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River Raisin IlVSÏITlJTEo THIS In8tilution is locatnd in the town of Raisin, near the nortL bank of the beauriful river whose name it bears. one mile east of the direct rowd from Tecnmseh to Adrián. This eligible site his been s lected for its quiet seclusion. ilie fertility and elevation ot' its soil. its pure and heahhful atmosphere. and pleasant scenry. Rooms. - There are now on the p:emises suitble rooms for the accommodation of orty studenis; which are denigned to b"1 occupied for pri vate siudy and Other necssnry building aieprovidi'd tor pcirntions nnH boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term ï eleven weeks, $4.0 Board '' with 4 hours work each week, 7,57 Room Rent, 88 Incidental, 50 Total, 12 95 There will be an additional charge of one dllar for those pursaing the higher brunches as Philosophy, Algebra. Geometiy. Astronomy, &c. For Chemistry, Latin. or Greek an addition ol two dollars will be made. Scholars are expecred to provide themselves with what furniture they will need in their rooms, also, with lighti, lucí, ind washing - none will hereafter board them Bélves. Bills to bescLein advance. The school is open to all applicants of suitnble age and moral character-irrespective of completion or condition. The summer session will commence Wednes day the fi st day of June and continue one term and a half. It is very desirable that all who design to ottend the school: should be on the ground - have üheir bilU settled, and their rooms preparcd, beiore the fust day of the Term. Any uriherinforination can be obtain-rd at the Insamtiun, or by addressing. post paid. J. S. Dixon, Pirncipal. Raisin, Lenawee Co AÍich. Raisin, M y líJth. lb'42. ■ n5- 2m NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. JUST received and receiving at the New York Cheap Store, purchased it the present low pnces in icw York, wlnch will etiable hint to sell lower than ever before offered in this place, a large lot of French, English and American GUOÜS. consisting of Dry Goods, Crockery Books and Stationary, Boots and Shoes, Looking Glasses. Als, a la'ge lot of Yankee Notions. wholesalc and retail D. D. WATERiMAN. Ann Arbor, May 11, 1842. 8w CJiRMHJYG. THE Subscribers are prepared to i-ard Wool lorcu8tomers; having rate machines.anil having employed an experienced workman, thuy ieel confident of giving good batis.'action to al who will favor them wah their custom. Their nianufactory is two and a half miles west of Anri Arbor on the Huron. S. W.FOSTER. feCo. Spo, Moyllth. ie4S.FASHIONABLE lints, 4 aps & BSobjim Is A GOOD nsscmment at the New York Cheap Store by D. D. WATERMAN. AnnArbor. Miv 16:h. 18 42. 4tf TO PÜYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. THE snbscriber invites the nttentiorj of Phy 'icians imd Cmintn Mfrciianis, to iiresent stock of Prugp, Medicine, PainU, )ils?, Dye Stuffs, Vnrnish, Brushes, &tc. Sic. nmprib-ing rne of the larest and ïullest assortnents br.wght 'o the country. I his pres-ent tock wiJI be f'ound: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior Ffeiich and F.nlish, 20 oz. Sulph. Morphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 z. Carpenier's WitherilPa Extract of Bark, 1 bbl. Powflered Rhubarb, 1 Chest Rhubarb Root, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 Ibs. Calóme), 3 ca.sks Epsom Salts, 15 cnsks Fall and Winter etrained Sperm Oil, 40 boxes Sperm Cnndles, 2000 .bs. White Lad, dry and grmind, 4 casks Linseed üi!, Dèntfati Instruments and Stock Gold, Silver and Tin Foil Platina f Vu re, Pocelain Te.eth. A general a-sortmem of Patent. Medicinen, all nf which will be sold on the inost reasonable erais. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefferson Avenue, sign of the Güt VTnrch 13. Mortar, Detroit. iwGööbsT" JH. LUiND ia now receiving direct from Bosion nnd New York, a lnrge and wel) deeted stock ot Merchnnclizé. consisting al' STAPLE ANÜ FANCY DRY GOODS, GROCERIES. CHOOKERY, ? GLASSWARE. DRUGS Sf MEDICINES, NAILS, CRADLEAND GRASS SCYTHES, EOOTS AND SHOKS? VC' SrC vliich hc offers tor sale chcap for ihe rcarty. DjUed, Ann ArLor. May 9. 1842. E3ÏATK OF JACOB LAWTON DEC12ASED. - Noiice is hereby given. that ut undersigned have proved tlie laat will nnci estamen: ol Jacob Lnwton, decensed, and have aken letters Testameniary ihereon. nnd have yiven bonds according to law. All persons irieblèd to said estáte are requested to tnake pnyent without delay. and all persons having claims ïgainst said esta e are requestd to present tlie same to the subsenbers, well authenticated, for payment. GEOR3E E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lnvrton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1842. ' 3m A BARGAIN FOK LAND HOLDKRS TfJE subscriber is desirous of exchanging tor good Wild Land, well located. hi propery, sitúate in the vdlageot' Walled Oaklanc Couniy. Michigan, (a pleasnnt nnd hcalthy l.ication) consisting of a Steam Saw Mii.l, which hos probably done as good business as any in the State, a dwelling house, a store and four vacan lots. &c. T. DEUEL. "WnlVfl I,nke. April W, io-to ,rJMO TGAGE SaLU. DKFAULT having been made in the conditi'-n of a Mortgage executed by Rufus CroFernan and Lncy hip wife,to the undersiged, January tifteenth, eigrhteen hundred nnd fhirty eight, and recordVd in the Rpgistpr's Office, in the county of Wasienaw, in Líber riumber sevon, pasre thrpp h nnd red nnd on, of the equal undivided half of the "Sein mili propprty," meludutg the water-power, Mills, and about twenty-five acres of Land, aHjoining the vilhige ol Scio, in flid cnunty, and lying on both side of thp River Htiron, tuppther with thf rights of flowing Inndp covered by the mili pond, (fora more particular description of ihe premises, relerence is made to the record of mortgage,) nnd no proceedingH at luw having been instittited to collect the instalment which became dre on the sixtepnth day of November, in the year uf onr Lord, eihtceu hundred and foriyone, oranv part thereof. JYoir.e isheteby giwn.thnt said mortgoge wil] be forpclospd by a t-nle of the mortgüged prem we (irsonie pnrt of them) at public venduc at the Cotiri. house in Ann Aibr. in said county, on thp twpnty-fifih day of April npxt, al noon. SAMUEL W. FOSTER, Mortgagee. Scio, Jannary 24, 1842. lSw 40 Tht' aboye sale is postponed until the eventppmh day of May in?ant, at the snmptime and place. SAMUEL W. KOSTER, Mvrtpagpe.


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