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Moral Suasion And The Ballot Box: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Messrs Editors:-llwcnn to De one f the Convention, wbioh nominated the i . oerty ticket fc r the county of Washtena w, I iicard very much relotive to ballot-box uboülion. Indeed so much was f poken in {:raise of this potent "weapon firmerset; and botter than the bajonet;" so much panegyric, and such high encomiums lavtáhed upon that invmortal "Spurtan Band;" thoso choicc spirits; those invincible, chiv. dlrous, inimitable warriors- ihe "BallotBox IIeroeB1'ofl840; that at least asupoiicial observer might not have been very unlikeiy to receive tho imp"ession that uil other bolition except that manifesied ihrough tho medium of tho ballot box, was spurious; and all other means for the iccomplishment of thoso glorious oljects we have in view, considerably worse than uselc63. Il is not my design to mako invidious reflections, but truth demanda tho disclosure, humiliating though it may be lo hütne, that those were present who strenuuusly advocated the adoption of the prin ciple, in selecting candidatce, of excluding all those as unworthy of our suftVages, who had not exhibited their devotion to our cause the year previous, through ihe instrumentality of the balloubox. This proposition, I rejoice to say, received hs just deserlja ttern rebuke-, nevertheleBSjit was obvious that many indi- idua!s of the Convention, nol only supposcd, but firmly bfievcd that poliücul action was not only by far the most useful, tnergetic and efficiënt that could bo bro't to bcar; but as also in a great degree, superceding all olher means. Now 1 would bo very far from undcrrating or derogating from tho utility; uay mere, tho absolute neecssity of ballot-box agency in the holy cause of impartialjwtice and cqual liberty ; yet I beg leavo to dissent from such preposterous opinions, and not only so, but lshall take thefreedom to express my conviction of the cvil of imbibing so dangerous doctrine . I have seen its tendency and unavoidable resuks in too many instances exetnplified tohesitate in pronouncingthem "cvil nnd only evil, and that'continually." I havo witneseed with deep regret and painful solicitude, the apaihy of those who drink in. this pernicious errorj and thcir almost total indiffurersce lo, and entire ncglect of thut vast array of mcuns and ends by vhich political anti-s!avery must be sustained, and without which it would incvitubly and spccdily be annih.ilatcd. This has been most forcibly and clearly illustrated in the subsequent conduct of those ballot-box héroes- the "immortal tkree" who voted tho first Liberty Ticket in this Town. So far as my knowledge and observation extend, I do not recollect of hearing it even insinuated that thcy had doie any thing to render themselves obnoxiousto pro.slaveiy censure, or lo advance the cause of ubolitionism, except Ikhcir constant dovotion at tho Ehrine of.the baüot. box. I admire und commcnd their consisten cy in this particular, but l ■deplore the e vil influence jjUftQthcr respecte. Where, ■kiquire, has been tbe irith in the patronage iti-shivcry perioriicals? ftÖUcndingnnti slavery iácucsioní-? debuten? Where have been their pecuniary sacrifices in And echo answers where? Jmy many instatices and ' pof what I have writton I shal! Bit cite only the fullowing: Some JRluring ihe nter of 1840 and '41 } Ufo-slavery champion appeared in this vicinity and isBued challenges to any and every abolitionist, far or near, to meet him in public debate. He boasted his nuraeroua victories, over vunnuished opponents,and proclaimcd his determination to annihilate that species of fanaticism calied abolïtion, and to implant in iis stead in ihe minds of all who Bhould hcar him, a rationul conviction of the beauty, utility und neceB3ty ia ihis "land of freedom and équal rightü" tbr the existence of the Patriarchal Institution." No one immcdiately accept