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The New York Watchman

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Devuted to lie interests of protestant Christiauity, Literature, Science, EJucation, llie Arts, Agriculture, the moral enterprisej of the age, and to the diflusion of generJB inlelligence. "Knmvledge ia as ihc lightof hcaven; ree, pure, pleasanjÉl invites all to possossion; i tel emptiun, nu rigiits excluei' e, no monopoly.' For 6ÍX yeaid, ibjfl iu the conlideiiuufl iblic. lts character as an indepsifl journal, is auw fifl I'roai is circulauH g all classes of the coinmuuity. TuM A GOUD FAMILY NEVVSPAPER, Free from those featal which iré so olFonsiveto 1 tianity - a paper whicraa licles on all eubjects upcw nu. nity need lo be informeoB pecially to the claims of suflfeï muy be assured that no eñbrta il to render this acceptable and worihy patronage. It his a large numbePI and intelligent correspondent, whose c munications will onricl) its columna Í time to time, on natural and revealed theofll ogy, revivals, raissions, human rights, tcinperonce, education, sabbath and common schools, mural reform, health, ogriculture, geology, physiology, natural and mental philosophy, music, reviews of books, Sic- In a word, it occupies a field of usefulnesa, not appropriated ly any other jeriodical in this or any other country. The seventb Volume commenced January 1, 1842. The price is only two dollars a year, in advanpe; and thia is sufficiently low to put it witliin ihc reach of all. Ueader, you have a personal interest n the New York Watchman! For, be who has a heart to know his .vhole duty, whose soul thirsis for Information on all those subjects most directlj' connected wilu iia.n's highest happiness, will tind assisiance in the columns of this paper. Tlie VV atchman is publi-shed every Saturdoy, ut lL6, Fulton streef, New York, svhere subscriptions are respectfully eohcited. D.c. 9, 1841. SCtf