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John Norvell & Isaac E. Crary

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■TheFree Press is out upon these gentlemen in 6evei al culumns, denouncing tbem as unprin cipled puliücul demagogues who areseeking nomination to Congress next fall. The Free Press winds off by saying: The people of Michigan hare experienced enough of tue services of politicians who endeavor to live by gambling in either public or private Ufe, and we venture to predict that they will have no mure of them." We really hope they will uot come up for Congress; for we have somo aerious objectloos to both gentlemen, which.if necessary twe shall make known in due time.QTbe Liberty vote in Maine, as shown by tbo official returns, was 1662 - scattering 1 347. Oxford Co. gave 3ü9- Kenntbec 253.