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TEMPKRANCE HOTEL, BY POBERT& TERHUNE. (CORNER OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES . DETROIT.) rjlHE above House is pleasantly situated nea -L the Central Railroad Depot, and is nowun dergoing thoroueh repnirs. The rooms are plens nnf, th. ds and Bedding nll new. and the Tnbl will be supplied with the choicest of the market and the proprietors assure those who wil! favo them wiih their ousfom. that a'l pnins shall be ta ken to make their stay with them agreeable. Fakk. vtrybw. and accommodation erood. - Carriaees to convey paesengers to and from the Hotel free of rx pense. Detroit, April 27. 1842. Wool Cardin? and Eloth Dressing1. TWE Snbscribers respect! ully announce to the ci'izens Ann Arhor and vicinity. that they are preponed to cnrd wool and dress cloth fo customers. in the best style. and at the shortest notice. Havine gnod mnchinery. experienced workmen, and lone pmetice in the ousinnss. they have the utmost confidence that they shall give complete satisfaciion. J. BF.CKLEY & CO. Ann Arbor. April. 95. 14-2. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE - Pur-unnt to an order ot the Hon. Geo. Sedgwick, Judge of Probate, in and for the county of Washtenaw, brarina date the iO:h day of March. A. D. IR 12. nuthorisina thesnle of a part of tne reu] cstatc of .John Enman decensed, I shall sell at public auotion at the Court House, (or where the Inst oirrui wns held) in the village of' H well. and county of Livingston, on the 6th day ol June. A. D. '842. at one o'clock. P. M . the following described Innd, to wit, the west half of the southesr quarter of saction thirty-six in township tluee north of rans four enst, contnininer eiirhty acres DANIRL COOK. Administrator. HqwpII. April 19th. IR 1g. 3_v P')RK AND WHEAT wanted ly F. Dkni son. for which goods or money will be paid at fair rafes. Ann A:bjr, Ap il 22, 1842. tf " CASH FOR WHEAT. FDENISON will pay cash lor Wheat on dehvery at nis store. Aun Arbor, April 27, 1842.


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