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Horse Powers And Threshing Machines

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' jj MIE underaigned tvouiü mlorm the OuWic (ha JL they continue to munutnccure HoRáK l'owKRS'nnd Thkeshikq Machikks, two and a hnl niileu fruin the viliage of Ann Arb.jr. on the i;i 1 :uncl. The Morse l'ower sa lite myention by & VV. Foarer, and is decidedly superior to any oihe; ever offered 10 the p'iblic, as will qppenr by ih statements of those who have use I ttiein duntiu. the Imsi year. Ji s light u weight and s.'.iall m campas8, being cnrried tpgether wnh :he Tlireslier, in a conniion waggon box. nnd drawn wal oase by twó horsea. it isas Iiule lialile to brc.ik, or get out of repair, as nny oiher Morse I'.iwor, and will work na easy und thr.ish as lii'ücH wjih t'tmr hoises attndied to it asany othur power wtfh fvi horses, as will appear í ro : 1 1 the recoiiiinend idons below. I'uw p menig have heen made ioi the caat Iron. artil nddiüonal weiglit and ötrengffi applied wherevcr it had appearo.l to be necessary Iron oiie y&iT'é use of the machine. The subscribers deern it proper to state, tliat n ntmibrr of horse puuvrs weiesold last year in the vill-fLie ot" Ann Aibur wiiich weie beüoved !) the purchasers to be those inventad by S. W. Fob ter. atid thnt intjst or all ot them were eiiher made inateVi'ifly different, or altcred boiöre sold, so nf to be matcrially different fro'm those made and sold by the sul)sciibera. Such alterntions being decideiily detr menta to the utility of the machine. They have pood reasn to believe thst every one of those rcturned by the purchasers as unaatisfactory were of t.iis class. They are not aware tlvit any Power that went from thcir siiop, and was put in use, as they made it, has been condetnned or laid asideas a bad machine. All who wish t buy are inv'tcd to evamine thém and to enquire of those who have used theni - Theie will bo one ibr examination at -. IJ. VVing's, Doïler villa-ge} and one at Martin Wih-son's stmekruse ii D.t oit - both these gentlemen bei na avenid for the snle of them. Tlie price will be . I viO for a four horse power, with a threshing machine, wiih a srave or wooden bar cylinder; and 13!) f. ra luirse power with a thresliing machine with nn iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reaJer is invited to tne following recommendaiions. S. VV. FOSTKR&CO. Scio. April 20. 1842. RECO ÏLMEXDA TIONS. This is to certify tint wo h ive used one of S W. Fosler's newly inven ted Horse Powers for abiiit five monihs. and thrcsheJ with it about 3 'JÜ bushels, and believe it is constructéd on bct.tcr piiiciplcs than any other Horse Power. - Une ol the itndersigned has owned and nsed ciilu liflTerent kinds of Horse Powors.amJ we f jut hoises will thrash as much with ihis Powei as fice will with any oiher power with which we are aequatntud. H. CASE. ; S. G. [VES. Scio, January. 12. 19.42. T. is is to inform the public that I have purchased. and have now in use. one ot the Horse Powers recenily invented by S VV. Foster, made by S. VV. Foster, &C:., and believe it be construct id upon better principies, and requires les? j'.rengtï of fturses than any other power wiih which I arn acquatmed. A. WEEKS. Mount Ciemen3.. Sept. 8, 1841. This is to inform tbc pnhüc that I have purchased one of the Morse Powers, recently invented by S. VV. Foster. and us d it fora number of montos, jnd believe it is the best p.nver in usê. workinu with less strength of horss than any oihcr powei with which I am acqunin'ed, and being small in compass. is ensily ifived from one place to finother. 1 be'.ieve 4 horses wül thresh as much with this power as 5 will with any other power The plan and hc wörking of this power hav. been universally approvod of by furmera ibr whom [ have thrashed. E. S. SMITII. Scio. April II. IS 12.The susisunbers umtevety guo'd SJWUT MACHINES wlnch they will sell for Tfiii machine was invènxed bv one of the subscribere. who his haJ mnny year's expcriênce in flie itiitiing business We invite ihose who wish to buy p good machine for a f;iir price to buy of us. Il i. : worth as mu:li as most oí" th j machines that cos: froni JóO to$300. S. W. FOSTF.R &. CO. Scio, April, IR, 1842. ' lToolleii Msnufactory. The subsciihers have reccütly put in operatior ! a wooilen manufactory for rnbufatturing WQollep cloth by power looms. two anl a half miles wesi from Ann Arbor villaye. on ihe rai ro'ad, where tlicy wish to nianuianture vool into cloih (n ehnrea, ir or pny by rhe yard, on reasifnaMi terms. Thcy hdvi; cinplnyed expeiienced wo;k men and feel confile"t ihat work will be wel. done. They therefore respectlully nsk a sha-e i! public pa' roñase, especially fronj tliosi who ar in favor of Htji : injUíT tY. Wool m.iy be lefl ai Scio villaac. S. W. FOSTER & Co. j Scio. April S. 1H1-2.


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