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The Horrible Tragedy Of The Seas

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The Trial of Holmes. -The trial of A. W. lrt?nat lhhÚC mnnslrn.ter, for overboard, iVom {he l,)n(T hnl J „1P rho téstimony was that of passers „n board md who were afterwards m the Ion. boa It vi own, of thode.a.lsnre new an,l krtjphing _ in t n l ie,5aiI5' 'V'1"1 ?oís Wre not dr.-vn, ávec & lír pether' the "ie:?nd crew ■aved tbeir owij J.ves at the sacrifice of those ■vl.on tliey were bmind to protect and save - ;r at least, shnre their inevi.nble pe? s n )ne of the crew perished, u-hereas thirty ono lassengers sunk vvi:h ,Jie] ,ix tee, nvere muvn over from the jong b,at. . Tl Z 47 Ín y Pen?ied' while -U the crew ii in iiumbei, escaped mKífeíS tluitlllc shiP 6trc' Jote, 'T0 board got into the long-bont. mm SííSfe?1?1 the boat had to be SSSS? "4n Zl '4hOSe n board were ''ozen nnd Slci' ST ne crip(1 Olltth"t the boat o[,nt: ' MarCarr' givesihe followiug acbrvCcannïeTolPCMvhowas thrown over mta 3 Dim. he said to tbem, ril not ffo onf vou now _I WOrk well all the .me, I'Lrk íike a be boa clenr of water; I havo five „overe,ga.. n4 1 1] jive for my ljfo tij] mornin, and -.■■■ nr- -M-HP3WmBBW1-BWI. tT.C 391 whéw morning comes, if Gcd dors nut help usi wc wil] cast lofs, and l'il go out like a man ifi' ism. turn; doii't put me out until fqatï a épeaji a few wörds to-M'ra. íídgar', Mrs. Edrnr, can't yon dosome'.hinjr f,,r me;' 6ho madeVu rep.yllmt 1 cuuld iiear; thentney put him out. ".Wiiy his youngest ti.s'er. was cryiiïgatwu him: -Oh. saya she. 'don't put out my bothei -il yon put htin out. put me out, too; fin willingio d.eihe death of niy biuther; bt don'r pnit me and my broiher;' immedmlëly they bid hold on her nn d ihrew lier our ni'ter hini. "There wns Jack Stetson, Murray, i'olme. and Charlcy S.nith. but whio!) of the four it waa that threw Askins vc-rhoanl. I ennnot siy; lliev all ca'ched him and draggeil ii:ii; when iliey pui over Mary, EHen, the other sister, was bttinei ihey c.tehcd hol.l of Ellen, and when they hid takonheriip, Qh, snysshe. don't put me hver Wikedj II I request is. to give me my inantle:' sonteol the s.tüois liftetl up èöniejhing ühd ihicw u in jiüer hor. hut ii vw8 not her njnni'e: I henrd Charles Colin s:ty. 'Holmes, denr. yaii wonft pui me over.'- -Charles.' siys he. you must go. nnd immediately he laid hold of Witt. I snid to Holmes, 'Holmes spore his life, he is all that rema.ns out of fifteen of Willinm Liddou's fiimily.' i' He lifterl him up and put him ovei. and as he went down I heanl ihe plange; I heárd him cryinp nndpraying, 'the Lord hnve mercy on mei" 1 suv nooneass'sting Holmes; there were löihrown overboard; aehjrttiiiT after daylight on Vfednepday. I henrd aman cry out that tln-y siw the mast of a véssel, they took an oar an I a shawl that belonged to me Jbr a ílag: I don't know how long it va., but as soon as thè vessel carne io us. the captain put the lndflers down the ide of the vesstl, and look us np on deck. I heard there wns one thrown over. I don't know his name. !)ut Rhodes looked at the man who threw him over und siid. 'Oh! cruel! cruel!"' The testim:ny for the derence related merely to the manner in whinh the throwing ovcrboarrl was nccomplishcd; there were no ariations of my importance. GeOr2e M. PaMiis. Esq. and Wm, Meredith. the Distrct Attornev, conductcd the cause for the Prosecution. and Hnzlchurat nnd David Pa„I Brmvn'for the defence. The chárgfl of Ju(2c Bnldwin was full and 'ucid, and the mry. af,cr n ]onL? absence, camo i witti a verdict ot Gulhj- hi to theThz Liberty Vote in New York City wns abont 300; in Albany 58, all told. Give us the cities for pro-slaveryism yet! The country towns must do the work for liberty or slivery wül continue to flap her deadly wings over Amcncn till God ehnll let loose his fiery ihunderbohs upon this truiity nation. Suïcide of the Mwrdercr.- Bork, the miirderer of his ivife, was found dead in his cel!, yeslerday morninnr, liav,n(r s(ranL'lHl himself by miiiinff two handkerchiefs (which liad been ; left in his possessinn and throwjng one end over thn nnor. - Tncsin.


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