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The New York Watchman

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iJfivoteü to t:ie inierents or protestant) Cliristianity, Literata re, Science, Education. ' the Arts, Agriculture, the moral enterprises of ihe age, and to the diffusion of genera! ! intelligence. "Knowlcdge is as the lightof j heaven: free, pure, pleasant, exhauetless. It invites all lu posaession; it admils of no preemptiun, no rights exclusive, no monopoly.' For six years, this paper has been gairiirig in the confidence f the public. lts chnracter as an independent, literary and religious jmimal, is now fully estabüshedjas is evident irorn ils circulation umong all classes ot' the coinmunity. Those who desire A GOOD FAMILY NEWSPAPER, Freo froui those fenture3 of sedarían, which ure so offensive to the spirit of Christianit.y- .a papor which admits Buitable arfieles op a'.l s-ubjecis upon which the cornmunity need to be informed - a paper open, especiaily to iho cluims ufauffaring huinaniiy, may be assured that tin eflbrts wiii bc spared j to ronder this acceplabie nnd worihy ofihtMr i tatrotiago. It has a large riumbür ofable and intulligent corrospondents, vvliose communiciilTona will cnrich its columns from tïine to time, on natural and revealed theology, revivals, missions, human rigiits, tempciance, education, sabb.uh and coir.mon schoolt', mornl refonn, heaith, ogriculiure, geology, pljyesiology, natural and mental puilosopliy, inusic, reviews of books, &cc. - In a won!, it occypies a íield af usefulness, not ápprópriátcÜ by any other pèrrodical in tliis orany other cituntry. The sevenili Volume coinmenced Jajpüitry.. 1, 1842. The price is only two dollars u year, in advance; and this is sufficiently low to put ir. within ihe reachof all. Headfr, you have a personal interest in the New York WntchtDaii! For, he who has a heart to know his A-hole duty, wliose soul tliirsls for Information on all thosé subjects most directly conoectnd witli's highest happiness, will find assisunce in the coltunn? of thia paper. Thu Watchman is pnbhshed evory Saturday, at 16, F.ulton s'reet, Ntiv Yor!;, wliere subscritions are rcspectfully solicitcd. Dt.'C. 29, 1841. S6-tf