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In the morniriiT. we bad a curious simple of petty despu'ifim from Mr. Botta. You have receiveii no doubt, the admirable resolves passed by the ckizens of Ashtab.ula Co., at Jefi'erson. the p!ace of Mr. Giddings residcnce. Among them is one ofiered by IIon. B. F. Wade, instructing him on his return to Congrcss, to offer ajjainhis resolves on ihe Creóle case, for the presenting. ut wln'rh the tyrants censii'ed liim. On Thurtsday, these resolves were enter.d on the Journal by Mr. Goode, of Ohio. under the new rule, which allowa nll the peiitioná etc. to he oflered' without bcingannounced to the House. The next inoniing, Mr. overseer Bottsof Virgijiin, discuvocd the fac;, and moved to strike out that part of the reconi, wliieh was carried by a vote of 94 to 73. Iioits made a brief but violent harangue in connection with this matter, in which he denounced Mr. Leavitt, editor of the Einnncipator, wiih greai veheincnce for his :insolcnce' in 'gpendtng his time. not in noting the doingsof ihe House, but in slandering and abusing them. calling one hal f of t hem overseers, and the other slaves.' He dechired his intention. whtnever it should be in ordet, to move for his expulsión from the fioor of the House! Verily, we mus', have a care how we ciiticisc the doings of a 'high functio-tary of the Government!' - Does th:s missralle drivelier ihink to stop the I'k; 5S from exposing the arrognnce and usurpations of the Slave Power? If he does. he is wfully mistaken. Jt is ïeported that he mentís to eouple your corrf spondent in the same molían to expel, for the high crime of exposing a eouple of for;eries of protersüd oxtrocte, from the Doclaration of Sentiincn'.s in 1,833, made by tHis same John M. Botrs of Virginia Possibly, he muy Icain the 'better part óf valor' before the d.iy of trial comes. Soberly, the minute, a!l comprchendingdespolism of our human flesh-mongers in Congrcss is getting past endurauce. It must ie stopped, cost what it may. And before rriány ycars paes away. tbe peoplc will riee in their niajesty and put anend to it. Still. after destroying ihe rightof petition and the freodom of speech, is it to be expected tha: the froedom of tho Press to examine the eharacier and doings of our public servante. will be pared?. By no-rneanst Whether with or without the form, we must have the renlity of an all pervadinc, absolute autocracyr to be wieldcd by some agoiu of the slave power: it matters little who tlrat agent is, provided he has no hear.t jr conscience, or sense of decency. Mr. Botta, who aspires to be the Clny leader In the House, will do as well as any other.


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