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Important Decision

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Tho Supreme Courtof ihe Uuitcd States have made a most important decisión respecting fugilive slavcs. The following ootes of ita provisions are given by the correspondent of ihe Philanthropist. uThis morning the decisión in the great fugilive slave case, foclwecn Pennsylvania and Maryland, was given. . I wil! give you a full report óf it as soon as 1 can writeoutiny notes. The tnain pomtscinbraced in the decisión oí' the majorily of the Cuurj, as delivered by Justice Story, are these: 1. That a elaveholder, or his agent, or otherwise, rrniy arrest his slave, in uny State, wherever he can find hini, without warrant or the aid of my logal avithoriiy. 'J 11e must tuke him beluro a United States Judge,.to estublish his claim. ö. Nu Sutto Mugislralc has uny right K acl in thepremiseapnd that partöTthelaw of '93 which authorizes them lo du 6o, is nuil and void. Cungreas cannot vest sucli power in State oiikcis.4. The power oí legislatiun on iho subject of fugilive sluves rests cxcluiively in Cngres-; codsequenrly, all laws of on Siate, slave or free, on the sul jict, nre unconstitutioual and voitl. The uct of 171)3, except as ibove, is constiüitional,and may be enforeed by Uniled States Judges. The various bearings of ibis important decisión will be more l'uily seen in my fuli rcpcul. For one, I am salisiiod thet it 3 a greal gaiti to liberly. Men can no longor be sold for ÜieivjailJ'ees, in this city! Slaves can no longer be stnp;ed in ihfir progress tuwards a ree lund, by a hired caichpoU, or professional man hunter. PeUy inngisirates con no inore be hired lo devoto free tnen to slavery, Some ndduional legislation will bo need ed lo guard liberty in ihc free Siatcs, from the pariml loss of the proteciion of the Ijabeas corpus. Bul Mnssachusetts will set an.exaniple in ihis matter, in September. The sIavelK)!deis are very rnuch diEsatiffied with the result; far moro so than the friendo of liberty, wrong as the decisión appear3 lo, the ui, in some cfits :aspect8 The efíeets oí this decUion will on Ihe wbóle be grcatly for the benefit of the fugilive slaves, although it Ls ol-jeclionable , in very many respecta, lt deuioli&hes at I a single blow ! 1. The jury trial laws of ihe eastern : Siates.2. The Black Act of Qhio. 3. The laws of all the State?, slave or ('pp, rpsprclinfj the return Ö.f fugitivos. 4. The poer of rnágfstrntos lo aran; certificaten, is taken away, and on'y United States Judges can sei.d a ftigtiive hack to Slavery. This provisión will in part do away the necessity of a jury trial law: for the Judges are so few in number tiiat only a very few cuses will Le brou;ht before them. If these points re truly stateo', we predict thallhis will prove one o: the heaviesl blows slavery h.8 ever received.