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ine mwouryport Herald. of a late date eays: We perceive by paragraphs in the English West India papers, tkat s.aves froni the other West India Islands are constan tly esenping to the En-rlish Islands. and that sucli a thing as their beiirr surrendered ís not thought of The Dornimcan Colonis t eays: "No less tlian 27 fugitivo slavcs have arrived in one week from no doubt to the great chagrin of our neighbors." The Jamaica Royal Gazette, eays: "We are informed in a private correspondence. that in the inonthof April and May las!, there run awav from the three Danish Tslands fo Tórtola, more thun one hundred Danish slaves. That is the best way to put nnend to the einancipation question." - American Citizen. A meeting has bcpn held in Morganlown, Va., nnd resolutions adopted to resist all collections of debts by the officers of' the law. An agreement was also entered info to resist any man who woulcf attend a sale of executed I property for the purposo of bidding for it.


Signal of Liberty
Old News