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In (he Señale, May ISth, Mr. Berrien reportcd thc bilí for apportioninsf the number of members of Congress, amended. Every 50,000 persons are to send one member. Where there is a fraction of 25,001 persons in any state, an additional member is to be sent for them. There is to be no elections by states, but each statc is to be divided into districts, und each distaict is to elect its ovvn Representativo. The Senate's plan gives S19 as the number of members in congress, an increase of 77. In the House. In a debato on the navy appropriation bil!, it appcared that the army and navy this year will cost $14,000,000. Mr. Triplett ridiculed the modo o f ptinishment applied to naval and military officers; it was to suspend them from duty and continue their salarie?. Mr. Merriweather showed that %200,000 a ycar are paid as salaries to nai'al ofiicers who nevcr go to sea at all. It was shown dnring tho debate, that there had been a nett increase of 214 officers, and 32 warrant officers in tho navy departraent from June I, 1841, to June 1, 1842, and vet :here were 250 officers waiting orders. The ïavy fever is somewhat subsiding. The amenunent iu the House, reduciug the oppropriutiou? from $3,18C,$S35,000 waa carried 7L to 53. ' In a debate on the Presidenta message tnnouncing the close of the Florida war, Mr. Levy, the delégate from Florida, denied thé corrcctness of the Prcsident's statements, and insisted that there werc láO warriors yet remaming in the swamps. The Colonization ficheme, of getting from the government $5.000 for commercial agenta on the coast uf África, was defeated in the Senate by a unanimous vote, except one Wheh it carne back lo the House, they voted unanimously to recede from thegrant. The society is said to be in a desperate condition. There can be no hope of getting any thing dircctly from Cohgress. President Tyler declared in 1838, that to appeal to congress for aid was to appeal tó á body having no power to grarit it. Messrs. Wise and Stanley, by the help of their friends, have eettled their qiiarrel. But ■vvo other members from the west have had a faüing out, and each is determined the world shall know how despicable his antagonist is. It will appreciate both rightly. The Times says: More Blaclce-uardism. Arnold of Tmnno.fiee, and Wellerof Ohio, are followincr in the footsteps of Wise and Stanley. They had a dispute intho House of Representativos on Saturday week, whicb drëw from Mr. Arnold a card in the newspap-re,wherpiíi he calis Mr. WelJer a base and cowardly skunk from 2 4 i,rhiS brouííht fort'' a rèjoinder from Mr. Weiier, who, in alluding to Mr. Arnold, says the "goat from Tennessue is a swafffforin? bully, a low, vuljjar backguard, destitute of all honorable principies"- that he is excluded from the society of gentlemen, and can excite no feelings hut those of pity and contempt." In the Senate, May 14, the motion of Cav e Johnson of Tennessee, to cut tho aririy dowa to GOOO was discussed. May 25, the Senate voted 23 to 22, to arnend the apportionment bilí, so as to allow one member for each majority fraction. The ratio adopted in the House of 50, 179 was stricken out Whether the District systcm will be adopted is quite uncertain. Also much predilection is displayed for"a larger ratio.


Signal of Liberty
Old News