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OLOOKü- ALL!!LL0 H ïIE undeisigned, havinL loaned two Ba works of Washington living (as he racollects,) the "Alhambrci" and "■liracebridge Hall," and not reinecnbering who hey were loaned to, has lost track of' their whereabouts. The same nlso being the case with vol. 38 of JYüts Register. Hu would )e very tmicli accommodated indeed, if those n whose poesession they uiay bc, would return them. Or if any one knowing where hey.or either of Iheiu are would inform hita, ie would endeavorto reciprócate the favor. The lalter work he feels particularly anx ou8 about; as it contains tlie rr.ost of the de)ate in the sonate of the U". S. sorne yeara since in relfition to the Public Lands, wheren Gen'J. Hnyneof C. and Daniel Webster oí Mass., were the most prominent speak era. DW1GHT KELLOGG. Ann wirbor, March 15, 1842. 47 Sw THRESHING MACHINEÍHOSsE POWER, MILLS, &c. THE undersigned are raanufacturingand will keep constantly on hand at their shop two and a half miles west of Ann Arhor, near the Rail Road, HORÖE POWERÖ and THRESHING MACHINEiS.- The horse power is a new invention. by S. W. Fosïer, and s d-oidedly superior to any thing of the kind ever before orfered to the Public. The pnce of a Four Horse Power, with a good Threshing Machine is 120 dollars, at the shop; without ;he Machine, ninety dollars. 'These Horse Powers can be used with two, ihree or four tiorses to good advantage. Three men with two horses, can thresh one hundred bushcis ofwheat per duy (if ityields rniddling welJ,) and it wÜl not be hard work for the horses. The Horse Poioer and Thresher can both be put in a cominon waggon box, and drawn iny distance by two borses. The Two Hot3e Power will be sold at the shop, with the Thresher for one húndred dollars; without the Thresher, for seventy-five dollars. They also manufacture STRAW CÜTTERS, recently invented by S. W. Fostjbr, winch are decidedly preferable to any others for cutting struw or corn stalke, by horbC or water power. They also work by hand. - Price, ritteen dollars. - -ALSO- CAST-IRON MILLS for grinding provonder, at the rate of sjx to eignt bushels per iiour, with two horses or by water. - Al90- (EpSMUT MACHINES of superior construction. Invented by S. W. Foster. - Price, eixty dollars. S. W. FOSTER, fe Co. Scio, June L3, 1841. 10-ly TAKEN UP g Y the subscriber, on or abont the fifJHL9 teenth day of September last a small RED COW, 6ome white on the back, belly and tail; no artificial marks visible ,supposed to be twelvc or fourteen years old. The owner can havo the. same by.proving property and payiug charges. ELISHA B. PARKER. Salem, Jan. L5, I8l2 42-8v.