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Foreign News: Arrival Of The Britannia

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She sailcd on theafternoo of the 4th and made her passg'j in the short spaoe of 14 dnys. Lord Abcrdeen has, we are informcd, expressed an opinión that tlie international obligations of Englnnd will coinpel him to recognize tho blockade ofthecoast of Mexico by Texa,should it be cflectivt!. The IncomeTnx Bill and the Tariff have nearly passed the House of Commons, and will speedily be taken through the House of Lords and receive the royal assent. Tile ulterations,that have been made in the customs duties. as originally proposed during their progress through thelowcr house, are very trival. Frunce. - The Minister of cominerce has confirmed the anouncement. that he will augmentthe duty on English linen threads, and English iinon cloths. This seems to give satisiaciion to the ami-English journals. Infamous Attempt to Shoot the Queen. - About sixo'cloek on the 3!)th uit her Mojesty and Prince Albert, after taking their usual afternoon airing in Hyde Parke, were returning down Constitution-hillf in a poney carriage drawn by four greys, and attendcd by outriders, when a young man, who was standing close to the palings. tlrew a pistol from his breast. and, presenting it at her Majesly, pulled the trigger, but providentially no injury was done to the QucenThere were not many persons in the inmediato neighborhood. and the rulliin thrust the pistol into his breast, and attempted to escape. IJc was instantly seizcd. and in a few minutes a large crowd of persons hurried to the spot; he was surrounded. and it was with the utmost diiliculty that the policeman and one of the guards, who were aniqng the first to lay hold of him, coüld save htm from the the fury of tho populace. Mean time the Qaeen ond Prince Albert procceded to Buckingham Palace, and prisoner, who Xvas than taken in charge by two of the A división of pólice, wascohveyed to the station-house in Gardiner'8 Lane, Westminster, folloWed by a vast crowd óf persons. It was stated that the prisoner, who is a young man and rat her respectbly attired, is a cabinet-maker, residingin High etreet, Marylebon, and that a woman with whotn he was observed in conversation a short time preVioii8 on constitution Hill, was also taken into c ustodjr We undetstand that at the station-house t was ascertained that the pistol was loaded with ball. ■and on his being strictly searched some papers were found on his person, the contents of which were not suffered to transpire. At a quarter to seven o'clock the prisoner was conveyed from the station-house by way to the Home. office, gunrded by a strong body oF pólice; and an examination, which was strictly private, there taok place in :he presence of several of the Ministers, the chief commissioner of pólice, and other olHcial personages. His inanner while being eonveyed to the station-house waö extiemely calm and collectcd, and he appeared but little moved by the exertions of the mob. We learn that the prisoner, upon being interrogated, refused to givc eithcr his name or residence, or to make any admission on the subject of the charge. The prisoner appcars not to be more than 20 years of age. rather slim made, about 5 feet (5J inches high, dnrk complexion, long visage, and was dressed n a black frock coat and waistcoat, and drab trowsers, and presenting altogother rather a respectable appcarance. - London Paper. From the London Morning Post. India and Clin'i. - The India mail, which arri ved at Marseilles on Wednesdny night, brihgs we lament to say, an account of the fall of Ghuz. nee. The place capitulated and strrendered on condition that the garrison be conducted safely at Cabul. On the other hand, Cot Pollock had forced the Kyber pass, and taken possession of the forts commanding it, and would no doubt to the relief of Jel'.alabad. Gen. Sale in a sortie from that place, overthrew the insurgents. A rumor prevailed that Akhbar Khan had been badly wounded. General Knott had gairied some advantage on the ide of Kandahar.bu: General Engíand luid not yet joined him. It is reported that Sha Shoojah had been poisoned. "There is no news from China." Thesubscriptions in London, Paris, and indeed all over Europe, in behalf of the sulVerers by the great fire at Hamburg, have been on a most liberal and unprecedent scale, nutwithstandmg the commercial depression which prevails so exten sive every where. Many more arrests have been made at Paris, of persons suppoaed to be implicated in the late attempts upon thcliie of King.There had been more failures among the wine merchanis at Oportoand Lisbon, and indeed ilie wine trade'was neverbefore in such a terrible depre8sed state, throughout the whole souih of Europo The British appenred to be niaking immense preparationsfor the prosecution oí" tli.e war in Cliina and India. No less than 50.000 stand ol nrrr.s had been t'orvvarded to Bonibay. by the wny oí AlexanJria and Suez. Emigratioii to Canada and the United otates was stilï going on with great activ:ty at some o!" the Biitish ports. Indeed, the rage for eniigration appears to run higlief than ever. Th ere were over eilit hundred emigrants ready tó etnbark from Greenoek alone. Charles Alben, King ofPiedinont, had revoked his decree tor the virtual expulsión of the Jews from the city of Savonia. He found the other potentmesof Europc, sinnll ;ind great, wouhl not countenance a pe ice of barbaiiiy worthy of the darkest ages. Later f, -om Buenos Aires, - An arrival at Philadelphia, btings dates from Buenos Ayres to May 31. It is siated that ihe complexión of the political news conveys the belief' that Gen. Rosne has completely succeeded in putting down his rival López. The horrible muiders which have been perpetrated on the supposed enemiea of Rosas in Buenos Ayres, had, in a groat measure, been checked; but the whole country, nevcrtheless, re maincd in a most deplorable state of anarchy, and business was almost entirely suspended.


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