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Foreign Anti-slavery Intelligence: Holland

Foreign Anti-slavery Intelligence: Holland image Foreign Anti-slavery Intelligence: Holland image
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Mes&rs. G. W. Alexander and John Scoble have been performing an anti-slavery tonr in Hillnd. Tlièy visited Ams-erdam, Utrecht, Groningen, Rotterdüm, and the Ilnnrue. At Utrecht , they found some memhers of the leeiolative bodie?, end professors in the University, quite favorably disQpsed. An in!erview witli some Moravians disclosed the fart that in conseqnence nf the escape of elaves from Surnun to B.- ish G nann, the slaves in th- Dutcli province nre no iomn-pr nilowed to Feceive insiruction f rom iiie missionaries. Ai G:o;iin2en.the meetings were hijjhly encournging. IJis Excellcncy, Baron Renger?, presided at one meeting, and several Ustinguished judicial and legul cliaracters were present.- One of the gentlemen, wriling to Mr. Scoble, a few days ademante, Fays, "My son, who osíís ed at your meeting, told me yesterday eventng, that he intends to delend, ngainst other opponents, studentá in their literary circles, the principies you are idvoocating, which, ofcourse, I encounged him to do; and so, by different mean?, un-ier the blessing of the Almightv, every tbing will come to a good Usue, caval lupidem, nonvi, sed stepe cadendo.1' The drop hollows tho rock, notby ita force, but by ils constant droping. A got-d word for us all. At Rotterdam a Inre public meeting was held, and it is evident that sound principies are gaining ground, so that it may be hoped that the day of emancipation in the Dutch colonies is not distant. Tunis. The Committee of the British and Foreiirn Anli-SIavery Society have adopted nn address to the Bey of Tunis, expressive of their lii?h sense of the proceedings he has odopted for the snppression of the slave trade, ond of thoir ardent hope that he will extend bis views to the abolition of slavery itself. The adilross wns signed by Tilomas Chirkson, and forwnrded throngh Sir Thomas Reade, II. 15. M. Consul at Tunis. We venture to predict that his higlinei-s will not treat it and its authors as onr President Tyler, did the nddress brought tuit by Joseph Sturge. TheTunisians. you know, are Mnhommedan barbarians, and we are a nalion of refined Christians. All the difference in the world. Frange. The Frencli abolitionists hold on their way, notwitlistatding the tardiness nnd unfaithf'ulness of successive adminisirations of the government. They persevere in exposing the monstrous cruelties of the pystcm, ns it prevails in Guadaloupe, in Martinique, in Cnyenne. A single specimen wil] show that slavery is the same every wherc- a systcm of wrongthe pnrent of the most diabolical crueltjes- in Guadaluupe as in Alabarua. Fro.n La Revue des ColomVa. of Nov. 1641. A deed of great atrocity bas jnsl been perpetrated at the fabrique d?eu?rais of Morue a Savou. This establishmont, sitwatcd very nenr Point-a-Pitre, on the sirie of the road, belnngfi to M. Boisaubin, a relation of the too celfibrated Drouillard-Mnhnudiere. A monster known for his ferocity townrds tho slaves was overseer or the plantation. It was withjoythnt M. Boisaubin encountered snch a man as the miscreant LaiTfanqne to direct the labors of his slaves. Two runawoy negroes. Sixpouces and Jacob, having been seized, imngine tho refinement of bnrbarity, the frightful (umisliment which was infiicted on them. Tiiese two i-laves were tied together fuco to fase, body to body, in sucii a mannrr as to appear to be fitted o'ne to the olher. In tiiis poilion they weroflogged, whüst Laffrnnqne wascausing an iron h"be made red hot. The instrument of torture beinsr rendy, this monster thmst il into the bowcls of 'the. vppermost slave. The cxcruthtiiig pain 'of thi irterml burning cau.ed the victim to make such a movement as to place his wretched compamon nppermosf, who in his turn was subjected to the ordeal of the red hot iron. The barbnrity did not stop hert1. Having :nade the two slaves dre?s themeolves, Ijaffranque, by the aid of a tunnel, poured into their tnemths a mixture of Reces and urine.- He has been arrested. What did he sny to ju8tify himself: Tht ta b'jrning wa ]ninistered as an_ excellent curo for vermin.- The trial will reveal other crimes of Laffranque Brazil. A correspoudent of the Lnndon A. S. Reiorter says that the elave trade hoa preatly inreased under the auspices of the present Bralian mhistry, who favor nnd protect it.- iirly n November, fifteen hundred new nefroes from the coast of África were peen in one loase, ond five hundred were lodfred in ih mnehovse u-iththe chief qffirer uf polite nt 'onto de Coju, about quarter of amilefrom tho mperor's palace nt St. Chnstophers. The andinas on the coast are of fi fquent ocair ronce, hut it is very difficult to scertain eveu the proximate number,pf victims; they hnve probably ncarly dovibled, howev' pro-slavppy govcmmenl me into riod of nbout twclve months. The Brczilian rovernment,hy tre 1327, stiptilatcrl "that it shnll not tliR snbjects ofthe emperorof Brazu iu oe concerned in carryioj; on the African elave tmde, under nny pretext or in nny manner whatsoever: and the carrying on such tradeby any subject of his imperial majestv, shall he deemed and trecttfd nsH icy." The law of 7th No - vember, 1831, tn j rffect to this treaty, bbcuied the cmangfij lion of all slaves jílichly incroduceil into Br.izil. Now, in deepité of the law of 1831, fonr hfl d thousand Africana, impnrted sincn tlir.t time into the empire, ure slave?: nnd tiiese inen, thus illegally deprived of their Jibrrty, cnnstitnte, from their age and their physical strenth, considerablv nbovft onu-third ofthe pruductive labor of Órozil.