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lOvJO.VO.VIY IS YVEALTH." rTlHE Sucscribcrs will-pny p y two cents per B pon d in Goods or I'aper tor nn qunmity J rod olean SW1NGLE TOVV, deüvcred ot the Aun Albor Paper Mili. JON.ES & ORMSBY. Ann A'-bor, April 27, 1-1-2. tf CqiJART.EKSHÍP. Til E undersiijncii Jamks s & Caled N. Oi jjby. under ilie name aña firrn of JONES Nó ORMSBY. have tirs lay formeel nto-panlerahip for the mauu'aciure nnd sile ot' PAl'ER, ) s descrip i us oud qudlUif. They have .onnected with tl.cir ?.Jil!. i BOOK-B1NDERY, A-here all orders in ihnt line may be met wi.h leninpss and despórch. Theynre riow inercasing heir innchníry. by whicli ihcy will be enabled nore promptly to answer or-lers (or pnpér. &c. JAMES JONES, C. N. ORMSBY. Aan Arbor, Marcli, 8,1842. tfThreshing JUichines. %HE. undtíisigntKl vould inform the public i!i -- they conrinue tu manufacture Horsk Pov, ::ks nnd Machines, two ;ind a lm miles trom tlie villnge of Ann Arfior, on ilie ra1 rqad. The Horse l'owcr is a lite inven lion by S W. Foster, umi is decidedly supeior to nny uilie ever pffered to the public, ns will . rpear by th statements of those who have usel lüem J.irin, the lust year. Ji is liglrt ín weight niJU stiiftll ii compass, bcing cnrricd rogether vvilh tlie Thresher, in n common waggon box. and dniwn witl ease by two horses. Jt is as littlc linble to break. :jr et out of repair, as any other Morse Power, trui will work as easy nnd ihrnsh ns iiiiioli wi;! ,'our horsos attaebed 10 iiasany other power wiii f.Vi horse.-, ns will áppear froiu tlie recouimeudn nous below. New pril tenis have been made lo: tlie Iivii. aiTl öüdiijannl weight and siieimil. npplitd wherèver it had appeninil to bo necessan l'rom one yonr's use oí the machine. The Btibsci'ihera decni t proper to state, liiat n nurnher ot liorse powers wee sold lïist year in tlie vil lage of Ann Arbör wi.icli wero lielit;ved liy tht purcVsers to be those inventad by S. VV. Fosler. ar.d tfiat must or all ol thötn were éííher runde maiu'.-iilly diflereiir. or aliered buiore sold, so is to be imiierially dirTt-rent dom lliose made nnd sold by the subscribers. Such alterations hein decidedly detr menta to the ui;liiy ol'the machine They have rood reas n to beliov'e that every onc of those returned by the purchasers aa ansitiisfac torv were of t iis clas3. They are not awaio dni any Power that went froin their á'nop, nnd w-s pui in use. a9 they mide it, has been condemned 01 lnid nsidena a bad machine. All who wish t buy areinv!ted to evamine them and to enqiiire of those vh. have nsed them - There willbe onct'or examination at N. il.VViNc'á. DiiXter villagr; and one at Mahtin Wili.son's stoiehnise in DA oit - both these gemlemen beinir aents for the snle of ihern. The price will be 120 for a four horse power, wi'h 11 threshing machme, wiih a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and $131) f.r a horse powe" with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention of the reader is hivitëcl to ;ne following reconimendations. S. V. FOSTKR&.CO. Scio. April 20. 1342. RECOMMENDA TIONS. This is to certify ihnt wo h ive used one of S W. Foster's newly inven led Horse Powers for :boi;t live monihs, nnd tt.reshel with it about 3JJ0 bushels, and beüove it is coiisrnicted on 'isttcr piiicijihs iban nny other Worsc Power. - i'ne of the undeisignel has owned and uéedeight lifTerent kinds of Horse Powers. nul we bblieve thal euT hui'ses will thiiish as much Wfth this Powei is fits will with any other power wiih which we ire acquainted. II. CASE. S. G. [VES. Scio. January, 12, 1942. T„is is to inform the public that I have purchnsd. and have now m use. one o! the Horse Pow:rs lecently invente.! by S VV; Foster, ma Je by 3. VV. Foster, &. C ., and believe it be construct id upon beiter principies, and requires loss ■'.rcvgtt of horses thari any other power with vhich l ain acquainted. A. WEF.KS. Mount Clerr-ens. Sept. 8, 141. Thisis to inform tle pnbíic that Í have purclias:d one of the Horse Puwers, iccently invented by 3. VV. Folter, and us d it for a number of nionths. tnd helieve it is the bt-st power in use. vorkinj vith less s:rengihi of horsus t!nu any :her p.,we vith which I am ncqüaimed, nnrl btiiig s-nali n compass. is eisily moved l'rom one place tt mother. Í beliee 4 hnrscs will threfii ns much vith this power is 5 will with any other .ower. Phe plan and the workjng ol" this power lnv ieen universnüy approvod of by furmers i'or wlior.: '. have thrashed. E. S. SMITIÍ. Scio. April 1!. 