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Anti-slavery Publications

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The subscribe informs the mem'iers of Antï-Slavery Societie?', nnd all persons who desire to reud the Slavery puhlications that have issued from the American prese, that he has purchosed nll the books, pampiilete, tracis, prints etc. lntely belonping to the American Anti-Slnvery Society, amnunting to about eiirht thousand dollars, at oJd pricne, whirh he offers for snle by Iiis npent in any nuantity, at low pn&sfor cash onlif. Samples will be kopt at his office, corner of Ilanover and Exctianjre efreet?, nnd orders will be promtly attended to. A catalogue of the principal publications iannnexed, and the pricea put iijrainst them are the pre?ent (-educerl) retail priccs. By the hundred or Inrirer qimntitv, they will be sold lotvei - say for boxtnd volumes L.r ner cent. discount : for pamphlels. tracts oml piclures, 50 per cent. discount. Wit li respect to most of t hem this ís below the nctual cost to me in cashi They were not purchased with a view to 9tll at n profit, butio sobserve the Anti-S'avery canse. Su.;h an opportunity has not previously occurred to obtnin Anti-Sluveiy publications al these rednrrd prices, and probablv will not again. QJE'iiiors of npwsp:ipdrs are reqne.';ted to 9 ndvpriiíiinent at lenjjih fo three d their bilis will bc paid in book?, etc. Eftof the pnpcr contnininr the EWIS TAPPAN. New 'ork, March 1?t, 1842. BOUND VOLUMES. Amprican Slavery ns it is, rauslin 50 Anti-Shvery Manual L0 Al.on Riots', by Pres. E , of 111. Col!. 12mo. 25 Alton Trials S5 Slavery Record, voJp. I, 2pbd S eet 50 Appen!. by Mrs. Child 37 1-2 Anti-Slnvery Kxuminer, bound ols. 50 Beuties of Philanihropy Sri 1 5 Butrne's Picture of Slavery, 5f Bnxton on the Slnve trado 5i Cabinet of Freedom (Clai BBistory of the slnve trude,) vo'e. 1, Hd3 eet 1, Oí' Chloe Spear 25 Channing on Slavery 25 25 Eman. in the W. 1. by Thome and Kimball m leiin 50 n boards with map 2U Enpmi Jtion discovereil 50 in binding, 64mo. 12 1-2 Guslavns Vussa 50 Grimke's I.pitors to íi8s T3eecher S7 1 2 Jay's Inquiry 37 1-2: Jay's View 50 Light and trufh 20 Life of Gmnville Sharp 15 Mott's Bioranhical Sketches S7 12 Memoir oKR'jv. Lemuel Hanes 75 Do of Lovejpy 62 1-2 North Sfnr, {rH edges 53 1-S Pennsylvania II nll 75 Qnartêrly Anti-SInvery Mawnzine, 8vo. 1,00 Rnnkin's' Letters. t8mo. 100 pp. 20 Rijht and wrórii in Boston 20 Star of Freetlorn, ñiuslit) 12 1-2 - contnin:nL Declaration of Sentimentsand Consiifution of the Amer. A. S. Society: Wesley's Thouorhcs on Slaverv : Does thft Bihle sanction Slavery? Addressto the Synod of Kentuckv,' Naratiye of Amos Dresser, and Why work fo; the Slave? bound in one vol. 25 Slave's Friend, 82mo. volts. I, 2 and S .et 50 .Songs of iheFree S3 1-S Thompsons Reception in Great Britain, 12mo. 20 Testimony of God a gninst Slavery, 18mo. 2.) Wheaily, Philüs Memoir of 25 West InHies, by Professor Hovey 50 West Indifp. by f farvey nd Sturge 75 Wesley's Thnnghts on Slavery, in rnuslin, ' with portrait 12 1-2 !PAMPHLETS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, from 1836 to 1341 inclrsive S7 1 2 Address to the Free People of Culor 3 Aneient Landmarks S Apology for Abolitionist9 3 Americnn Slevery as Tt Is- the Testimony ofu Thonsand Witnesses 2.r Address on Right of Petifinn 2 Address to Senators and Representatives of the free States 1 Address on Slavery (Germnn) 1 Address of Congregational Union of Scotland 1 Address of National Convention (Germán) 1 Ann. Rep. of N. Y. Committ' e of Vigilnnce 25 Do. of Mase. