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The Home Leaguers And Florida

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The Detroit Advertiser, of late, has represented that the Home Leagners were sure, or almost sure of carryingr the State at the next eleetion. As all the mpmbers of the House of Representativos in Conoress would, in tint case, be from that party, we inquired whether they would be opposed to the aclmission of Florida in o the Jnion, as hat question must soon be decided, and is one in which the abnlitionists of the State feel some interest. The Adverteer nnswers as fnllows: Well, we c.-innot nnswer categórica!! v, ave or no; becau'se we do not know. It so happens that we havenever heard half a dozen or home leagfiiers expross nny opinión upnn the subject. The matter has not boon agitáted for twentv yrars, and prolmbly, few have ever tronbled thomselvps mncli abont if. When its meriís sha]] hnve bnn faitlv dnveloped, includinor theevilsof slavery and the balance of power on the one hand, and the terms of the Florida tieaty. the Torce of the Missouri compromiso, a d'thp peace and safety of tho adjacent states on the other, they wili doublless act as becomes northern freemen. And now, we have to ask the Signa] of Libern whether irs party and its representatives wil), eteadily nnd openly," support a protectiye tariff ? And you, Mr". Free Pres, f'wil) you, as a party and those who represent you in Conorress, steadily and openly oppose the21stofthe House of Represen tives, which excludes the petitions of American citizens? - Aye or no?W ïth all dtie respect to the Arlvertiser, we must say this is a real dougk face answer. The matter is' oflittle consequence, not woith tróiibling ourselves about, its mer its are unknown, and the force of the Missouri cumpromise is to be consulted! "The evils of slavery and the balance of power" are worthy of a little regard to be sure, but if the peace and safety of the adjacem States" ehould be thought by the slave breeders to interfere, the perpetuation of slavery in Florida, and the reign of the Slave Powkr for a few generations longer, could very e 11 be borne! When the Home League candidates for Congress shall be put in nomination, let tiiis be reine mbered. A few days since the Advertiscr rcg.ettcd that congresiá hod not exercised its plenaryDuivers over the territory by abonshing slavery while the population amounted to only a few thousands - it nffirmed that no reasnnable man can doubt bnt the interests of Florida would have been promoted - that free labor h tho great sprini' of public prosperity - but that lbo question of the admission as a si ave State "will probably excite disputes, dangerovs to the peace and hannony of the Union.'' Now, if the question of admission is coming' up iinmediately, os the Advertiser declares, and. in vol vea "the peace and harrnony of the Union," and on!y half a dozen whigs or home leagfiiers have yet thought any thing about it, it miwht be well for tliem to pausóme attention to a subject vvliich so vitally concerns the Union, or they will be poorly qualified, when the emerffency shall arrive, to "aci asbecomes nortliern freomen." In reference to the inquiry whether the liberty party will support a protec ive tariff, we can answer, that we do not know, that it is considered a subordínate subject - that opinions vary unoo it - that it has not been atritatrd much until of late - and that few of the ubolitionists probably have recaní ly iroubled themselvea much about it. Wlien its merits símil have been fairly developcd, including its advantagps to the tnnnufacturers,ann the state of onr relations with foreio-n nations on the one hand, and the inevitable evils of havingr i Home League. Slave Bkeeder tbr President, und an administration whose t-ervility to slave holding measures will increase with the demands upon it, they will doubtless act as becomes Northern freemen, and the friends of universal liberty.ÖLJ Loavitt says of the war spirit, lately so roaring and rnmpant in Congress: "Never was üiere so great a change in the temper of a public body." QjT'Samüel E. Sbwael, of Roxbury, Mass., hns accepfeda nominution of the Liberty party, for Governor of that State. William Jackson, of Newton, is the candidute for Lieutenant Governor. Mr. Sewall has been knöwn as a str-ijght-oul abolitionist for ten years. O'Read the correspondence of the Boston Courier on the first page. The Courier is not an abolition paper! {tJAnti-slavery meetings 'are being held in all part3 of the country with the most encouraging prospects. The N. E. Congregafional Convention met at Boston, May 25, md afier some discussion adjourned to re-asspmble at the cali of a committee. The Massachusetts Abhlitioo Society held ts annual meeting, at Boston, May 24. One thousand dollars were raised at the meeting för the next year. The Emancipator now has 5200 paying subscribers. nnd supports itself. The Massachusetts Pemalu Emancipation Society raisp.d last year about $1,800, which were expended for Anti-slavery purposes. The Randolph County, (Indiana) Liberty lominnting ennventin is to be held at Win-hester, June 13. Tho Indiana. State We?leyan A. S. Sncie:y met, May 26', al Centerville. TIir Western Reserve Liberty Convenfion ■net Mnv 17. They a'ljourne.l to meet at; Pninesville, Jnne 1: at Rn.venna, Juno 8; at refórson, Jnne 15.A Connty anti-slaver mppf injr is tn be held af Hamilon, Mndion connty, Now York, Julv 4. At Snrinorvillf!. Ene co., June 8th and 9th. At Casfile. VVvominar co., Junp 15th and 16fh. At East Bloomfield, Ontario co., 22d nnd 23rt. At Port Byron, ty. Tune 2!)th and 30fh. The Caznovin AbpHtionÍ9t8ays that thore wil] bfi fhe larjrpst Conveiitinn held in that. villnjrr pV"r held world. on the 6th an-1 7th nf Jnlv. Ten mefngrs are notified t.o bo hold in the neirrhhorinof toVng nrevions to thnt time. Tn Mainc. the Tinroln connfy A. S. Socieoietvmeet June ñth and 9fh. Tn Oxford Connly thev meet t.o nominnte Senators and Renreentatives, June 29. fTJTt is exneotpd Mr. Vnn Bnren will it Detroit, on hi? way east. He is now in ; Ohio. Tn .Taolfpoi). there is tobe nn anti-slnverv eelebra'ion of the anniversnrv of fndenendenr-e, in connefítion wjth Temnerancr, Common Schools, &c. This is 'iírht. Cannot liberty meetin? be held on that day in mnny places in the State?


Signal of Liberty
Old News