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Mr. Adams Speech

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Mr. Adams made a tremendousimpression on ihe s-lave holders by hia defence, and has largely enlisted the sympalhies tT the Northern people. The northern Reporters at Washington are generally dis- posed tu do juslico !o his courage, íirni ness, and trunscendant talents. Witness ihe followiDg from the correspondent of the N. Y. American. Mr. Adams rose, and spoke till the adjournment, retaining: the ilior lo-morrow (Jf the magnifioent scène that opened on ouradmirinííand awe-struck eáze duringthose two gloriou9 hours, report or descnption seems irnpossible. The pen almost urops from my feeble hand, when I attempt to do my duty to you in detaijing theleading incidcnta of this grand historie tirama. In greatfully acknowledging his infinite obligations togreat Virgtnians the first age of the Federa! Republic, he modeslly aud unpretendmgly recounied the unsought exultecJ honors heaped upon him by Washington, by Mar!ison,and by Munroe,iind de tailed with touching simplieity and force some of his leading actions in the dis- churge of those weighty trusts. As he went back through the historie vista oí mlrioiic monumentsi he seerned to 'renew lis youth like the eagles,'and rose into still loftier and bolder 6train than in the with ring etort with which he struck down Vise and Marshall last week. In passng over the preliminaries of his career, he happened to fix hÍ3 eye on Marshall, who waa then moving down one of the side isles. Instantly, on ihe suggestion of the moment he bursl into a beautiful appeal to the hallowed memory of the venerable and immaculate Virginian, who oace bore the natne of Marshall ihrouffh a lontj career of judicial honorind usefiilness. Then the contrast - 'Up o tl)ia time, the name of Marshall was issociated with only the ideas of hon)r and juatice: and now it must go Jown to all time, degraded by the memory ofthis scène uf baseness." You would ïavc pified poor Marshall if you could lave seen his pallid face werking under his iufluence, ns he slruggled to keep his Jiound and brace himself up against the ortnre. He will probably continue to walk the lobbies hereafter as he usually does when Mr. Adams speaks. Mr. Wise, whom Mr. Adams disdained to touch aguin to-day sat vainly atiemptiiif to wear an aspect of heedless indifTeï" ence during the whole speech, writiing, Sic. At last, when Mr. Adams wtis giving the details of a porlion of his diplomatic services, and while the House vas listenning ia breathless interest, Mr. Wiseas ift'atigued with a tedious oíd man'á story,look up his ha, sauntered down from his seat in the centre of the Hall, and thence { o u ll.roügh the broad;ise a circuitous andj unusual course for him. This was inten-j ded, of course, as a significant hint to ihe House, of Mr. W's weariness and want ofi interest, but, a moment or two after, he; stealthily slid into the Hall hv anotherj cntrance, and taking a backseat, sal de-' vouringthe speech witli the same excruciating interest as before. Strange fascin alion 1 The poor fellows would liko lorunj away and leave him wilh a thin House;' jut they catit, and so they sit wrilhing! under it, hour after hour. The general interest (thongh less cotn plelely intelligent) in the perfect beauty and value of this ap,;eal lo the past, wasnot less oppressive and aii-iDsoroing. - The whole House drew togelher aiound him and sat at his feet like children, tronsfixed and adrniring. Wild, furious Souiheruers, and treacherous Northern Focos 'forgot their rage' and base-j nesp, fora time, to pay this involuntary tribute to 'the old man eloquent.' As he stood pouring out the torrent of wisdom and patrioüsm, tho blush of shatne tinged many a dark face, and stern brows, usually knit at him in hate, relaxed their scowl to the ingenuous bland expression of esteem and veneration. At sonae of the soiter passages of tbc often louching reciial, gray-headed men bovved down iheir heads and wept, while the workings of other faces still fixed on the beloved, much abused old man, betrayed the tender emotions that did honor (o their Letter nature. [These are facts.] " "Ah! happy, if thosetears of theirs CouKI wasb a nation'a shame away." Non but an imbruted nature conld resist the moviug influence of the sceue.About tbriy persons have reeently dieo n Toledo by the ulceration of the throai. It is referred to the late spring-like weuther, as its cause.