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For The Signal Of Liberty

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Letter to the Editor
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ïuESSRs IiDitoks. - I know not uut your paper is inteoded Cor politics nstead ui' religión, it may beyou tvill adinit a word however,. relalins; to the interests of Zson. In refcronce to this place I can eáy with great pleasurO and eatisfaction, "Out of ZloOy the perfection of beauty, G_d hath shined." A. 6eris oí' meetings under conduct of Rev. Messrs. Limhoker and Bement commenced some time aluce resulting in the conversión of a considerable nunober, and I hope and trust the welfare and upbuildingof the ehurch. Under the ndministration of truth, rnuny have understood the import of the poet' lángü age, Lord whera ehall guilty souls retire, Forgoiten and unknown? Ia heil they meet thy dreadful fire! Inhearen tüy glorioua throne." And under thts eatne influente they have coraprehended the tneaning of an in eptred Evangelist, "lf we confess our sins he is faithful and jast to forgive us our eins.'1 Coufee3 your fauits one tuanother, and pray one for anoiher." In these mettings, 1 Uave witnessed the spirit of ein■teincing the appropriaterftheso words: "For ye have not received the pirit of lioudage again to fear, jut whreby we cry Abba Father; In whora we have bolduees and accees wilh confidence. by the faith of him." ter. we huvs seen in our. 'ove, uuion and agree-' mant amnii thedifTarent denominations.'HRhe spirit is love:1' and n'lhe possession of tiiis grace, linor diffïfonces of sentiment, fcheuniverse iu Iho sirong em)f bonevoleace. Ha lova that makes our cheerful feet In swiftjjedience move; The davila know and treinble too But Satan cannot love." Professing christians Baera determined, to consécrale thecnselves anew, to the cause of doing good, rememhering the doclaration, "Hercia 3 iny fkiher glurified that ye beur much fruit." These exhibiiions of regenerating power, are but another demonstration óf the truth of Reveiutionamd should fiugment our confidence in (Wak great and good Beiog who looks down upon all with a tender regard for their happinesa here and tbeir enjoyment heredfter. Í miglit name among others who have confributed i helping hand in these meetings, Rv. Messrs. Hatnlin,CrippJo,Stringham and others. At this time of wriiing, the meetings ara in progress, and seem to be aKended with the usual interest. - Ig view of these facts we are ïeady honeslly, and sincerely to thank God and take courage. "'Finally, bretliren, whatsoever thiugs are true, whutsoever lliings are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatBoover things aro pure, '.vliatsoever things ase loyely, whatsoever things are of goód report; if there be any virlue, and if there be aay praise, tiiink on these thiags." Wi:h rn'icb repecf,I remuin voursirulv.P. S. Auother meeting has just commenced with a good degree of interest iu the churcli ofltev. Mr. Harrisun.