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We Cheerfully Publish The Following Communication At The R...

We Cheerfully Publish The Following Communication At The R... image
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PWé cheerfully publish the following communicalion at tha request of our friends. VVe expect to receive further informilion on ibiicase, and shall therefore defer making iDy remarks upon it at present. Higitves frm Jimice-Pttblic Meeting at Detroit, Detroit, Feb. 26th, 1842. On Monday evening,Feb. 14th,a large meeting of the colored citizens of Detroit roet at the Baptist Church, to take into consideraron the situation of Nelspn Hackflt, now in prison in this city, having been su'rrendered by the Governor General of Canada,to Lewis Devenport,on the requiBition of the Executivc of Arkansas asa fugitivo from juslice. Mr. Lighifoot, the Clinirman, stated this meeting had been called to raise funds to employ counsel to ascertain if the papers sanctiouing the surrender of the said Hackett were genuino Mr. Lighifoot said he had, in company with Messrs. Banks, Bibbs and Hall, consutted vith counsel, who gave it as iheir opinión, after examining the papers (hat thyy were genuine and regularly made out, and therc was no point of law on which they could instituto a suit in his behalf. Mr. Monroe then introduced the fül!owingre?olütion: Resolved, That a committee be appointed by this meeting todraw up preamble and Resolutions setting forth tha danerous precedent of the Government of Canaada surrendering ihe said Hacket to the Executive of Arkansas as a fugitive from justiee, when at the same time, he was a refugee from slavery. Mr Munroe urged (he adoption of this resolution in a very eloquent 6peech, and nfter considerable (]i8cu;-sion it passed. The meeting thet adjoqrned. " On Tuesday Eveninp, Feb. 22nd, a larjje meetiug a6sembled at the same place, Mr. Munroe in the chair. .Mr Fnjnch fervently addressed the Throne of'Grace. The committee who were eppui'.nted at the provious meeting reported lili; following preamble "ind resolutions which were unanimoueiv adopted:NWhereas, We havo always viewed ihe British Province of Canada as an asylum for the unfortunate and oppressed slaves of the United States, and fondly believed tha moment they touched those ehores, that moment they were free. And whereasithe Governor General did, on the 17th January, 1812, surrender one Nelson Hftcket", to Lewis Devenport, of the city of Detroit, State of Michigan, to be by him given up to the authorities of Arkanaas as a fugitive from jusüce. The said Hacket was confiaed tor several montha in th jail of Sandwich, Western District, Uppc Canada, and on the night of the 8th Feb al a late hour was conveyed across th river and lodged in prison in the city o Detroit; and whereas, it is a ettled prin ciple in the slave code that every elav who absconds for hts liberty is a refuge from justice, a principie well understooc in Great Britain, and of course familia to his Excellency the Governor General: and whereas the said Hacket was not demanded by tho authorities of Arknsas for he purpose of punishing him for larcen y, hut to punish and make an example of him to deter others, and for the unpardonable offense of absconding from slavery:- Therefore, Resolved, It is with sorrow we find ibe Governor of the British Province of Canada countenancing and assisting theholders and their abettors of the American confederacy by seizing and confining in prison and returning to bondage individuals who had fled to that Province for protection and liberly. Resolved, As there are no Ireaty stipulations binding the Governments to surrender fugitives from juslice, we believe the Governor General was not justined in giving up the eaid Hacket, even admiuinghim guiityof the charge alledged, viz.-stealinga horse and a watch. Resolved, If this precedent, this sort of courtesy is established, thea Canada will nolonger be an nsylum for our unfortunate breihren who are escaping from bondage. They will be just as safo in New York, Vermont, Massachusetts and Maine. Resolved, We pray our Breihren in Canada to give this subject immediate tmd eerious attention, and ifpossible find what part certain officers and coun.sellors at Chaihnm, Windsor and Sandwich had ín this affdir and publish the whole transaction, and by all means endeavor to prevent such nefarious procecdings in future. Resolved, The proceediugsof this mee tiog be published in the Signal of Liberty, at Ann Arbor, Philanthiopist,at Cincinnati, Emancipator at New York, LiberBtor. at Boston.