- The plave trade party are taking mensnres to nentralize the efficar.y of t lint law, bylepnhzingr the ulnvery of 11 Africans, however introdnced. Tlie British minister, in a remoustrance against tho propositinn, says: (lít is clearly impossiblf, in law or cquily whatever nwy utifortunntely be de ffjclo the praotice, deprive of iheir Tij;hts nnL nöcrty, punrantied by the most positivo laws nnd the Btipnlutions of treaty, a mnltilude of individuals 1 nnnccnspd of crime, nnd living unrier the pro tection of the laws and enjrnfrernents of the imperial govrrnment, for the sake of securing impnnity to thp'ir criminal opprrssor?. Such a violation of all moral and leal right, is not tobe exppcted in a civilized country." Lord Pnlmefston, in a letter of instrnctions to Mr. Onseley, decires hiin to state in writin to tliR Braziüan minister, thnt nogroes who have been illepilly importcc' into Brnzil, are e by tho treaty bgtween Great Brifnin nnd, " entitled 10 be considered free." Tt ia expected ' thnt a neremptory demnnd will be tríade by riront Britain fb'r the nctunl cmancipation of e everv such nesrro. The nnti-shvyy party in Brazil is neit her de.stoyed nnrïrmbih'e"This traile m hunuin Üsh," snys Senhor José Bonifaf:io d'Antlrnda e Siivn, in his celfl- braterl rnrrnoir to the asscinbly of the e Brnzi], "is n. cáncer that preys ;-.i 'hf ofBrftz}]' wnsti'ír i?iï.' rv-rHi populutirm, nnd f]efro3-iii 'lts e' erios. elavery "abolished," enr& 'tliP in''a'o: this rrn pi re. insteid cf bein.itinciirüf.u OÏÏWiy as in fact the greater porion of theni now are, would become hnmone and j'st; whilst they would, in tlie Iapse of time, beeomo considerable gainers, by putting into freo circulnl ion dead capunl ut presen! absorbed by the use of slaves, and tiiey would. moreover, relieve thoir fomiIíps from the domestic exnmnies of rorruption and tyrnnny now constontly before their eyea -from enemies of their ówn as well as of the stale- from the sieht of men, in ehort, who now cannol besaid to have a country of their owii, yet by proper management may be made trusly fellow citizens, and useful mgmbers of the community."JAMAICA. The Governor, Sir Charles Metealfe, in his speech at the opening ol'tlie Legislative Aseembiy, bears full teítimony to the general goocl conduct ond improved condition rf tho emoncipated classes. We wish the foll'v' extract could. by ome mean?, be fc Ibre tiie American public at iarge. ?'The relations between eruplbye borort: appear to have arranged thern: the natural basis of rnutif&l interests. '.ue want of coniinuoud labor is still complained of in some districls, but not so generally as botbre. This wam is not surpri.-ing in ii cnuntry where the population ia f=canty. and where tho laborinij chiss support themselves in a great mensure by tJie cüliivalion of Jheir own jroundsj. The establishment of small i'rroholds armng this class, and the dearaice end cultivatioii ofknd hitherto.or for a Jhíj tima wastej r.rfi inaking continunl and rapid strides, and, without rernoving the holders eniirely froni the lacor market, must tend to secure the comfort of a large portion of the people. - 'I'.-.e ease, indepeniience, nnd other dvantuges rnjoyed by the laboriuj population, are nol, I belie've, síirpassed by thoseofthe same class in nny rountry on the foce of 'te earth; and, allhoi'igh to those causo& must be party asc-nbed ihe want of continuous Jubor, we cannot but rpjoice atto mnch good, and nre bound to bear cheerfully üs attendant difficiiltie.". The orneral good conduct and orderJy Imbits of the people, nnd tht-ir improved feeJirjg ïowards their cmployer.-, nre judt grounds for unqualih'ed congrutulation." The only cIrfs of penple that complain are the rich landho.'ders, wlio cannot get ïree laborers nt as low a rate of wages as they wish, to cultívate tlíeir immense plantations, inconpcquencc of the eagerness of the Inböriog population to own small farms of their own. - What a hornd state of thinga tliat must cnpear, to American democrais! As a counterb&lnnce, however, frecdom is openine the way for ngri.-ul.ural improvcment. One planter has absolutely ventured to introduce Ihc plough in the cuitivation of tugar canc, insteod of the hoe. Although he had vvery thing to learn as weü os 'o teach his people, the reduit was quite soczossfulj bo'.h in diminishing the expele and increasiug tiie cash, as will he secu by lle table. Hoe Culture. L Plmtgh Culture. L Hoeing 8c digging L7 Plongbing and har. IS 18 Pickuig Inplanting 4 Weeding, supply 20 VVeetliog and sup. 4 Oléanipg 57 Cleani:ïg 122 41 Crop, hhds. 7 Cro?, hlids. 10 Cost, per hhd. L17 Ss. Covt, per hhd. L4 Sa. St. Lucia. A special magistrate writea to Mr. S'y go, Kov. 10, 1841 Híb pradicüon that the su-b,:


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