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THE Subscriber propo3es to publish a periodical wiih ilie nbovc tille, devoied to th nvestigaiicm of Human Phvïioi.ooy, Phrknoi o y. Physiognosiy, Pathognomy, and Astuonomi;al, and HtHttAN M (.m t.s i. i laving made these tabjeets nmtteis of scrious nnd patiënt investigaion for some time past. and considerina the in3reusingattenlion wliich haslately been givcn to . them by the learned, both in this country and in Eurppe, it is believed that such a periodical ia salled for. and that it will meet with liberal ]- uotiragethent froni the lovers of science, in this and other countries. One object of tliis w'ork will be to excita ond Bnccurage a spirit of inqniry, and to assist in 3uch investigations as mny tend to scttlc the lowing, ainong olher similar quesüons. . Thnt cvery living beiilg possesses ft Magnctcnl Nature, wliich is governed by laws peculiar to yiagnetical forecs. 2. That the two Mnjrnctic forcesare the means of sensation, and also, of voluntary and involun tary tnotion. 3. Tliat evcry Mental nnd T'hysical orgnn, and every niuscle, has its corresponding Magnetic poles. 4 That the Magnetic forces froni the different orguns terminale in the face and neck, and by means of them the various expressions of Fear. Hope. Love. Anrer, etc, are expressed in the countenance. nnd tho muscles and liinbsnre made 'o obey the human will. tbus laying tho only true &. ' rational foundation for the science of Pliysiojrnomy. afid showirrg how it is, thnt the pnssions and teelings are expressed in the foatures of the face. 5. That these organs and their consecutivo poles may be excitec!, separntcly, and their aetion modiiied as the condition of the patiënt may require. 6. That the Phrenclogical organs are not only located in groups, corresponding with the nature of their aetion, but most, if not all of them exist in doublé pairs, and, one or more in triple or quadruple pairs! For instance., there are two pairs of Individoality, one taking cognizance of things and the other of persons: - two of Eventuality, one pair taking cognizance of recent and the other of ancient cvent?; two of Companson, onfe pair for ideas, and the other for things; two of Benevolcncc, one forgiving, and the other for pity: two of Vcneration. one for the Deity, and the other for man; two of Finnness, one rolating to conscientiousness, and the other for perseverance, etc., two of Self Estcem, one for the Human Wilt. and sclf-goverr.mcnt, and the other for the government of o:hers - two pairs for Fear, two for Music, two for Place; and so of the organs ofConscientiousness. Belief, Amativoness. Love of Approbation, Secretiveness. Acquisitiveness, etc. etc. AndI believé there are, at least, three pairs for language, one for mere words, connected by the Magnetic coles with Marvelousness, and gjving a person the disposition to talk; one for proper names; and the other connected by the Magnetic poles with Ideality, and Weight, for the conrnui ication of ideas and intelligence, and giving weight and expression to the sentences. I ain fully satisfied of the existence and location of the following organs, among others: viz: Joy, Gratitude, Patriotism, Jealousy. Modesty. Aversión, Discontentment, Sniell, Taste. Pity. lleffularily. Chcerfulness. Weeping. Conientment! Method, Retribution, Wit, as distifigüiehed from Mirthfulness; Melody as distinguished fromïlarmony. etc. etc. 7. That the Magnetic forces, from the different organs, have a peculiar connection with each other, by means of which tliey influence and excite each other to unitcd aetion. 8 That the poles in the face are loeated in rorresponce with the different groups of Phrenological organs 9. That the iunctions of some of the organs ire in opposition to each other. As, for instance. one organ is for Joy, another foi Sadness; one for Love, another for Aversión; one for Self-Government, another for Submission; one for Forgiveness, another for Retribution; one for Patience. another for Coniplainiiigf; one for Courage, another forphysical Fear; onefur Confidence in man. another for suspicion or Jealousy. This 'iscovery gives the true solution of various shades n the characters of different individuals vvh'ch ïavc never been explained. eithcr by Phrenoloarists or in nny system of Mental science. beretofore offercd to the world. And mysteries of a similar kind are further explained by other orsans which I have found, in connection with the above. making the number upwards of one hundred in all, besides the poles of the nerves of motion nnd sensation, ;.nd the poles of the different muscles, and physical organs. 10 And tis a remarkable fact. that one pair of the orarans, (the Intellectunl and Devoional ones, especially,) are more olcvr.ted and refined in their exercises thnn the others. Thus. I find. that the lower orcans of Comparison take cognizance of things, the noper ones compare ideas: the lowcr organs of Causalty are exercised on things, the upper on Metaphysicnl subjects. etc. The subscriber has been engao-ed for some time. in a course of magnetic cerebral experiments, the results of which go very f;ir, as he believes. towards demonstratin? these 'assumptions. and if thcy should prove to bo true, nll must admit that they are immenscly important, as much so as any rliscoveries ever made illustrating the Physical or Mental natures of man. The matter will be illustrated with numerous enernvings. some of which are now rendv for use. the whole rendering the work one of su'passin? interest, and every wny worthy of patronage from the curious and scientific, who wish to understand the mysteries of hnman nature. Theplates will be of special interes, inasmuch as they will not only explain many masmeiic phononena hithertoo unknown. or not understood hut one or more, will be given desigjiafins thpse f entures in the, hinnan far.c. trhere the mazvetic rmirscs termínate from the diffnrent. physical and menial organs. a thing never before known; and thus will be seen. the only true cxplanation of Phys'ogvnmy ever riven to tho world. In a word. the work shall be filled with new and valunMo matter, on every question rnla'ing to the Physical, Mental, and Magnetic Natures of Man; cxplaming the phenomenn of Sleepwaking. Snmnawbulism, Monotn'inia. Insanit'j,, Drcaming and Fanuticism, tho whole designed to exhibit the claims of these subjects on the attention of the candid. and to assist them in ascertaining how fnr magnotisin has been, or may be used, as a medicinal agent. In furnishing articles for its pasres. the subscriber expects the assistanco of medical and scientific gentlemen, of the highest rospectability in their professionThe Magnet will be published once amonth; each number containg twenty-foursuper-royalSvo. pages, with a printed cover. Terms, $2,00 per year, invariably in advance. ft will, n no case, be forwarded tillthe pay forit has been reccived. The first nunibpr will "bc is. sned as soon as five hundred subscribers shall have been obtained. [CJ'Any person proenring subscribers, will be allowed to retain the pay for the fourth, provided the balance bc forwarded to the publisher, free of expense. % Every editor who shall give this Prospectus (ineïudirig this paragraph) six insertions. shall receive the Masnet, without an exchange, for one year, provided the papers oontaining this notice be forwardnd. mnrked. to "The Magnet, 138 Fulton sircet, New York City." LA ROY SUNDERLAND.


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