ing his challenge, he bccamc like "Golíah of Gath," desperate, and defied"priestand potentate,n and dcclared that consciousness of the cevlainty of defeat alone, pre venipd abolitionists entering the lists against bun. The earth seeined lo Iromble as he walkod back and frth "defying the armics of the living God, Where at this critical juncture v.ere those "Quixotic hevoes," who had displuyed ao irmch tnoral courage ut tho Polls, the November prcviou3? At leagth an individual -sodesperate v.u foi'.ndas lo step into the ;ircna und"seize the glovc"- onc too, who had never evinced his ubolitionism at the ballot-box. I would givc his name but for tho fcar of ncurring his censure; for he is too modest and unassuming to seck noloriety. Lest however soms one should erroneously infer that I am bluzoning forth niy own good deeda, I will venture the hazard: - Joel R Boykton, was the rcckless nmn, who boldly, when uil others iailed, eteppcd forth in defenco of ihose high and lofly Iruihs; those sacred principies, and thoso imtnutablc and inalienable righte, upon which is fuunded the holy cause of aboütion. Tho time was set; the prelirainarics arrangcd, and the conilmlants met in dcathless eucounter. A host of curious and anxious spectators had assérnbled to encourage and support by Iheir presenec, nnd ihcir p)lauáe thcir respective favorito; all was iushed in deathlike sileuee; at last the niïray commnnccd. Thcro was a dreadful clanking of aimor - u terriblo clashing ofnrms. For "Arms on nrrnor claehing brayed horrible discord; and tho moddening whcels of brazen fury roged" - Our prosluvery hcro was a powerful man; his physical organization unrivulled, lis temperament of the flrst order. From íia rníissive forehcad,projected cvcntunlity n bold rclicf;-Compnrison, Individualhy, Locality nnd Imitation wero quile conspicuous, while Ciiusali y secmed retirmg from observation, and Firrnneeö, Self-esteon, Approbativencss. Hope, Ama tivcness, MarvollousnesSjConibativcncss & Dostructivcness pnijoctcd immensely. Adhcsivcness Philoprogenilivencss, Bencvolenco, Vcneration and Conscieniiousntss courted not tho BCcutinizing gazo and admiralion ol the "disciple ofGall and Spurzheim." From this duta the phrcnological ubolitiotiist will draw his portrait, deduce his character, nnd whencver and wherever he mects, be ablo to recognizo and ideutifv him.But to return. Long and desperate was the conflict - ncillicr eeemcd incüned to yicld while etrength remumcd to wield 11 weapon;and toact the part ofan impartial historian, I must add, thnl om anti-slavery combatnnt was ín no respect inferior to hts opponent. At longth, huwevcr, otir iro-elavery hero bogan to reel beneath tlie well directcd blows ofhis op poser - but quickly drawing fromhis poch et a jihial or small fleisk, he swallowcd a art if its contente; and ngnin secmed nerved for deeds of desperate dm ing. But the strength dcrived from i'nnuturul stimuli being quite evaneseent, Boon secmed subsiding; when as the night was waning, a truce was proposcd and the case Bubmitted for an awardtotbe umpires. A deep and painfully thriiling suspense pervaded the vast assemblage, while the judges withorew for mutual conference previous to rendering a decisión. Thia suspense was heightened and iticreased by a rumored disagrecment bet ween them; eoon a ihird wus chosen ond the joy ful itiieüi"■ence corninunicated, of a veidíct in fuvor of cqu:il rights.And wherc moy I ngtun inquirc were our giants of the ballot box? Possibly had ihey been sought iliey uould huve been discovered snugly und comforlubly seated round the cheerful blazing fire - or pcrhap6 "uld Morpheus had waved his ebon wand" - and they were slumbering on beds of down locked in the fond embrace of the dear partners of hfe'á hopes and joys. Perchance the clanking of tho galling chainsof slavery - ihe shnrp crack of the driver's ecourgc - thebloodaml tears - the gronn8 and dcuth of hopcless and interminable bondage, wcre (orgottért. And why should it be olherwisc? No gentío zepliyrs sighcd through summer foliage and ilowers. Nouglit bul the rude btanS olhilling Bureas wcro to be mot without. - Hiere werc no honors to bc reaped - no aurete to bc won - no gold lp bo amusscd - and "last though not least," thcre was no ballot box in the i.ffiir - not hing of tho iind- no'hing but "kick- and cuiL"- dru;!gcrv und unrequited loil, und inglorious dfefcat iiwuitcd the f'riond oí llie slavc. L'lïcy hud accomplished ihe Hercnloan task of deposiling in its proper place ihe anti-slaveiy ballot, and "il would milcb," nnd a promising brood of ten ior one arise. And such indeed was the result. But who itnparted the genial warmih requisite to expnnd into perfect being the oviparou batch? Certainly not Uie ostrich that bu ried ii! And who fcd and nurtured t maturily the chick- the duckliog and ih goblcr? Most Rssuredly that kind un tender hcarted malron - moral suasion. - And l very rnuch doubt whether the wholhad not pro ved addlc, Imt for a partiële ( of prolific moral suasion embryo. Though ery probably ihe sulphuretled Ir, drogen md explolcd, and the calcureous shell had )iirst, and it8 odoriferous contents bespaterred the veslinents and visages of those 0 unfortunato as to be coniiguous. Bui to bescrious - I mosi arderstly hope ïat liberty party-ism elsewhere as it lias iisró will not in the miiuls of some of its ë volees, nuporcedo the neecssity of olher eaceful and moral nnd means for the vertbrow of slavory. Indcod I know llmt. uch to any great exteut will not be the onsequence of politica! ttholilioi), yet iliat 1 any dogree so pernicioua doctrine should kain wou ld be atisc of painful rejjret.-verily believe hnd there not been a culïable dcfioiency in the opposilion manitsled against slavor}' - had all the luudtijlc means in onr power boen bioighl to car against it in this lovvn - inslead of lirty. we had at the last clection polled ouble that nuniber of nbulitiun votes. These coneidcrationainduccd no to ap)ear on the present occasion. I hopo no no vv il] bc uilended - fur myoljoct is not ) widen l-ut to heal the breach thnt nlready xisis in our ranks. Should tur noble esscl (üTuuder and be lust by unskilful ïaniigetncnt, or from sheer nogligence nd luzin.eS3 on the part ia the marinéis whose will bo ihe guilt? Then let notie be slolhful. Sacrificcs n lirno and money mast bo mtu!e - or rathcr perhapg I should have said duly in liicso respects, mitst be dist-hurged. Funds must be raised for tho gratükpuö ciiculation of the Signa! of Liberty and (ther, anti-shtvery [apers. Thoso abolilionists whij cannot coVscibrttioual'y carry their princij)les inlo pojitica, should nevcr censure thoso whocannut consciea tiouölylo otherwise, and llio laKer auiu should tïüvcr denounce and proscribe the forme r. In a word, let ach nnJ al! concéntrate thcir energies as far as practicable, and direct them nol ugaiast friends, but eneinies of univereal libort 3 . There sliould be more conciliati in more of a sjjtrit of compromiso uud mutual cuticesslún, and abovo ail of "brolherly luvev ainon those who would soe our belovud country, nnd the world universally clcansed from the ioul et;iiti8 of slüvery. There ehould be greatcr unity of purpose, and concert of clion aoïong thut heavcn directed band vho a!i) lo 'break eveiy yoke, and let llie ppresscd g- freo" ani esiablish tliroiigiiout the earth on a sure foundation, an immoVhble basis (hose ualtiral, inherent and unalienable rights, whioh derivcd i'iotn lleaven are iis free gift to all. In conclusión, then, permil me to söiind "an alarm," and suggest to al!, but more espeeially, uur petitie-al friends the necessily, whüe Ihey use i'bullcts" - political aclion, of reinembering the powdcr [moral suasion.] without which "bullets"' will not only bo useless, but an actual incumbrance. Give us as much political aclion as you pleasCjbul let il be backed and susluiaed, and supporied by moral suuaion.