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For The Signal Of Liberty

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During my absence from home white nttending the State A. S. Annivrsary, the 40ih nurnber of the Signa! brought u reply ot' J. Curpente'r tu sorae remarks ihat 1 had made on a couimunication oí his writteti lo the Siiïtial iusi after the ia 11 is strictures on mine aeem to be w ritten wlth kind feelings and in goud fui;h, which spirit, I believe prevails ihroughuut the poliiiral A. S. rariks the whole country over. Bul if niy frieodl Carpenler has ever knovvii the causetf freeüotn advancud in lïiè handt) of driukiog meu, be has seea what lias never fallen lo my obsci'vation. Men are not likely toadvunce u moral causo unless ihey practice upun moruls themselves; it is not al! the Teiriperance people thatare Anti-stavery, bul Í may repeat ugain 1 knuw of no Xiiberly men but what aro íríendá of temperaoc3- such as can be relied upon to advocate and carry forward the cause of emancipatiou. With very little exceptioo, the State Temperauce nniveraary wus composed of tho sama persone that niado up t!ie next dny the ötato A. S. Amiversary. - Our late Preeidesit of the A. S. society, J. F. Cleveland, waselected President oí the State Temperance Sociely, and Charles H. Stuart, the presidmg officer of tho State Temperance Sucieiy, was elected President of the State A. S. Society. 1 ihought this looked something like ainalgamaliun, allhotigh we do not allow of it in all cases. My friend Carpentershould uot under stand nie as saying we rriettn 'Ho set oar8elveb up as exclusives and say v-e do not want the votes of any but temperance men." In my firsl cotnmunication, I was tnerely giving the history of what had tallen under my own observation without inlending to proscribe any. The vote of one man goes as far to advance freedom as that of another, and will always be gratefally received. by the friends of the cause, as wellas by the oppressed. Still I view the temperance ettterprise allied tü the cause ot the emancjpatiou of the slave as the coming of John the Bap tist to the Gospel dispensati;n. J. Carpetiter says, "our Uberty papers at tho East, though they advocate the principies of temperance, (aa ell v.ell dimsud Japers do,) yet I see not atiy olteaipt madeto reader that and the slave a comnion cause, &,c. iïenry B. Stautim say, we are running a ticket tliis f II Ueaded, JVo Slavery - No Alcohol, whicli received n editorial commeridtition. Ja the Emane ij palor, dated 28th October, 1SÍI, is th Fulion County Addrcss, hcaded "LiLertj ticket, Nü slavery, No Imeniperance.' - At'tür enuincraiing sonieof tlio oiony evils l!iat have boen brnught upon us (hrough ! the asccndency of the slave power, ihe writers iu speaking of their ovvn candidutes, say, "these gentleman are also en emies of TÜE RUM POWER. There are about 8000 liceosed taverus and gro shops in this Srale, each of which on an average killa his man evcry yeHr. This drieadful evil has been greaily agijravdied by the ïiegielaiure throwing its legal protection ovur the trrtilïc in ardent epiritp, lhu6 rendering respeciable a budinett j which lives by doatroyiug 8000 of our ciij izcns annually, by ruimng thotr faráihep, and like the slaveholder, by röbbifig men of their properly. U' clccted, these getleman wil! do all in their power, to desj troy thssgiant evil." Tlie above doctrine has been advocated in the Emancipator 50 1 far iis I have been ahle to see, ever since 1 the orgaoizHlion of independent politica! ! action bas beea practiced, and that without auy rcjnonstranctí from any so lar as Í have kaowü. And in couclusion, Í um full in tha belief that the Temperance cause has and will serve very much toadvance the cnuse öf htiman rights in all and every of its beariags through the leagth and breadth of the land. Respecifullv thine.