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Will be publuhed every Wedncsday mom ing in Ann Arbor, Washtenaw county, Michigan, by the Execulive Committee, for the Michigan State Anti-Slavery Society. N. SÜLLIVAN, PRINTER. Tkrms. - $2,00 per annum, in advance. $2,50 in six months. gS.OO, if payinent be delayed to the close of the year. A etrict adharenco to the above term will be obser." ved n every cose. 07-No paper will be discontinued unlil all crrearagesare paid.J) Aovertisesients thankfully received and saerted at the usual prices in this vicinily. Any friend of humauity deeiring to aid the ■oaiiso of liiberty, is authorized to act aa Agent. All rkmittancks tind all Communications -designad for publication or in any manner velating to the "Stgnal of Liberty," will be tjoreafter addressed (tpost paid.J) 'Sigmal of Libertï; Anti Arbor, Mich." Or Travcüíitg aud Local Agcnts, Throikjhotjt the State, are especully fcböjjested to noticb the terms on whicb thi3 paper is published. aa _it 18 expected thev w1ll makb thelr colxbctions and remittances in 1ccordance trbrbwith, in bvery 1nstancb. [?ee proposition.] S1GNAL OF LIBERTY. Wednesda?, Marcïi 16, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News