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Dr. Cartwright's Letters

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-The lostAbülitionist contnins the ninth of this series, in which the Doctor lays down the position, that, "the Ethiopian has an instinct attaching him to his mas'er- identifying him as veritable Canaan." He conlends the negrots are descendant of Canaan, which word sijfnifies self-sulmissivelcnee-lender, and that the instinct of attachment to their masters is so stronor, that they wijl not leave them, when they have opportunity. In pmof of the strength of this instinct, he cites the case of ie man} thousands who work in the ilelds ontendedly, from one generation to another, n the very line of the free States. Ho says "there are 19,000 sla ves in fhe counties of Maryland, adjoining the Pennsylvania line, who continue to obey their masters, and ad liere to their service with neaHy the same fidelity as an equal number in South Carolina." Perhaps it never entered the Doctor's mind,mui uitsfctj siaves were Jiatie to be caugftt in Pennsylvania, and brought back to eervitude, which would afterwards be more rigorous. Nor has he counted the great numbers who have left service and gone to Canada and elsewhere. Now we will join issue with the Doctor, nnd agree as follows: thatif themasters will give the slave3 an immediate, bonafide, unconditional omancipition, wilh an op)orlunity to work for adtquate wages, without unreasonable restrictions - should the instinct of Canaan be so strong as voluntarily o re-enslave himself, we wil] entirely disconinue our discourses abont the sin of slavelolding. Let "the instinct of Canaan" have fair pk}', and if it does notlead him to choose freedom, we ehall conclude his case is truly y hopeless. The Doctor goes on to show how secure gainst insurrection the South is, and ahvays )as been. Du ring the last war he says'The Parish of Concordia, opposite Natchz, contained mora slavea thnn white persons, nd most of the latier vere absont n the army. Canaan's instinct, attaching him to iiis master and to tnaster's family, now becntne pparent, as he continued to fulfil the Scripure. byaoiing Fubmissively and rocked the eradles of his infarit maf?ters, then in his power, at the vory time that his adult rnasters had grone to meet the imn ense army of British regulare, in all probabiliiy never to return, as nothing shrt of a miracle seerned likely to ave them from utter drsiruction." I'ow do these representations correspond vith the recent declaration of a slaveholder in Coiiffress, that a million of slaves are ready o strike for freedom at the first tap of the drum! How do they cor:si:,t with tho recommendation of Secretary Upshur to buik' a nay half as fotge as that of Great Britain, simply to hrotect our peculiar institutions!KPA'writer n the Oswego Whig says. %ery ruly, 'Daniel Webster nnd John C. Calhor.n can ike cabinet counsel together, but the constitunts of such Whigs as Adams and Wise, as Gidding8 ïnd Botts. can never again drink hard eider f rom the sane can, nor join a tuneful symphony in making the land vocal with the same log-cabin melody."


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