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Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer

Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer image
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To the Public. - Frora and after Friday, llt!i instant, the Weekly and Semi-lVeeldy Courier and Enquirer will bc enlarged lo the size of the Daily paper, and offer inducement8 to tho advertiser and general re.ader, euch aa have rarely been prcsented by any papers in the Urnled States. Semi-Wekklt. - Thia sheet will be published oa Wjjdnbsiays and Saturdays. - On the oulside vvill bo placed all ttic contente of the Daily sheets for the two precedmg daye, togelher with appropriato matter tbr the general reader eelected Tor the purposo; aud the inside will be the inside of the Daily paper of the same dey. Thus all udverüsernants in the Daily paper on VVkdnesdats and Saturdays will also appear in the SemiWeekly paper for these daye, without ony addilional chargo to the adveriiser. Phis publtcation will of course, be mailed with the Daily puper of tho sume dale, and carry to the reader in the country tho very lateat in lelligence. TKRSI3 OP TUK SEMI WEEKLT PAPER. Four Dollars per anuum, payable ia odu vanee. Five Dollars per annum, in all cases whea payment is not made in advunce. Any person fwrwarding dollars in rnoney nol more than five per cent below par, fréö of posloge, will be entilled to scven copias to be sent to the same post office; and at similar rales for nny iarger number of subscribers. When the money sent is more thán fivo per cent below par in this city, it will be öold hi the current rates, the proccede carried to the credit of the subscriber, and the papers sent for a pro rata penod of timeWEEKLY COURIER AND ENQUIUER. Th in sheet, also of the size of llie Daily Courier, and the largest weekly poper iesued froin a daiJy press, will bc publislied on Saturdays only; and in addilion to all the matter published in the Daily during tho week, will contain at least one continuous 6tory and a great variety ofextracts on miscellaneous subjfcte, relattng to History, Pulitics, Literature, Agriculture, Manufactures, and the Mechanic Arts. lt is iulended to raako ihis sheet the most perfect, as lt will be one of the laigest of the kind, ever offered to the reaeüng public; that is a newspaper in tho broadest sense of the term, as u necessirily will be, trom cmtaming all the matter of the Daily Courier, anti at the same time very miscellanoous und hteiary, by reason of selections and república tions set up expressly for inserlion hi this paper: The politics of the Coumer fy Enqüiue are too Heil known to the public lo require any explanación. It was this paper which first gave the name of Whigs ann LocoFocos to the two great parties in the United States; and could iis coansels have prevalled at Harrishurg in December, 1839, HEJN11Y CLAY would now have been President of the United States. lis motto is "Justice to 'Uaury optbe Wksï.' let tho consequances be what tl'.cy may;" and it is the only uuur 'in fue great commercial enipariüm of the United States which has assumed aud I will tnaintain Üiu posifioü. TEUMS OF THE WERKLT COURlEtt AND ENQUIRkR. Vu eingla subsciibers, three dollars per annum. To two or more 6ubscribers less llian six, to liusent to the saine Post-0íllc8ssfx;o dollars and fifty cents per annum. To six subacibe ra and less than tioentyfive, to be sent to not more than three cÜöerf at Post-Oiïlccs, two dollars per annum. To ciasöcs and comtnklees over twentyfive in number, to be sent in pareéis not less than ion to nny one Puèt Uflice, one dollar and seventv five cenls ver annum.Ín no case will a Weekly CouaiER be forvvarded ('rom tJio offic-.o for a period lesa than one ycar, or unlcsa payment is made in advanck; nnd when the f'unds sent are bclüvv par, they wi! ha sold at the current rates and ihe discoent be deducted from the amount cirried to the ciodit of the subscriber. ín Jike mnnner, when poetage ia not paid, ii will be deducled from the aincunt uncloaed. All Poslmaslers are aulhorizod by tho Postvnnster General to forward funda fru fubscribers, free of postage; and all reniittiinces made tbrough Postmasters will be al our risk. General Agents, Carriera, &,c. íc. will ahvuys be eupplied with ar.y nuniber of cop ies they may require, on giving twó dys' nooce, at íbur dollars per hundred. The Daily Morning Courier and JVewYork Euquircr, in consequenc of ils givat circulation, has been appointed the official papjir f the Circuit and District Courln uf the United States to publish ai-l noticesand ; other 2roceedmgs m t;ases of jBankruptcy in the Southern District of the State of JYew-York; and all euch nolices will he 'mserted at least once, in both the weeldy and semi-wetkly papers. In addition to wlnch, we shall also pubJÍ6h in our Daily, Weekly, and Semi-Weekly papers, a full list of all ihe applicatioi)9 in tho United States for the benefit of ihe Kankrupt Luw. Prices Currenl and Review of the Market, will of course, bc published at lëngth in each of the three papers. Country Papers with which we exchange, are respectfully requtsted if convenient, to give this advertisement one insertion and cali attention to the same; and every daily, wcekty, or semiwcekly paper in the United Statee, with which we do ;jot exchange, will be cntitled to an exchange for at least onc-year, on giving this advertisement an insertion and calling public ai tention to it. The weekly and setniwt:ekly of Saturday next, will contain the first four chapters - all that have appeared - of"Oür Mesa, or the Life Guardsrnan," by the author oP'Churle6 O'Malley." New-York, Febrnary 3, 1842. II f ltdfclt