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Mexican Claims. - Certifícales íssued by the United States, veriiymg claims of' Mexico, were put up at auctidri 10 the tmount oi'.lUO.OdO.- One lot sold at 6è per cent, and the sale stop ped. EFThe Editor of the Boston Daily Mail says "wc had on our table last night al tea, fresh butter, which was churned the same morning, in Berkshire County, one liundrod and fifty miles uistant!"Thiriy-four new Tem. ernnce papers have been commenced witbin a few monthspnst. nnd all abound witli thochceringand glonousconqucstsof the great Temperance Reiomialion now proressing in our world. Thejail in the city of New London. Conn. has been tenantless for somc months; and the keysare advertised to be let for scare-crows, for the farmers' cornficlds. Nacspapcrs.- Th ere are nine weekly papers publ:shed in Iowa Territory. The same number ofweckly newspapors are published in the Territory of Wisconsin. Stute Convention of Botanie Pliysicians.-Á state convention of botanie physicians, convened a the Suprenie Court room in the Capítol on Monday. Upwards of 80 delegares from all parts of the state were in attendance. - N. Y. Papzr. A Freeman's Aniwer. - A slave girl Iately escaped from her m'oster in All,iy. The mayor, being called upon to assist in capturing her promptly replied. "In the discharge of my duties as mayor. 1 recognize no obligation to bccumc a slave-catcher." AParliamentary papersayg that the average length of the voyuge from Ne-v York to Liverpool is 13 days; from Boston 16 daye: from Philadelphia 30 days; from New Orleans 40 days; from Baltimore 32 days, and from Alexandria 42 days; thí'se averages derived from a total of 5H ships in 1841. [CFIt costs as much to build and equip a single frigiite íor sea as it woukl to erect sevtnty larüe three story brick dvvelling houses. Business isso utteily prostrated, thnt stores in the principal business street, at. Mobile, whieh cosí 30,000 dollars, can be remed for the taxes. Strawbcrrics. - A man in the neighborhood of Cincinnnti bas this season raised from two acres ot ground four hundred bushcls of strawberries which he has sold at ihe average price of $2 a bushel.Ncic Ilem of Erport. - The ship Sarah, Intely sailed for Huil, England, froni Philadelphia. wilh 400 tons of fioncs. Most of them were gai'hered up n the stveeis of Phihfdelph'ia, and are intendtd to manure the already rich fields of England. Heavy L,iccnsc. - The Councils of St. Louis lixeii the licensc to be paid by Brokers, at $1000 per annnm payable semi-annually. This is alinost equivalent to a prohibition. Musicsinns and Dancers entirely distance, in this day, the mos: distinguished statesmen and I itera ti of the age; indeed the latter are insieniticunt charactcrs beside such persons ns Lietz, the piano player. and Taglioni, the dancer. Tlie city of Berlin has been in such rapturcs reeen tly with Lietz. that fifteen hundred mea escorted him out of the city, when he left it; and the iinpression made on the Emperor of Russia by Madam Taglioni, (who stands on one toe with one leg extended at right angles, and whirls round like afly on the top of a needie,) is such, that she is received asa guest at his table, and honored with the special attention of the Quecn and young Princess! On the termination of one of her cxhibitions. she was received in a ca riage with the wheclsadorned with silver spokes, and the botom of it probably jeweled and Iaid with the same meteríais! Are not princes and the world running mad? - B. Register. EPIt .appenrs the decisión of the Suprcmc Cg,urt obtained by slaveholders in reference to fugitive slaves, is working, contrary to the master's apprehension. In favor of the poor bondsman. Gcod. Cruelty and cunning oftcn overreach themselves. and seiie upon th" very means which prove their destruction. Thej' feared the jury trial of some free states and to avoid itthrew the subject into the U. S. District Court, the districts of which are so lafge and the officers so few that the slaves escapes with impunity. We see the result already in the incrensed emigration throuirht the free states. Mofe or less arrivp here every weck. We say this is good, becausc the slave power shurts the jury trial, which belongs to every man, black or white. - Marshall Stut.smun. Kliolc Ishnd. - The .papen state that Goví Dorr was at Norwich; on the borders of the State, with three or four hundred men, chiefly from New York. The militia were assembling from all qnartera to repel the invasión and martial law, or something like it, had been proclaimed in Providencc, and much alarm prevailed there. The two locomotives, and most of the freight and passenger cars on the Erie and Kalamazoo Railroad. which have run for some time between Toledo and Adrián, have been sold by the sheriff' for a debt of about $15.000. The creditors. however, intend placing them On the road again. The Legislatüre of New Hampshire have adjourned over to an extra session for the purpose of districting the State according to the new Apportionment lawA distillery was destroyed at Coldwater last week by fire; Loss to the owner, $3.000. It was probably no loss to the public. A powder house in Providence waslately broken open, and robbed of 1200 pounds oí powder - probably for the purpose o', carrying on the Rhode Island war. The Earthquake which destroyed Cape Haytien can be traced to a distauce of 1500 miles. - The shock was feit at Porto Rx, in Louisiana, in Arkansas. and at the foot of the Rocky mountains. The Britixlt Flcet employs in time of pence ;13,000 able bodied seamon, 2.100 lads. and Í3;OÜQ rnyal marines, forming in ;ill an eil'ective naVal force of 46,000 men and '2000 lads Mr. Wm. Beal. of Boston, a'pyrotechnist. has invented an expanding cannoo hall. This