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Last year the vote for Liberty in this Stat? was smaller than it othervvise would have been owing to a variety of adverse circumstanccs, against many óf which we can guard by lim ?- ly precantion. One of these was the delay in making nominations for. members oftlie Legishiture. and for county officers. There are many reasons why the Liberty candidates shoulri not only be jirsl in the field, büt be tliere early. Our prganization is but littlc kriown t a part of the population, and an early nomination of candidates will tend to brin? our principien more fnlly into notice; and our principies, cannot lose by discussion. Every Connty and Senatorial Convention should be held at least as soon as the fi rst of September. Whether members of Connfress wil! be chosen by Districts, or by general ticke!, will probably be knovvn in a few days: and Congressional candidates should bc n omina ted in .iccordance vtith the plan thai may be adopteri, as soon thereafter as convenient. The prominent frionds of our cause in different parts of the State must lect re on the subject according to their opportumties for do - ing good. But as every liberty man wishes to do somethiiig. and all cannot lecture in public, we will propose to them a way of doi ng good equally efficacious. At the several countymeetings. Jet every voter pay over one or two ebillings, nnd more according to his abiiity, and he shall receive therefor the Signa! of Liberty, in any quantities, at ihe rnte of $1 50 per hnfjdrod. By distributing these, he can help tis, convert his neighbors. benefit the slave, Jncrease the circnJationof fho paper, and have the pleasure of doing sometían!; himself. Who vi not do it? Let it be adopted in evevery county meeting, and we prnphesy astonishing resiilts from it. Suppose there are two thousand wnrlrngabolitionists in the State and each 6hould buy only ten copies of the paper, at an expense of fifteen cents each man, twenty thousand papers might tlius be put in circnlation where Uiey would be most effectual, at a time when they were mostneeded, and at an expense which would be burdensome to none. Mnch depends on tho energy and nctivity of the county committees. Every thing is now favorable foro rapid advnncement of our cause in this State, and we have nothing to fear except from sluggishness and inaction.- No great result can bo ace omplished wiïhour. correspondinsr efforts, and energy and perseverance, when applied to any object thdt man can altnin, are always invincible. Will our friend3 -think of these things and act upon them?


Signal of Liberty
Old News