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Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer

Weekly And Semi-weekly New-york Courier And Enquirer image
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To the Public. - From and afler Frulay, Ilili instant, the Weekly and Semi-fVeekly Courier and Enquirer will bu enlarged lo llie sizo of the Daily paper, and olïer_ inducementa t( the advertiser and general reoder, öiich as have rarely been pnsentcd by any papers in the United States. Seïii-Wekkly. - This sheet wU1 be published on Wednesvays and Saturdaïs. - On the outsioe will be placed all the contente of the Daily sheets f'or toe two pruceding days, togellier vvith appropriatu matter tbr the general reader selected for the purpoee; and'thu insulo will be the inside of the Daily paper of the s;nne dny. Thus al) udverüsernants iu the Daily pnper on U'kdnusdays and Saturdays will also appear in the íáemiWeekly paper f'or th-se duyp, without cny additionai charge to ilie adverusor. rh9 publiration will of course, be mailed with iho Daily puper of the sume dale, and carry to the rt-ader in the country the very laleel ïiï lelligence. TKIIM3 OF THÉ SI-Í.MI ffF.EKLr PAPER. Four Dollars per aunúni, payable in adva nee. Five Dollars per annum, in all cases when payment is not mude in advance. Any person forwarding dollars in money not more than h've per cent below par, freo of poslage, will be entitled to eeven copies to bö sent to the same post ofiice; and at similar ratea t'or any langer nuinber of subscribers. When the money sent ia mórè than fivO per cent beíüiW par in this ciiy, it will be sold at the cnirent rai-s, the proct-edn curt iiii to the credit of the subscribir, und the pap;:rs sent for a pro rata period oi' linieWEEKLY COUUIERAND ENQUIRER This sheet, also of the size of the Daily Couricr, and the larjjest weekly paper issued from a daily press, will be published on Saturdays onlyjand in nddition to all the matter published in the Daily during the week, will contain at least one continuous story and a great voriety ofextracts on miscellan$ons eubjt!Cts, relatiñg to History, Politicr-, LiteraUire, Agricuiture, Maniifactures, and the Meclmnic Arts. lt iö iutended to make this sheet the most perfect, as it will be one of the laigest of the iijud, ever oöeredto the reading public; thnt is a newspapcr in the hrbadesl sea.sö of the lerna, as it necessarity will be, from c mtaining all the matter of the Daily Courier, and at the same time very iniscelianeous and iuoiary, by reason of seleclions and ivpublications set up expressly hr inaeriion ia tljiá pa pp r., The politics of the Courier - Enquiiiek are too well knoun to the public to requiro any expltina'.ion. U wa3 this paper vvhich ñrst gave the name of Wtnös ann LocoFocos to the two great partios in the United States; ond could ii.8 counsêia have prevalled at Rarrishurg in Dt-cember, 169, HBÑRY CLAY wonld now have been President 6f the United Siatee. Ita motto is ''Justicr; to 'Harry ofthk West,' let the consequeni ces be what they inay;" and it is tho (n!y rojit.r iu thegreat commercial cmporiuin of the United States wliich has assuimíd und will ínaíutüin this posición. JEHMS OF TUE WÏBKCT COÜKIER AKD ENtUIRKR. Tii fingió subscribers, thret dollars per annum. ïo two or XiiOTQ subscrihers less than six, to besent to the Su'ine PostOfficeSi two dollars and fifty cents 2.-r annum. To six autjscribers anu lessthan twenlyfive, to be sent to not more tün three dtfltíient Post-Ülfices, two dollars peí' annum. To classes and commktees over iweutyiive in numher, lo be sent in pareéis not Jss than ten to any one Post Office, one dollar' and seventy-five cents per annum. In no case will a Weeki.y Courier be forwarded from tho office for a period less thaa one yf-ar, or unlt-ss payment is made in adyanck; and when the funds sent are below par, they wili be solii at the current rates and the discoent be deducted from the amount cirried to the credit of the subscriber. Iu like manner, when postage is not paid, it will be deducted from the amount enclosed. All Poslmaslers are aulhorized by the Postmaster General to forward funda fro subscribers, J'xee of postage] and all remit- tancee made liirougu Poslinasters will be at our risk. Gouerul Agents, Carriers, Lz.c. -c. will alwiiys be suppiied with any nummer of copies they may require, on givinj two d.iya' notice, at four dollars per hundred. The Daily Morning Coxtrier qnd JYewYork Enquirer, in consequent of ils grt-at circulation, has been appointed the official papur of the Circuit and District Cuurls of the United States to publish all noticesand other proceedings in cases of JBankruptcy in the Southern District of the tilate of JVew-York; and all such notices will be iu serted at least once, in both the weekly and semi-weeldy pnpers. In addition to which, we shall also nuhlish in our Daily, Weekly, and iSemi-.Weukly papers, a full list of all ihe applications in thu United States for the benefit of the Bankrupt Law. Prices Currenl and Review of the Market, will of course, be published at length in each of the three papers. Country Puper with which we exchange, are respectfuliy raqueáted ü' couvenient, to give this advertisement one insertion and cali' attention to the saine; and evpry daily, weec-] ly, or semi-weekly puper n the United Stutea,' with which we do not exchange, will be en-j titled to an eschange for at least one year, on giving this advertiáenient an insertion and calling public attention to ir. The weekly and semi-wrckly ofSaturday next, will contain the first four chapters - all that have appeared- of '-Oor Mess, or the Life Guardtmjtin," by the author of'Charles O'Malley." York, February 8, 1812. llfltdklt


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