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The New York Watchman

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Devotod to t!ie interosts of protestant Christianiiy, Literaturc, Science, Education, Ilic Arts, Agriculture, the moral enterprises of the age, and to the diffusion of general intelligence. "Knowledge is as the light of heaven: free, pure, pleasant, exhauslless. It invites all to pos3ession; it admits of no preBiTiption, no righta exclusive, no monopoly.' For six years, ihis paper has been gaining in the confidenco of the public. lts diaracter as an independent, literary and religious joiimal, Í6 now fully establ6hed,as is evident irom ils circulation among uil classes of the comraunity. Thoso vho desire A GOOD F AM IL Y NEW SPAPER, Free from those features of eectarianism, which aro so oöbnsiveto the spirit of Christianity - a y)apnr which admits auitable ar ticlesoo all subjects upon which the cnnimu. nity nced to bc infonncd - a paper open, especiülly to thoclaiin8 ofsuflbring humanity, miy be assurcd that no cfforts wil! be aparcd lo rendir tliiö acccptable and woriliy of thir patronage. It has a large numbër ofable and intelligent correspondents, whoso comrnunicatiuns will onrich ita columna from time to time, on natural and revealcd theology, revivals, missions, human rights, temperance, education, sabbat h and cummon echools, murul reform, health, egricullure, geology, physiology, natural and mental philosophy, music, rcviu-ws of books, &c. - In n word, it occupies a field of usefulneas, not approiriatcd ly any other periódica' in this orany othor country. Thescvcnth Volume c.omnienced January 1, 1842. The price is ouly two dollars a year, in advance; and thi3 is eufficiently low to put it wilhin the reach of all. Reader, you have a personal inttrest in the New York Watchman! For, lie who has a heart to know his wholc duty, whose soul thirsts for Information on all thosc subjocts most directly connectd with ÍoaN'o highest happincs8, will find assisiance in the columns of this pnper. Tlic W ATCHMAtr is pubibshed every Saturdoy, at 126, Fulton street, New York, where subscriptions are respectfully sohcited. Dvc. 29, 1841. tf