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-V.'ie t. ury oí tliis State sty. IvvM iraftsdJB asurer were protested laat u-eek for wan lor .s!u,;O tho other for $5)00. 'M Dominion must "stir herstumps."- 6'.,:. Whataphyh istM 10 oíd Dominion cannot make "ieprisals f,i -lier runawoy sluves on th commcrceof the Empir State! Ia such an enterpnzeshe might ,, ,! enough to pny oil hor proitstcd notoe. In compauy with South Carolina, surely shc miglit curry through soma such schemc! The latter State has now a law 'o prinnt d'1-.í.i's (f the Sl,te of ,,r York front carrtjinjr slarvs, ur persons ,'uld fnee, oatoftha State, and to p cape oj persons cliargcd ici'h the co mviission of anij cnms." It was passed by South Carolim comüiunally, to come in force the lirst of May, unlas New York repealed her Jury Trial Law. Noiopeal haB paasedj and ofcourse commercebetwee!: Now York and the porta of tliat State must be c'arried on under this reialiatory statute. Our eeamen are so far used to restriction of this sort in slavoholding pons', that the luw, if enforced, will occasion little trouble. But what shall be said for the honor of our State, when we can taniely submit to such indignitics? Were we less than the leaBt, among our sister States of this confederacy, it would ill bccoiuc us to brook euch an insult!


Signal of Liberty
Old News