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Senator Porter

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The Oberlin Evaogelist says: "Mr. Porter, of Michigaa, (ooe of the four free States) moved to ameod the resolution by, iaeertiog the word persona in the place of alavés, as this was the term ueed 'm the coastitutioo. This brought down a storm of wralh upon him from the other Senators, and he, though the firmeat man in tno Senate, was gtad to make good bis retreat, and withdraw the metion, greatly to the relief of the Northern Senators, who very much feared they should have to ofFend their masters at the South, or tbeir constituents at home." The Genius of Liberty (lll.) says of the debate in Cm grets on the Creóle case : - "We refer the reader to the fottrth page for an interesting account of a flare-up in the U. S. Senate, and for a new exhibilion of the servility of northern Senators 10 tbe Sla ve Power. There appears to be but one of them ditposed to ehow any symptoms of opposinoD, and he teems to lack the nerve necessary to carry him tbrough eo gieat an emergency as the united onset of southern slaveholdere, aided by their northern vassals." The reporter of the Philan thropist writeg from Washington: Mr. Woodbridge, of Michigan, the colleague of Mr. Porter, at length came to the relief of the trembling doughfaces who were ehuddering on the brink of such a horrid neceseity as that of recording their voteê, so as eitber to diagrace their free constituents at home or disoblige iheir slaveholding masters here. He said he would add his own request to that of bis distinguished friend, the honorable Senator from Kentucky, that his respected colleague would withdraw the motion, especially as it did not change the principies of the reaolution. During all this dogmatism and fury by the slavocracy, it will be observad that Mr. Porter stood hts ground alone. Of the fÜ Senators from the tree Statet, not one had taken the part of the constitution and of the country. Looking all around for support, his eye was greeted with not one wor one look of encouragement and approbation . Yet he stood firm against the most irnpetuous onset of the Have even resisted the beaeeching tones efllenry Clay and remained unmoved. But when his own colleague, a venerab the late Governor of his State, nd entreaties, the thought of standing alone, in resietance to Gov. WoodbridgeVI character and political standing made him wHver. And in that moment of wavering, he acted - he did what he could not undo - he declared that he could not but yield to tbe request of his venerable colleague, and by the unanimou consent of the Senate he would withdraw his motion. The Senate of the United States once more drew a long breath and feit better. It was a relief indeed to Northern Senators tobe able to avoiil the necessity of either skating behind the pillar of the Senate chamber, or recording their names, yea or nay, an thia reaolution in which, as Gov. Woodbridge observed, no principie was involved. Thesilenceof every other man alested this. It was unanimous asseot, and t proved, at least, that there was not anjther man on the floor who would have ione what Porter did, and that bad he )ushed his motion to the yeas and nays, ie would probably have voted tlone.