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In Senate, May 30, Mr. Benton presented a memorial from Vormont, for the rcpeal of the Banknipt Law, and annonnced bis infen tion to bring h a bilí for that objecc. He has exumined the law, and was convinced it was unconstiUitiona] and void. The debate on the Apporlionment Bill was resnmed wiüi great spirit, and the ratio was finally fixed al 70,680 by a vote of 23 to 18. Tbis will give 217 members of the House, being 25 less than the present number. May SI, a communication from S. L. Soütfaard, President of the Senate pro tem, was received, resigning that office on account of indisposition. The Senate proceeded to elect another President pro tem, and at the second ballot W. P. Mangum, whig, of North Carolina, received 23 out of 45 votes and was declared elected. His principal competitor was Mr. Bayard. of Delaware, also a whig. At the first ballot, Mr. King, of Alabama, slaveholdfcr, received 14 votes. King is a Democrat. Thus all the candidatep, as a matter of course, wcre from the slave States! This is according to the custom of the country. The Apportionment BUI waE discuescd byMr. Allen, who contended the District system ought to bestricken out. In the House, a petition was presented from Illinois, for the reduction of the per diem of Congrcss to #0; to limit the ses3ions each year to March 4, and for the re-establishmeirt of the One Hour Rule. Mr. Masón of Maryland, moved its reference to a select cotnmittee; which motion was quickly laid on the table! The members undoubtedly thought they already knew how long it was best totalk, or hold their session, and how much was a proper compensation for their services. June 2, the House was occupied with the the District afTairs. A bilí has been read twice to prohibit the sale of lottery tickets.- A debate aróse on a bilí to regúlate suffrage n Alexandrin, which provided that whte males over 21 years or' age might vote. Mr. Adams moved to strike out the word "whits." The bill was laid on the table.


Signal of Liberty
Old News