national milüons to purchaee,.and enfranchise all ihe Fio i la sla'ves, raiher tmin to the uncertain issues, (jfbloody and inhuman war. The norlh it is conlesscd can take care ol" herself. Freedom appalsthe English speculutistá on invasión, buttheyshoui in anticipated triumph on Slavery's soil. Now my opinión tnay be righi, or it may be wrong, that the best national mode of defence would be to tnake Florida free, an.l thus po.ssess her of the qualities which EngUnd admits she cannot successfully invade, and that our national treasure would be best spentr as was England's, to remunérate slaveholder3. But without entering into-tlio mcrits of ibis opinion at all, wlm will say I have nut a righí lo represent it to Congrn:. and have it heard, and made known to our national Couhcils, our owri creatures, and congregaed, but tüCryoulniir it-illc? W.ll yon, reader, say i havo nol this nght? If youj will nul say so, then join with me tosuu-; port the sneped right ot' petilion, and uni:e with us who seck by puliücal action, to send to Congress such uien asijefend ourj right, and to our S ate Legislaiuro, sueh ns will m:ike the voice of our State heard on the Hoor of Congress this important question. Where do we find tho joint resoluiion of the Michigan legislature! speakiug their srntimeuls? Whig.!you have held the rcins of power twu years, can you point out the resoiuiii.n? pmnocrats, long power has been' yours; can you point ihe resolution? - j Whigs and demo'rats, what right so pre-' cjputi, whut principie so sacred, what sub-; ject so endeored with the tH rilling recollec; I tions of '76, have you in contest, compar-'i ed with the liberty of ppeecii? Perish: iho question ot bank and currency, aad sub treasury. Rally in one common mae3 around that which is the foundation of all, and whose existeuce, long stifled, will soon be lost forever, under the tame acquiescence of the norlh, giving to usage the force of law. JUSTICE. 0O"There has been i great anu-slavery! meeting in Faneuil Hall, Boston. About 4000 persons were present. Garrison, Bradbum, Wendcl, Phillips, Col. Millerof Vt. und ethers aJdressed the immense; concourse. The Address of Daniel O"1Connel, Father Mathew, and six'y thous-'; and olher Irishmen to the Irish residenta in' the U. States urging ihem to juin the Ab-' olitionists, and thus sustain the great principies of liberty, was read, and was re- ! ceived by the audience with great ap.plause. Mr. Weller, M. C. from Ohio, recent-' ly dcclared in Congreas, that "he alwaysi had vnted for the 21st Rule, and he atways should. There was a perfect understauding between him and hisconstituents on this subject." This straight forwardhonesty is what we like. TiCt the issue be fairly made beiween Libeity and Slavery, and our work is half done. N. B. Mr. Weller is a D;mocrat, and ' holds to "the largest iberty?"