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New Complaints

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-The Xenia (Olrio) FreePress, a Whig Home League paper, has two complaints ngainst the Liberty Party, that are new, and qnite significant; The first is that we represent the Whigs, as a party, as being as servile as the Demócrata, h says: "The injustice of representing 'the two old political parlics' as eyuaily subservievt to slavery, is so palpable that no unprejudiced inind can fail to see it." Tho second is expressed in the following vords: "Common sense, then, wouhl tcach the Whigs o seck an alliance witk the opponents of s laren. And so Vicy do, hut the libcrt.ij jmrly (so 'calleaj ürnkd the almance. Thcy had rather play Ho the hands of the hands of the pro-slavery party." ICFThe Tennessee Correspondence on the first page will be found interestingj as usual. The man-catchers are getting shy of coming to the North! ITThe Advertiser snys: "Wc are not insensible, we trust, to the eminent services of Henry Clay, but we have not concurred in the overzoalous and premature eflbrts of his friends at the East. It is duo to Mr. Clay that he should no'. be run, unless he cm be elec'.ed; arid that cannot yet be known."ÏÏTAt the meeting of the American A. S. Society in New York, about 200 dclegates were present, arid thcy pledged .f 10,000 for the next year. ETC. T. Torrey writes that every prominent Whig and Democrat in Mr. Giddiug's district, was applied to to run against him, but in vain. At lerigth 12 men out of 83 towns in the district nominated a young man named E dwards, and he received the votes of the rabblcment of both parties. tEFMr. AJams' last speech on Mexico and Texae bas been prinicd in Boston in .rayt form, and several thousand copies have been spoken for by members of Congress. That speech, and Giddings rcsolutions have ncarly broken down the war party. CFThe National Hotel, Detioit, has become a strict Tcmperance House, all intoxicating liquors having been banished the premises. The friends of teniperance who visit Detroit will therefore bear this in inind, and patronize this establishment, which is ncwly furnished, and is conven - iently situated for business. ít has long been known as one of the best houses in the city.CTThe N. Y. Courier says: "The average expense of travelling one hundred milea in oui country is less tlian five dollars: yet cvery member of Congrcss promptly and chccrfully votes to pay hïmself Forty Dollars for every hundred miles travelledl" Indiana. - Nominating Liberty Conventions have been held in Wayne, Henry, and Grant counties. The Abolitionists of indiana, like those of Michigan, appear to be ncarly unanimously on the riecessity ofpolitical acüon.


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