112.The siiljscribers mnke very tíortí) SMET MACHINES which they wül'scll for $'()■ TKfc iincliine was inwnied bv one of the subscribers. vitó has had many year's éxpèHeticein 'he milling us'ness We invite those who wit-h to buy [ood nifichiiie íbr a ('air price tobuy of ns. It ií ,'orili as riiu'jh ns most of th machines that cosrom ]50 to $300. S. W. FOSTF.R & CO. Sao.. April, 18, 1842. Woolen Xfóanuf&story. The eubsci.ibVrs hnve recenily put in operation i woollen mnnufactory for mnnulactirring woollèn :lnih by power looms. two and a huif milis vyeSi TÓtn Ann Arb'or on ihe rai rond, wIhmi they wish to mamitnöture wool into cloth on simes, or for pay by ihu yard, op renBiinabie terms. They hüve employed cxperienred woik men and feel confident that work will bc wol' Jone. Tliey therefore respectlully ask a shate ut public pi'rnnngc. esppcially from those whu oTe in favor of hcm: iNOUsT.iY. Wool inay be left ai Scio Vïllage. . S. W. FOSTER &. Co. Scio, April 13. 1H42. rp;lE AEMERICAN JOUltiNAL OF SCfJL ENCE AND ARTS. CON'DUCTED BY UtO F. B. SILLIMAN AND B. SILLlMAiN, Jr? OF YALE COLLEGE. Thk Ediiors ol this Journnl., wish to c:d! ounl:c a:t;niion o the (net th-u they will hcreal'tt'r, ontiie con')itirrt stated below. frnnk the nos. to all of thfir subscribers who receive the work m i'KCTi.v krom rnE.w by MAIL'. Th'iir object n makinuf t lus offer, is to place those persons who are si sttuaied that they cahriot take the work thröugli n agent, a nd therefore fiee oi'cliarsie of trarispot.tation. on ihe sanie foofïnsj in this respect witli city suhsciihers. Suhsc ü'eis !y mail Hoye hérelolore paid from $1 to !l.3?i peratinum for posi nge. whieh has lcfii ;i snHicien consideraron to induce many o decline ia kin g the wo k. Now that this oljocii'in is reiii(;ved. upon ihe simple condititiii of punctunl remiitMiicè. ihe Eili tors cunfidently hope that the nuniler of their mil subscribe) s wfll be miich increased. and they nake ir) ap'df)2y 'o their present supporter iind connü'utors. for nsking their ■issisiiince in aiilinir hen tosustüin U? experiment, by mnkint: ililotire more public, and by luluciiijf their fiicnds to subscribe. Experience has proved ihat the mail is by rnr :he best means ofconveyance to (istniu subscriliers, the niosi snre and mo-r spjeedy; and all atte:ii)(s to establisb agencias at n distance and n way f om tbe. gjréat lines ol transportaiion have unerly failed - delay and dissiiisihction and ofien ol'ihe work beiiiir theresuh. The Aiiiciifiin Journal of Science and Aris -s publisbed at New Haven. Conneciicut. Ench number contains at lea.t 200 papés. closely nd li mdsomely printcd on good piper, aud fully il lustraied by engravings. The subscipiion is .í0 is ADVA.vtc. by mail The extra dojlar beyond the usual price of the Iitvrary qun -terlios io inispensable, on account of a more i.rniicd pat ronag' and the great expense of ensrrfivings. Reniittances should be made if possible in easiern money. but if that cannot be obtained, the best bilis which can be had mny be sulistituted. and no disuounr will be charged upöri them. Subscribera will reiüsnibèr the reculación oí UuPost Ofiice departn.eiit, by whinr. pt s'nws'crs are atil'iorlzed la remit payvint'j; fr penodicds frcf. o postage. if the cUur contaban g the remiUuncct 'S tcrilfai bij them sr ir is All letters and remin nces direcied lo tlie Editors of the Amf.ricvn Jouksai. 'óf S'I7.nck amj Arts. New Haven, Ct., will ïeeeive prompt atteniion. N. B Subscribcrswho wish to avail them selves of the froe postac. must see that their ac counis are not ín arrears when such is the fací, the Editors cinnot pny the postnjre. [HF Adveriisements are inserted at the custoin ary rafes, and the Eurpe:in circulntion oí the work renders it n desir blp u cle lor the ndveri tise'):en's of AttK-ricTn p'iblishr rs: the usual publication day is the last of every quartcr Kw Haven, Coxm., Jan. 1841. lw&8


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