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Willbepublished every Wednesday morn ing m Ann Arbor, Washtênaw county, Michigan, by tho Executivc Committee, for the Michigan Síate Anti-Slavey Society. N. SULLIVAN, PRINTER. Trrms. - $2,00 per annum, in advance. $2,50 in six months. #S,00, if payment be delayed to the close of the year. A strict udherence to the abovc terms will bo obscrvcd in every case. 0-No paper will be discontioued untilall arrearages are paid.cjQ Advertisements thankfully received and iiiBerted at the usual pricee in tliis vicinity. Any friona of huraanity dcsiring to aid tho cause of Libertrjy is authori'cd to act as Agent. All remittancrs and all communicationa designed for publication or in any tnanner relating to the "Signal of Liberty," will be foereafter addresscd Cpost paid,,]!) "Siokal of Libertv; Ann Arbor, Mich," Oms TravcIHifisg unú t-ccíil Ageists, Throughoüt the State, are e55pecially j BBQUESTED TO K0T1CI5 THB TERMS ON WHICU THIS I'APER 18 TUBLISIIED. As IT IB EXPECTEP THET WILL M AKE THEIIt COLLECTI0N3 AND EEMITTANCES IN ACCORDANCE TnEREWITH, IN EVERT INSTaNCE. [SKE PROPOSITION.] s SIGNAL OF LIBERIA. Wcdnesdai, April C, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News