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Supreme Court Vs. Daniel Webster

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- JuJge Story, in givtug che opinión of ihe Court Ta the late Pennsylvania case, üeared: "By the general of nations, no ition is bound to recognize, in its own orcinions, ihe law of slavery of anotherSlavery being a purely municipal regu tion. any recognition of it by a foreign overnment is a matter of cornity, and ot of international right." Here we have the Creóle case decided by the highest tribunal in our nation. The JBritish are not bound to recognize our law of slavery: consequently there ia no propriety in our demanding indemnification, es a matter of right. If the British pleaae to give us any thiiig, very well. If otherwise, how can we complain? What will Mr. Webster say lo this decisión? The most he can say will be.that he had a bad cause.and he argued it as well as hecould.