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The Following Work, Has Been Compiled From The London Pictor...

The Following Work, Has Been Compiled From The London Pictor... image
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WIIICH SELI.S IN TIU3 COUNTRY FOK !$Ü8 TO S2& PER COPT. Every man. woman and ckild i?i ihe United States, who posscss a Bible., will surely furnisk tkemselves . wilh ihe Jollowing beautifitl ' series of Scripture IlluUrations . P1CT0RIAL H4.U3TRA.T1ÖNS OF THE BIBLE, AND VIEYT OF THB HOLY LAND. J'ev, cheap and valuabie publication. - Four hund red pages, C vo.Jine prrpcrjiandsomelg bound. Price onhj TfVO DOL LAliS. The subseriber respect fujfy invites the atlefuion of Clerjíympn, Teachers of Sabbath Schools, Heads of Families, and Booksellers Lhronghout Uie United Ma'os,to iheaboveNtívv, C'ienp and splenilidly lllustnucd work. Itablisheü and fur saie at No. 122, Nassau stree', New York city. lts features ure better defined by the tille: - Tico hundred Piclorial Illustrations of the PCniPTURES, COtSI5ThN'G OF VIEWS IN THE HOLY LAND; Together with many of the most mmark.ible olijects mentioned in thfi old and new tca!anientf, represen-ting sacred historical evouts, copied from celebrated pictures, principally by the o!d masiers. the landscape scènes, taken from original sketches tnade on the spot, wilh 1 ij 11 and inlcreBting letter-press descriptioos, devoted to an "cxHminatiuti of the objecls inenliuned in th sacred text. Ou examination this will be found a w ry ple;e:nt and profiiablu book, cspeciaily foi ïho per ú sal of Yuuno People, abóúndin in he most valnabJe intbrnualion, collccted with fjreat care, froirv Ihe best and latest source?. It tnay, very proporly, be desi&nnted acorninon place book for every thing valuabie relating to oriental manners, cusioms. kc.and comprises within Uaelf a coroplcle library of religious and useful knowledge. A volume liku the present, is far superior to ihe comroon Annuals - it wil! never ba out of date. it h beautifully prioted. in now long primor (y pe - hnndsomely bound in Muslin. jilla.d lettered; and is dtcidedly,t!ie best and chea pest publication (for the price,) ever issued from th! America Pres. CiergyniHt), Superintendante and Tenchers of sabbath schools, sgenlB of rclijjious newspapers and penodicals,post(n;islei-s and booksellers, lliroughout the country, are respectfully requested to act as our agente. No letter will be taken from the oljiee unlees post paid. To Pablishers of Papers ihrmigltoul the United States. - Newspapers or iYlaguzines, copyiog the obove entire without any alteration or abwdfffjjnnt (inciuding this notice,) í'.r.á giving it y insifie insertionsj phall rcceivo u copy of liic v o rk, (subject to their order.) by sondiof diretions to the Publisber. L9 I2w iTjTlie above work may J)S had at the B,)ok iore of Dea. Chas. ono dspi west of tbo LaCtyctte House, Aun Af&oïi A liberal discount made to.wholcsale pu''cliaseri?, Pureons in the country, vfebihg to act as agents, may obtain all the necessary 'mforrmuion, by addressing their letters to the subseriber, Ño. 122, Nassau streef, N. Y. ROBERT SEARS. Puhlishrr.


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