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The Dinner Cases

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A curious pieee of ovcrseeriom was playsd off yesterday, in which niy oíd acquaintance, Mr. Andrews, of Kentucuy, borc a ccnepicuous part. It must beobserved, thnt the daily eiltings ofth House commenco at 11 or 12 o'clock, and continue, generally, tiil 4 or 5 P. M. The Northern country members, of sober, frugal and domeslio habita, findit iinpoisoible to fall iato the practico of diningat 5 o'clock, without serious inconvenience, and oftcntimes injury to iieahh. In conscqucnce. many ol them select boarding place tolerably near the Capítol, where Üie dinner hour is at one or two o'clok, and ihen, instead of re sorting to the grog shop in the cellar of the building, they can ordinarily step out during a debate, and eat their dinners at a reaconable time, and return to their places, without any material detriment to tbe progresa oi business in the House. - Several attempts have been made to allow a recea for dinner, but the overseers do not Lko that arrangement, because it does not give them eo much time as they want (o drink their wineat tablc,& the House can never get along with evening sittinga, on account of the condition in which many uicrabers too often exhibit themselvea after dinner.- Now, you know, it is one of the clement oí th despotic upirit to requ're ofita eubjecis etitire tubmi6sion and conformiry to its will in orbirary ;natters. The overseers could not bear the iciea that Northern representatives should daré to devisa me.ins for toking their dinnur ateud time as suiiad tflemselvea, wholly irresponaible oí both ths will and the examplo of their rightful maeters.- Henee, Mr. Andrews and eome otliers have set hemselvea to work with the avowed determinaion of breaking up the practice. On the preaent occasion, Mr. Androws tratched bis chance, and sbout two o'clock contnved to get up eomc queBion on which a vo'e could bo called, in order to how that thcre was no quorum present, in order to orco a cali of the House. To secure success, he njoined the door-keeper, who has hnrdly recovred from the terror excited by his threata of renoval on my account, not to allow the pages and ïesscngers to notify, as is usual, the member vho might be at the moment in the library, Sente chaniber. oreóme other apartment of the Cap. tol. In this way, the trap, when sprung, caught in unusual number of members absent. And vhen the cali of the House was begun. it wil jarried through, and every member who could noc ilcad sickne88 or otlier unavoidable cause forbana absent when his name was eallcd, wwfined ind pul)lished as n delinquent. One-haU of a Jay's sltting was consunn.'d in this way, for th expresa purpose of breaking upto the dinner arrangement. And all. chieflt, because the overseers cannót bear to allow free represcrttatives to jave a will of their own, even in regard to tlieir bours of dining. It is cleemed n part of necesaory plantation discipline to humblc their inBijlonce. bj7 mnkin them aubmissive in littlo matti;r. in ordr that bait may rcnd tbm #uíHñWtly pUübU íw gr enter ooooaioa?


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