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women m the nominally free States 6 1-4 Authentic Anecdotes on Americnn Slavery 2 Address to the Church of Jesus Chrisf, by tlie Kvimpr licnl Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anli-SJavery Cntechism, by Mrs. Child 0 1:4 Adnms', J. Q,. Letters to his Constitiients i Adams', J. Q,. Speech on the Texas Question 12 12 Annnal Report? of Am. A. S. Society, Sd, 4th, Sfh'and 6ii 12 1-2 Annual Reports of N. Y. city Ladies' A. S. Society 8 Appeal to the Christain Women of the South 8 Bible Rgainst Slavery 6 Collection of Valunble Documents 6 1-4 Biruey's LeJters t the Ciiurches 2 Birney on Coloniwition 2 Chnttel Prinrip]ea Summary of the New Testa ment argument on Slavery, by Beriah Green 6 Chipman's Difcourse S Charning's Lettejs to Clay 6 Condition of Free People of Color 3 Craniiull. Reuben, Trial of 6 Dissertation on Servitude 12 1 -2 D'ckinson's Sermn 3 Does the Bible sanction SlaTery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society 1 Discosgrqn between Tiiompson and Breckinridgrn 25 Dresser's Narrntive S ExJinguisher Extinrrnishod 3 Elnioie Corrcspon'lence 6: do in sheets 4to. 2 Emoncipatiotl in West Indie& Thome and Kimball 12 1-2 EmancipaJion in West Indies in 1838 8 Freedom's Defense 6 Gnrrison's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardiuri Genius of the Federal Union 6 Genei ons Planter 3 Gillfiit's Rwview of Bnshnell's Discourse 6 Immediate, not Gradual Abohlion 12-2 Jay's Tnonphts on the Duty of the Episcopal Chuch S Liberty, 8vo. 2: do; 12mo 15 Morris's Speech in answer to Clay 8 Mahan's Rev. John B. Trial in Kenfurky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harriet Martineau 6 Jlot'ern Rspediency Considered 6 Power of Congreas over the District of Columbia 6 1-4 Plea f(r the Slave, Nos. I, 2 and 3 3 Proceedinjïs of ; he Meeting to form Broadway Tabernacle Anti-Slavery Socwty l Pro-Skvery 1 ÍW! God &fB&m ♦Rnper, Moses, Narrative of a Ftigitive Slave 12 i_2 Riiihts of Colorea Men 12 1-2 Rujrgietrs Antidote 6 RijL'hi and Wrong n Boston 12 1-2 Slavery Rhymes C Sl.-ide?6 Speocli in Congress in 1838 S Siiii'Ii's Gerrilt Letter to Jas. Smylie 6 Do. Letter lo i lonry Chi'y 6 Slnveholding Invariably Siuful, "malum in se,"' c Southard's Manual 1 Star of Frredom 4 Schmurkpr and Smilh's Letters (J Slaveliolder's Pr ver 1 Slavclioldin Weighed ;3 Slavery in America (London); do. (Germanv) 8 Tho M'artyr, by Reriah Grern 6 Thinors f(ir Nor.hnrn Men to do 3 Views of Culonization, by Rev. J. Nourse 4 Views of Slavery and Emancipation, by Miss Martinenn G Wcslcyan Anti-Slavery Review 2ii War in Texas, by Benjamin Lundy 6 Why work for tlie Slave 1 VVilson's Address on West India Emancipation 4 TRACTS. No. 1. St. Domingo, No. 2, Cast e, No. 3, Colonizntion, No. 4, Moral Condiion of the Slave, No. 5, VVhnt is Abolition? No. 6,The Ten Conimandments, - No.7 Danger nnd Sufety, m Jo. 8, Pro-Slavery Bible, " No. 9, Prpjudiee apninst Color, No. 10, Northern Dealers m Slaves, No. 11, Slavery and Misenons No. 12, Dr. Nelöon'8 Lecture on Slavery. The above Tracts aro sold at 1 cent each. PRUTS, rtc. illiistralions of tlie Anti -Slavery Almanac for lf40 S The Emancipaied Family 25 Slave Market of America S Correspondence bet ween O'Connel and Stevenson 3 Do. do. Clay and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture Gallery 2. Letter paper, stamped with print of Lovejoy sheet 1 Do. wi:h Kneelinij Slave sheet 1 Prayer fur Slave?, with Mnsic, on cards 1-2 Por ruit of Gerrit Smith .r0 Ijl addifion, are the folloiving1, the proceeds of which wilj p-o mío tlie Mendian fiindi Argument ofHon. J. Q. Adams in the case of the Amistad Africana 25 Argument of Roger S. Balwin, Esq. do do 12 2 Trial of the Cap! i vee of the Amistad 6 ' Cbngreésiona] Document relating to do. fi Portrait of Clinquez 1,00 March Sd, 1842.


Signal of Liberty
Old News