bat], when dischnrged Iroin a 32 nounder, will expand the instant t leaves the cannon. from three to four leet, and is capable of destroying the whole main rigging o! a ship. and would cut down tour men standing abreast in the field. This ball was examined at Washington, last week. by ihe President, Mr. Upstiur, Secretafy ol the iVavy. and several navy and niilitaiy officers, who pronounced ita very singular and iiigen ons invention. A paragraph in a foreign paper says that in Germany the seeds of the grapo ore iast coming into use as a substitute lor cpffee. Fugitire Sluccs. - Several of these were (atély arrested at Hanisburg. and disuharged for want of jurisdiction inourcourts. The Inte decisión of the supreme court oí the United States, thpught at the the time tobe favouráble to to the south. works most disadvantageously lor it. By that decisión slave holders c,u come into this or ;inv other free state, and take thoir slave, dut can 6b tain no aid from rtie civil authority. That d-cision has done too much - ijetter for the sotith ;hcy had never oblained it. The consequnce will lc the loss of all the slaves held on land bordering ')ii the free states, who in once píifes the lmc - Pitishurg Amcrirnn, O Mr. Van Bitrkn has been nominnted as the next candida te lor thn Prestdency. by the Democratie Convention of the State of MissouEnd of tliè Flórifld War at hasl. - We ic i'ived imelliiie nc(! yósterday incifningój ihe ëiid 'i thèwarin Floridain tfai si,-.; of Bve add.i■luiial munk'is. iip:ii the Ociila. Ou the 3J.j ■ ik., a party of red skins, nünibermg fiuy wi nors, mutcted the house of Mr. Robin,áon; in Jet terson county, killed his nuither and four others. and burnt his place. It is s;iid that a party of U. S. troops were stationcd witliin ten miles distance! iV. Y. Hcruü.DigTÚJuyd and Rutionai I'roceedins. - A fevir (üHerent portions oí OhicThave latuly burncd John Quincy Adnmsin efrigy. A democratie meeting, wlioso proceedings were noticed in terms of high approbation by the ühio Statesman, passed the following resoluiion: Resolved, That Nat Turner, and John Qirincy Adams-, the brightest stars of modern abolitionism, the one is dcad, and the oiher duinncd." - Emanclpator. The abolitionists have been mobhed, in Tazewcll Co. 111. A certain Rev. R. H. MoHiit. of the Methodist connection. iind certain Eldtr Chase, wore ainong the prominent ir.stigators; the one presidcd at an araíi-ubolUioñ meeting held I reviously, and the other proclaimed fiom bis pulpit, "that if abolilioaism should be treated as the 'ox that was wont to push,' lic dvL not care." was voted that the anti-slavery meeting thould bc prevénted bij violknce, if it could nototherwise be one. Thai must bea very enlightened community. We wonder if they duly prize the privilege of sitting under such an intelligent and conscientious ministry ! - Chrisiian Reflector. A wdl le'tavcd Covnty. - The Grond Jury of Soratoga County, N. Y., carne into Court after their lust meeting, and stated that they had not a c;ise of any kind befóte them. The Secretnry of the Navy has transmitted orders to the commanders of the several recruiung rendezvous, not to ship any 6ut native Ameiicans into the naval service of the United States. A Wonder- A City without a Bank.- Buffalo, one of the most important citiesin Western New York- the emporium of the Lake tradc - is a city without a bank. (TTThe militia must bc in flourishing condition in l'ennsylvania. The Secretaryof state has informed the legislature, that there will be nine thousand one bundred and thirty-seven military commissions issued the present year. Quite a pretiy littlc standing army. Luckily they draw neither pay nor rations. It would takeonc clerk sevcn and ahalf months to fill up the comniissions. making out h'fty a day. Who can bc'U ths? - George Hentig, Esq., of Murcngo, Calhoun county, to whom Michigan is greatly indebted, for introducing into our state several iniprovoil breeds of animáis, last iall imponed from England, 12 Cotswold sjiep. From one of them last montb, he obtained 14 pounds 3 oz. of wool, and the average of the fleece from all of them, was over 1 1 lbs. - the smallest 9 lbs. 3 oz. The sheep were 2 years old - one of them weighing over 200 pounds. Ciczr Ways. - The Journal of Commcrco snys that therc is not a single vesscl on the stocks in any ship yard in New York. except one small steamer. and that there are no contraéis for future building. Lard OU. - This is a new item in the domestic manufac'.ure of the west. At Cincinnati there arenowin operation three factories, which consune daily from 12 to 20 barrels of lard. The oil. it is stated in the Cincinnati Republican. has already attained a high degree of excellence and popularity, andjsnot only used extensively there but it is shipped t the east every week - thus completely changing the course of the oil trade. It is used for machinery on the Little Miama railroad, in allthe city the hospital and asylum, in several of the churches, and in numerous stort s and dwellings. It is very obvious that this new manufacture will be of the greatest im'portance lo Cincinnati and to the west generally. Governor McDonald, of Georgia, has issued a circular to the attoruey general and solicitors of the state, directing them to prosecute al) bank oflïcers who have refused to pay specie for their notes. This oflence is punishable in Georgia, by confinement in the penitentiary: and action can be maintained against the oflbnding party at any time within four ycars aftcr its commission. The U. S. Bank for Sale- Sheriff Morris, of Philadelphia, advertiseslhat the splendid building of the U. S. Bank. and the lot upon which it stands, wil! be soldat auction on the 2d of July.


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